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发布时间:2011-01-07 14:32:36 Tags:,,,,

两个月前,TapJoy公司向Broken Bulb Studios收购了跨游戏宣传横条工具AppStrip。自此,同样是跨游戏宣传横条工具的Applifier似乎减少了一个竞争对手。然而现实并非如此美好。最近,OMGPOP副总裁Eric von Coelln发现AppStrip横条工具上中居然出现了Zynga的热门社交游戏CityVille。





目前,跨游戏宣传应用领域呈现十分有趣的竞争景象。作为首款大型跨游戏宣传工具Applifier制订了业内基本的流通模式。然而其也同时面临着劲敌AppStrip以及Digital Chocolate12月发布的跨游戏宣传工具VIP Games Network。





Two months ago, Tapjoy acquired a cross-promotion bar called AppStrip from its creator, Broken Bulb Studios. Following the sale AppStrip seemed to have relatively few users compared to its main competitor, Applifier. That’s now changing. Eric von Coelln, vice president at Omgpop, recently noticed Zynga’s CityVille being promoted in the bar:

Although Zynga’s use of AppStrip is something of a surprise — the social game giant has a huge network of its own to cross-promote within — Tapjoy declined to comment on the relationship. Instead, the company told us that it has doubled both the impressions and clicks on its network since the acquisition.

AppStrip is also adding features and upgrades: the company is improving the management console and reporting, as well as working on click fraud and an optimization engine, and will continue to invest in the bar throughout this year.

The cross-promotion landscape is becoming truly interesting. While Applifier was the first large bar, and set up the exchange model now being used by others, it’s having to fight off AppStrip and, since late December, Digital Chocolate’s VIP Games Network.

It’s fairly obvious why Tapjoy is so interested in the space; besides helping developers monetize, it also wants a piece of the distribution network on every platform. On Facebook, its best way in may be through AppStrip.

Tapjoy also announced a new raise of $21 million this morning, in large part based on its strength in the mobile market; we’re covering that over on our new sister blog Inside Mobile Apps, where we also recently posted in-depth coverage of TapJoy’s transition between markets.(Source:Inside Social Games)

