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Facebook版《文明》重命名Civ World,1月12日开始内测

发布时间:2011-01-07 17:44:15 Tags:,,

早在11个月前便有传闻《文明(Civilization)》将登陆Facebook社交网站。然而原计划于2010年1月发布的Facebook版《Civilization Network》一直延迟至今仍未问世。近日据游戏邦了解,由Firaxis公司开发的《Civilization Network》现更名为《Civ World》将于1月12日开始内部试验测试。有意加入此次内测的玩家需要组成5人以上50人以下团体进行申请,并通过Facebook Connect进入测试网站。通过这一方式,更便于Civ World开发团队测试游戏的社交功能。

最近在Civ World的Facebook页面上,《文明》的策划者Sid Meier发布了一篇相关的长篇发言。据悉,目前Civ World页面的“关注我”功能已经启动,并已经拥有200多篇网友评论,因此Civ World开发团队并不担心缺乏潜在游戏玩家。在发帖中,Sid Meier还就更名问题进行了解释:

为什么更名为Civ World?这是由于新名字可以更好地反映游戏主题。在Facebook游戏Civ World中,玩家将与好友合作创建国家,并需要与其他玩家的国家竞争以实现统一世界的梦想。Civ World将再现《文明》游戏的吸引力,是一款十分有趣的Facebook游戏。

civ world alpha

civ world alpha

据Sid Meier透露,Civ World玩家只有在大量好友的协助下才能构建强大的国家,实现最终统领世界的目标。然而,在Civ World中朋友甚至于同个阵营的盟友都不是永恒的,他们可能随时背弃情义成为敌人。

另外,据游戏邦了解,Civ World中每个游戏都有自己的开始和结束,这与许多的传统Facebook大不相同。每个游戏部分将在某一玩家取得胜利的同时结束。对此,Sid Meier的解释如下:


这就相当于Civ World的成就系统,此前《文明5》也采用了类似的功能。另外,目前我们并不清楚Civ World的战斗,地图设计及虚拟商品等其他功能。未来我们将持续关注相关新闻,让我们拭目以待Facebook版的“文明”体验。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Since we last heard word of Civilization’s imminent Facebook conquest, it’s been a long and anxious 11 months. Civilization Network was originally slated for a June 2010 release, but was delayed until, well, right about now. Now named Civ World, the Firaxis-developed game will launch a closed alpha testing phase on Jan. 12. While anyone can join using Facebook Connect at this website, potential testers will need to sign up in groups of no less than five and no more than 50. (Acceptance messages will be distributed Jan. 10.) This is so the Civ World team can more easily test the game’s social features, according to a lengthy post on the Civ World Facebook page written by the mastermind behind Civilization, Sid Meier.

The ubiquitous “Add Me” thread has already begun and is over 200 comments long, so don’t worry about any potential lack of friends to play with. Meier has apparently opted for transparency going forward with Civ World, describing the reason for the name change from Civilization Network to Civ World:

Why a name change you say? The name better reflects the main theme of the game; in Civ World you will be joining your friends to form nations, which will compete with other player-nations to rule the world. Civ World’s shaping up to be a really fun Facebook game, as well as another addictive Civilization experience.

Find more details on Civ World after the break.

Civ World Alpha is live!
Another reason why Civ World, like most social games, will require you to have plenty of friends to succeed and eventually rule the world (insert maniacal laughter here) is because you will need to collaborate with friends in order to do well, according to Meier. However, friends–even those on the same team–can just as easily become enemies and forge alliances with your opponents.

Surprisingly, Civ World will play much like its source material, according to Meier, with each game having both a beginning and an end. This is far different from most traditional Facebook games, but then again this is going to be far from your run-of-the-mill city builder. Game sessions will end with the most advanced player victorious, but Meier goes on to explain what will keep players coming back for more:

Along the way, as you progress through the different eras of time, you’ll have the chance to win era victories as well. We want players to have both a final goal to work towards, as well as short-term objectives to achieve as they play. The trophies you unlock with your triumphs will carry over from game to game, and you can show them off in your throne room.

Consider this somewhat of an achievement system for Civ World, which is already featured in Civilization 5. Some features that we’re still in the dark about include combat, map design and virtual goods among a long list that surely the more dedicated Civilization fans have already compiled and sent to Firaxis in a neatly organized letter. Either that or they’ve thrown their questions with reckless abandon among the litany of “Add Me” posts. For now, we’re going to go with the latter. (

