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发布时间:2010-11-18 15:33:44 Tags:,,,

最近,社交游戏开发公司Zynga将为UCSF儿童医院建设计划贡献自己的一份力。从12月1日开始,FarmVille玩家可以在游戏中为自己的虚拟农场购买糖果棒(Candy Cane)种子。从中,Zynga公司将把100%的道具销售收入捐献给UCSF本利奥弗儿童医院。

Zynga- Candy Cane Seeds

Zynga- Candy Cane Seeds



完成这次活动任务的最终赢家将有权利为“The Link”命名,这是医院内用于学习和探索的儿童活动领域。我问如果是Zynga最终赢得了这一权利将如何命名,但他们似乎还没有决定。

如果您想为这一项目奉献自己的爱心,您可以在12月1日到15日期间登录FarmVille游戏购买糖果棒种子,或者您也可以通过Team TechCrunch进行捐款。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

The UCSF drive to build a children’s hospital just got a little help from Zynga. Starting December 1 Farmville players will be able to purchase Candy Cane seeds for their farms, and 100% of proceeds will be donated to the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. It’s an excellent cause that we are participating in an well – see details here.

This is a proven way for Zynga to raise cash for charity. They have, for example, raised $3 million for Haiti over two campaigns. And our understanding is that Zynga has ditched their occasional and controversial policy of keeping a percentage of proceeds from sale of charitable virtual goods.

We’ve also suggested to Zynga that they consider building a virtual children’s hospital as well to deal with childhood obesity, diabetes and other medical issues that may pop up from all of this candy cane growing. They didn’t seem to think that joke was funny.

The winner of the challenge will be given the right to name “The Link,” a children’s activity space for learning play and discovery in the new Hospital. I asked Zynga what they’ll name it if they win. I don’t think they’ve decided.

If you’d like to donate to this amazing project you can play Farmville and buy the seeds from December 1 to December 15. Or you can donate via Team TechCrunch, and I’m matching the first $10,000 in donations personally. (Source:TechCrunch)

