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发布时间:2010-11-18 14:32:36 Tags:,,,

近来,不少社交游戏开发商在抱怨Facebook网站越来越难以生存的同时赞叹手机平台似乎还有无限生机。但究竟有多少社交游戏开发商愿意放弃阵地,转战手机游戏市场呢否?最近,位于美国明尼苏达州的W3i公司旗下的投资发行小组Recharger Studios将帮助社交游戏开发商转战手机游戏。

recharge studiso

recharge studiso


对此,W3i公司的合作创办人Robert Weber表示,“现在的手机游戏领域就像早期的Facebook游戏,获得用户的投入相对比较低廉。因此在Facebook竞争过于激烈的现在,是社交游戏开发商转战手机游戏市场的一大良机。”

尽管Recharger资深也拥有一定的技术实力,但Weber认为对进行投资,营销和货币化游戏更有价值。现在是社交游戏开发公司转战手机市场的最佳时期,因为现在手机游戏还寥寥无几。Ngmoco开发的We Rule游戏现在的盈利收入已经是当初投入的好几倍。

其中,被Facebook网站禁用的病毒式传播渠道也仍在发展。在现在的手机游戏领域,Facebook的传统运营方式可以取得良好的效果。Weber指出,直到30天前iOS系统还没有一款旅馆经营类游戏。因此他建议各大Facebook游戏开发商或想要直接进军iOS领域的开发公司观看下AppData排行榜,发掘和开发其中还没有游戏体验——别选最受开发商追捧的Cafe World。找一款适合的热门游戏,然后从中寻找灵感开发一款iOS游戏。


It’s not uncommon to hear social game developers complain that Facebook is becoming too difficult to build on, and that mobile development looks attractive as an alternative. But will they actually move? A Minnesota company called W3i hopes to help push more social developers into mobile with a fund and publishing group Recharge Studios.

Recharge is planning to invest a minimum of $1 million for outside studios to make social games for the iOS. To sweeten the pot, Recharge only wants a share of iOS profits in return — in other words, it won’t ask for an ownership stake in the company or launches on other platforms, like Android.

“Because you can acquire consumers relatively cheaply, mobile is like the early days of Facebook gaming,” says W3i cofounder Robert Weber. “We think it’s a great opportunity for developers on Facebook, especially if they’re feeling squeezed out.”

While Recharge has the ability to do technical work, Weber sees its greatest value in funding, marketing and monetizing a game. The best opportunities lie in social games because there are currently so few that fit the bill. Ngmoco’s titles like We Rule likely made back their original development costs many times over, according to Weber.

The missing component is viral channels as strong as those on Facebook — those, Weber thinks are still developing. In the meantime, Facebook-style concepts can do quite well. “There weren’t even restaurant-themed games on the iOS until about 30 days ago,” he says. “My advice to Facebook developers or guys looking to go straight to iOS is, scan through the AppData rankings and find the places that games in a certain style haven’t been done — don’t pick Café World, because that will be on everyone’s hitlist, but find a top game and use that as inspiration to create an iOS game.”

Besides lower marketing costs and a potentially more opportunities, mobile developers may also have lower overall development costs than Facebook developers. W3i thinks it can help get 10 games published with its initial million dollars, and it open to eventually spending several times as much if the concept works.

“I think where this all plays out is, in six or 12 months, as many as 75 of the top hundred iOS games will be free to play,” Weber says. “If you look at the revenue coming out of the App Store, they’re making serious money. I look at my wife, she plays Facebook games, but now she spends more time on We Rule.” (Source:Inside Social Games)

