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发布时间:2010-09-04 11:43:51 Tags:,,




互联网信息安全监控公司Sophos建议苹果用户,无论你有没有使用Ping,最好都把iTunes UI升级到iTunes 10版本,因为新版本的iTunes具有13项原版本缺乏的网站组件修复功能。另外,还有许多信息安全监控公司警告,从电子邮件到博客或论坛评论、Facebook、Twitter到其他的Web2.0平台,垃圾信息在互联网中无孔不入。但是苹果在设计Ping的时候,显然忽视了这一点,因为Ping根本没有安装垃圾信息或URL过滤器。所以,Ping很可能在登陆不到24小时的时间内就充斥铺天盖地的垃圾邮件。

Ping是苹果植入iTunes 10的最新音乐社交工具,用户使用Ping的时候,可以通过艺术家列表顺利找到相关音乐家的曲目、朋友分享的歌曲、有关音乐家的评论等多种相关信息。因为,Facebook与苹果之间的连接问题已经顺利解决(两家公司间达成了一项协议),所以上述功能操作十分简便。但这样一来,凡是围堵过Ping的垃圾信息,也不会轻易放过Facebook、MySpace等社交网站领地。事实上,对其他网站服务来说,要屏蔽这些垃圾信息根本易如反掌,但苹果明显决策失误,才让Ping不幸身陷垃圾信息的困扰中。

ping music

ping music

Ping Becomes a Spammer’s Paradise

Apple is new to the social media game, but how could they possibly have missed this? Ping, the social music service has become Ping the spam comment service.

Security Firm Sophos Points Out Ping’s Spam Issues

Security firm Sophos seemed to take some pleasure when it covered Ping spam. Even if you don’t want or need to use Ping, Sophos recommends that users update to iTunes 10 as it fixes thirteen vulnerabilities in the WebKit components used in the iTunes UI.

Most of the security industry has been pointing out the migration of spam from an email-only venture to blog/forum comments, Facebook, Twitter and other Web 2.0 platforms. But apparently Apple didn’t consider this when designing Ping, as the service implements no spam or URL filtering. It is no big shock that less than 24 hours after launch, Ping is drowning in scams and spams.

Ping is the new social music service that Apple implemented in iTunes 10. Through it, you can follows musicians, friends, comment in the streams of artists, and more. Assuming the Facebook Connect issues are ironed out between the two companies (meaning Apple and Facebook come to an agreement), it could become still more useful.

Yet it’s no surprise that Sophos found that most of the scams flooding Ping have been flooding Facebook, MySpace, and more for years. It’s something that other services have addressed before, but Apple apparently didn’t think about it. At least the set of comment spam shown above seems to be trying to sell iPhones, right?(source:huliq)

