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Digital Chocolate发布本月第五弹:Ninjas Rising

发布时间:2010-11-22 13:10:08 Tags:,,

上周,Digital Chocolate发布了本月地5款新游戏Ninjas Rising。相信很多Facebook游戏爱好者都Ninjas Rising电影并不陌生。尽管此前已发布过该款电影改编的游戏,但本月Digital Chocolate发布的是重新配色后的新版本。就像发布Millionaire City的姊妹作Vegas City和Hollywood City一样,这次Digital Chocolate再次故技重施,Ninjas Rising极像前一部新作Epic Fighters的翻版。




在游戏Ninjas Rising中,玩家要像在Mafia Wars中一样消耗Chi或能量完成各种任务。每完成一项任务,就有机会解锁更多的游戏相关任务。玩家可以在游戏中遇见各种NPC,同时也会在不经意间与其他忍者展开战斗。


既然Digital Chocolate这款新游戏与Epic Fighters有异曲同工之妙,这就给了玩家选择的余地?您是更喜欢神秘奇幻的Epic Fighters,还是行踪诡异的Ninjas Rising呢?(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Digital Chocolate has been busy yet again this week, releasing another completely new game on Facebook, this time called Ninjas Rising. The name might be familiar to some of you, as we first heard the name before Epic Fighters launched earlier this month. At the time, when we didn’t know what Epic Fighters’ final name was, we knew that Digital Chocolate was working on something called Ninjas Rising, we just didn’t know that it, in itself, was also an entirely new game.

Are you ready to live the life of a ninja? Meet us behind the break for more on this sneaky new game.

It’s a move that shouldn’t be unfamiliar to Facebook game enthusiasts – that being to take a game that has already been released, and to re-release it under a new color scheme. Digital Chocolate did the same with Millionaire City and its spin-offs Vegas City and Hollywood City, and now they’ve done the same with Ninjas Rising, as it is basically Epic Fighters, but with an oriental twist.

You’ll begin the game by naming your Ninja, choosing your gender, and your facial expression. You’ll also choose your primary and secondary weapons (blades, ranged weapons, blades, the mystical arts, and so on). From there, you’ll be met with the same text-and-story-based gameplay that you may have become familiar with from Epic Fighters.

You’ll complete jobs in a Mafia-Wars style, using Chi, or energy, to complete jobs. Each time you tell your character to complete a job, you have a chance of revealing more of the story associated with that particular task. You’ll meet various non-playable-characters, or NPCs along the way, and you’ll also be interrupted at various intervals to enter into combat with other ninjas, or all around baddies.

These battles play out automatically, or you can skip the scenes entirely and jump straight to the rewards (assuming that you win). As your character levels up, you’ll become stronger, earning more Health points, Chi, and so on.

With this game being so similar to Epic Fighters, it leaves new players (that is, new players to both titles) with a choice – do you take on the mystical, fantasy filled path in Epic Fighters, or do you go the way of stealth in Ninjas Rising? (

