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发布时间:2010-10-21 16:18:46 Tags:,,

这是一个很好的玩的事情,Gadget Census以另外一种方式展示了智能手机在美国的州分布图。

在Gadget Census的数据中android代表浅绿色、balckberry代表蓝色,而iphone代表褐色。

gadget census report

gadget census report





“The great state of California, home to Hollywood and the place Tony Bennett left his heart, casts its 83 votes for the iPhone.” Meanwhile, “New Jersey, the Garden State, home to Tony Soprano and Thomas Edison pledge their votes to Android.” In this make believe world, “electoral,” or should we say “gadgetoral,” votes are defined by how many smartphones of a particular type are represented in every state of the union. In fact, if the government felt it needed to “apportion” the nation by smartphone ownership, it could use the findings from Retrevo’s 2010 Gadget Census that looked at what gadgets people own and how they use them, including data on how many smartphones are represented per capita in each state.

iPhone States

Whether you’re an iPhone owner looking for a state with more iPhone owners so you have more in common with them or you’re looking to avoid them so you have a better chance of getting a connection from AT&T, states like California and Massachusetts is where you’ll find the most iPhones per capita. Florida would be unlikely to cause any controversy in a gadgetoral-based election as it sits firmly in iPhone camp.

Android States

The Android “party” hasn’t been around as long as the iPhone party but nonetheless has done a good job of capturing the smartphone market in a number of states. Unfortunately, aside from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, most of the Android states like Hawaii and Montana are not the most populous states in the country so although Android wins in a lot of states, it doesn’t garner a lot of gadgetoral votes.

BlackBerry States

With all the attention iPhones and Android phones get, it’s easy to forget how popular BlackBerry phones are in America. You still can’t beat them for messaging or not be impressed by their adoption in corporate America as the “company” phone. Maybe that’s why states like New York, Texas and the Beltway states of Maryland and Virginia come out on top for BlackBerrys. (source:retrevo)

