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发布时间:2011-09-20 18:18:57 Tags:,,,,

作者:NGamer Staff



Rubberband AI

Mario Kart Wii(from

Mario Kart Wii(from










Metroid:Other M(from

Metroid:Other M(from

被告:《Metroid: Other M》






再犯可能性:5/10。幸亏这种做法已经大量减少,但是《Samurai Warriors 3DS》依然是挑战人们忍耐力的典型案例。严肃地说,玩家根本不需要那么多的过场动画和剧情来激发他们畅玩游戏。














Gaming’s most frequent design crimes

Part 1: Cut-scenes, blind jumps and AI…

Well, we’ve had enough of these crimes against humanity, particularly as some of them have already shown their face on 3DS, mere days into the new console’s lifespan.

So court is now in session! Over the next few weeks we’re going to take to task 12 of the most commonly repeated design faux pas seen in today’s games. We’ll hear the cases both for and against, and then we’ll decide on a suitably ironic punishment.

But remember one thing: in these courts, we’re the judge, jury and executioner, and defendants are always found guilty…

Rubberband AI

Defendant: Mario Kart Wii

The charge: Fixing the outcome of races by implementing a mechanic known as rubberbanding. That is to say, no matter how well you race, your biggest rival will always be lodged up your exhaust pipe, ready to fly past you at a preposterous speed on the final corner.

Case for the prosecution: There’s a long history of chequered flag-thievery in the defendant’s family, your honour. Rubberbanding cheats the player and completely neuters any underlying element of skill or technique the game might possess.

Case for the defence: You call it rubberbanding, we call it ‘dynamic game difficulty balancing’. We’ve all played a racing game where you’re five miles out in front of the dozy AI pack within 30 seconds. Where’s the fun in that? At least our way, you’re guaranteed racing thrills and spills from flag to flag. And surely we deserve time off for good behaviour – as the Mario Kart series has evolved, we’ve become less dependant on natural rubberbanding, with the items serving to level the playing field.

Verdict: GUILTY

Judgement: Although Mario Kart’s crimes are heinous, the jury acknowledges that we’ve repeatedly had to adjourn court for multiplayer sessions and this does stand in its favour. Rubberbanding in itself is not a bad thing in moderation. As the defendant states, it keeps races fresh and exciting and if used judiciously can greatly benefit a game.

But it cannot be allowed to run unchecked, and for this reason we sentence Mario Kart to 300 hours hard labour, during which time an ape in high heels will repeatedly tread on the defendant’s ankles.

Chances of re-offending: 9/10. Rubberbanding is a popular developmental shortcut, and its use is on the rise, particularly in arcade racers and sports sims. Sure beats all that laborious playtesting and balancing palaver, right?

Unskippable cutscenes

Defendant: Metroid: Other M

The charge: Forcing the player to sit through an endless procession of interminable cutscenes.

Case for the prosecution: Oh look, it’s Samus! And here she is again, being all introspective and angsty! And now a panoramic sweep of her metallic buttocks! And now it’s time for another unintelligible internal monologue! And now… OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!

Look, we understand some people play games for the story. That’s their prerogative. But objectively speaking, 99.999% of gaming scripts would get laughed out of an amateur dramatics theatre, and we can’t bypass them quick enough. Either way, there’s really no excuse for developers not putting in a skip function in this day and age.

Case for the defence: Look, buster, we’ve spent a lot of time and money rendering Samus’s crevices, so you can bloody well sit there and watch our cutscenes. And anyway – you only have to endure them the once. On the second playthrough, you can skip away to your heart’s content. You big babies.

Verdict: GUILTY

Judgement: But that just makes it worse, doesn’t it? You were aware that it was something that sane people might want to do, and yet you deliberately withhold it from them. Tsk. We were going to let you off with a slapped wrist, but then we noticed you didn’t even put in a pause function, so in light of this new evidence you’re sentenced to watch the entire 121 episodes of Lost in one sitting. With the director’s commentary turned on. And the large print Estonian subtitles.

Chances of re-offending: 5/10. Thankfully this practice is in sharp decline, but there are pockets of resistance Samurai Warriors 3DS is a topical case in point. Seriously, how much context does a player need to have before they’re sufficiently motivated enough to slice a feudal warrior in half?

Leaps of faith

Defendant: Rayman 3D

The charge: Forcing the player to take a leap into the unknown. What awaits them down there? A nice, comfortable ledge, or a stalagmite up the unmentionables? Thanks to shonky camera work and/or poor design, it’s impossible to tell.

Case for the prosecution: When you think Rayman, your honour, two things spring immediately to mind: violent murder, and leaps of faith. The GBA’s Rayman Advance is currently serving a life sentence for its crimes.

As the court might recall, unforeseen insta-death was so frequent, and so indiscriminately applied, that several members of the jury openly wept as the court played footage of the Mr Skops level. The transition to 3D has done little to satisfy Rayman’s bloodlust.

Case for the defence: You know what your problem is? You just don’t get Rayman. You don’t get my awesome character design. You don’t get that I’m the perfect blend of Snoopy and H from Steps. You don’t get that the Rayman Advance port was so mind-bendingly authentic that we didn’t even attempt to scale the visuals down from the original.

Where’s all the praise for the DSiWare version adding a mini-map, which all but took leaps of faith out of the equation? That’s right – because it’s Rayman, who you don’t get, there is none. You lot can go jump.

Verdict: GUILTY

Judgement: Defendant is found guilty of 1,047 counts of being Rayman, and several lesser charges of leap-of-faith-facilitated mass murder. Life imprisonment is the only suitable course of action. Also: we’re going to occasionally hide goliath bird-eating spiders in your porridge. Good luck with that, you hateful freak.

Chances of re-offending: 4/10. This was more often a problem with 2D platformers. Rigorous play-testing means that nowadays, it’s relatively rare (if not unheard of). (Source: Computer And Video Games)

