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发布时间:2010-12-10 10:04:29 Tags:,,




在巴黎的LeWeb会议上DeNA首席执行官Tomoko Namba表示在日本国内经济增长缓慢和日元持续坚挺的提前下更多的日本公司包括DeNA在内的也会都会寻求更多的海外兼并。

在被问到是否有可能收购相关的欧洲工作室时,Tomoko Namba做出了肯定的回答,她表示他们今年执行的对旧金山手机游戏开发公司Ngmoco的并购是一项值得称道的事情。

尽管DeNA目前只在日本本土更受欢迎,他们旗下的移动社交网络Mobage-town甚至有高达2050万的注册用户,但是他们已经开始尝试开拓美国市场并对Gameview进行并购和对Aurora Feint进行系列注资。

当然在这家游戏巨头忙着开辟西方市场的时候,他们也有后顾之忧,据游戏邦昨日发布的消息DeNA由于涉嫌对竞争对手Gree进行不正当竞争而正在遭到FTC的侦查。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译 转载请注明:游戏邦)

Mobile social network portal operator and game creator DeNA, which has made a number of developer acquisitions and investments in the U.S., says it’s interested in buying European studios, too.

Speaking at web-focused conference LeWeb in Paris recently, the Tokyo-based firm’s CEO Tomoko Namba noted that Japanese companies like DeNA are looking more into international developer purchases due to slowing growth in their local market and the strong Yen.

When asked if DeNA had plans to acquire studios in Europe, Namba replied “Oh sure”, according to a report from trade site Develop. She went on to say she’s “very proud” of DeNA’s acquisition of San Francisco-based mobile game developer Ngmoco earlier this year.

Though DeNA is mostly popular in Japan, where it has over 20.5 million registered users for its mobile social network Mobage-town, it’s bought up U.S. social game developers like Gameview and invested in North American firms like Aurora Feint recently.

While the company looks to expand in the West, back at home, Japan’s Fair Trade Commission raided DeNA’s offices yesterday as it investigates allegations of unfair competitive practices with the firm’s developer partners and rival mobile social network portal operator Gree.  (source:gamasutra)

