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发布时间:2017-05-24 09:24:34 Tags:,

本文原作者:Aaron Hayden 译者ciel chen

这篇会被采用不是因为这篇写得好,事实上这篇写得比较渣,而是因为这篇的收尾处有这一句:Do it because you love games, because if you don’t… it’s just not going to be right for you,而我很喜欢这句


soldiers-inc(from onrpg)

soldiers-inc(from onrpg)



1.“构建出一个作品主体,然后构建出一份作品集,然后将其尽可能地发送到世界的每个角落。”(3D 美工)


3.“这个过程可能会很艰难,经常被拒绝。别放弃,不断练习你所做的事,要相信你所做的事。”(2D 美工)

4. “把大量的demo组合在一起,尤其当你是个程序员的话更要如此。”(编程)

5. “确保你要去参加一些活动以及和人来往。”(编程)

6. “创建一个网站,别上传简历因为简历很可怕。”(市场运营)

7. “这份工作的大部分内容基本都是把一堆数学内容转换成有趣的东西。这里有趣的部分你很容易就能懂,但数学的部分,如果有人能教你的话可能才会更容易懂。所以我的建议应该是……啊!数学!好好学习,天天向上!”(编程)

8. “就是要(构建)一种较实用的常识结构,它会让你受益匪浅的。”(产品)

9. “你要因为热爱游戏而去做事,因为如果你对游戏没有爱……那这里可能不适合你。”(市场运营)


9 Pieces Of Advice On How To Get Into Indie Games

I’ve been working at Firefly Studios for about two months now and as my first job in the games industry it has been a unique experience. I have no idea if this is the norm, however I do know is it’s the best job I’ve ever had.

My role at Firefly requires me to concept, produce and release video content about development, the team and our studios as a whole. From interviews and roundtable discussions to studios tours and forcing developers to read mean Steam reviews on camera. It’s been a fascinating and endearing look into an industry I never thought I’d be part of and I feel it’s now within my power to help others break into games:

In addition, here are my favourite quotes from the developers I interviewed. This is what Firefly had to say about breaking into the games industry in 2017:

1. “Build a body of work, build a portfolio, and send it everywhere.” (3D Art)

2. “Pick up Unity and try to learn how to make a game with that.” (Programming)

3. “It can be tough, rejection. Keep going, keep practicing what you do, believe in what you do.” (2D Art)

4. “Put together a load of demos, especially if you’re a programmer.” (Programming)

5. “Make sure you just go to events and network with people.” (Programming)

6. “Build a website, don’t send a CV because CV’s are horrendous.” (Marketing)

7. “Alot of this job is basically taking a bunch of maths and turning it into something fun. The fun part you can pick up, but the Math’s, it’s a lot easier if you can get somebody to teach you. So I guess my advice would be.., Yeah! Maths! Do your homework, stay in school!” (Programming)

8. “Just [build] a kind of good practical general knowledge, it will get you a long way.” (Production)

9. “Do it because you love games, because if you don’t… it’s just not going to be right for you.” (Marketing)

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