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发布时间:2013-12-25 14:44:47 Tags:,,,,

作者:Joe Jasko



The Banner Saga(from gamezebo)

The Banner Saga(from gamezebo)

《The Banner Saga》——这款游戏的开发周期就已经是个传奇了。最早听说《The Banner Saga》是在2012年,而再过几周我们便可以体验这款基于海盗主题的回合制策略游戏了——其正式发行日期是在2014年1月14日。没有任何噱头,也没有浮华的宣传,《The Banner Saga》仅仅是向我们承诺将成为一款带有出色视觉效果与图像的策略型RPG:这是这款游戏已经出色地创造出的内容。说实话,游戏看起来就像是你的电视上播放的唱片动画电影。在游戏前你最好先找条毯子并打开暖炉:游戏的故事是设定在“所有的一切都结束后”的历史,看起来不久后的世界将变得非常寒冷!

Mew-Genics(from gamezebo)

Mew-Genics(from gamezebo)

《Mew-Genics》——作为任何伴随着Edmund McMillan(游戏邦注:独立游戏界的著名游戏设计师及画家,他的游戏作品包括《Gish》、《Braid》、《Time Fcuk》等)这个名字的作品的忠实粉丝,从艰难的平台游戏《超级食肉男孩》到让人上瘾的rogue游戏《以撒的结合》,我迫不及待地想看到Team Meat在2014年的最新创作。就我们目前对于《Mew-Genics》,它并不逊色于McMillan之前的任何创作,并且也具有很强的创造性。被开发者称作“猫小姐模拟游戏”的《Mew-Ganics》将让玩家去控制那个爬满各种类型的猫的房子。也就是你既能够喂养猫,进行猫之间的战斗,也可以举办猫界选美比赛去取悦你的小猫们。

Transistor(from gamezebo)

Transistor(from gamezebo)

《Transistor》——当像《Bastion》等rogue游戏在2011年出现时,它们不仅迷住了世界各地的玩家,同时还一跃登上了2011年Gamezebo最佳PC游戏榜单前列。所以不用说,我们迫切想看到Supergiant Games所计划的下一款现代巨作是怎样的,而即将问世的《Transistor》将告诉我们答案。延续了其前辈的一些游戏玩法元素,《Transistor》突出了名为Red的主角,他拥有一个叱咤风云的武器,而这也是许多交战派系不惜一切代价想要拥有的。而区别这款游戏与Supergiant早前游戏的主要元素是,《Transistor》突出了基于3D视觉效果的华丽场景以及一些巨大的科幻电影艺术。而现在我们所需要的只是一个顺畅的解说员!

Rollers of the Realm(from gamezebo)

Rollers of the Realm(from gamezebo)

《Rollers of the Realm》——在今天,我们总是能够看到一款新电子游戏尝试着混合两个完全不同的游戏类型:如足球与冒险,或老虎机与角色扮演。但如果你说的是“弹球戏碰上RPG”的话,我应该会大吃一惊。Phantom Compass即将推出的《Rollers of the Realm》便是这样一款游戏。使用传统的弹球游戏机中的核心机制,但是将其置于一个庞大的科幻背景中,玩家将在多个地牢领域中探索,与无数敌人战斗,并与许多NPC相互协助。实际上,一开始你会觉得这是一款RPG,而之后则会觉得它是富有创造性的弹球游戏。但不管怎样,你最终都会想要尝试它!

Framed(from gamezebo)

Framed(from gamezebo)

《Framed》——简单地说,Loveshack Entertainment即将问世的《Framed》与我们之前所看到的任何内容都不一样;所以这也是我们想要尝试看看的内容。游戏的名字具有双重含义,它从一个清晰的视角去呈现真正的游戏玩法:你在游戏中的角色被框定在他从未犯过的罪行中,你需要通过重新安排迷幻爵士风格的漫画书的不同画面去帮助他逃离。每个场景都会呈现给玩家一些插图是漫画面板,或画面,并伴随着这些画面展开行动。通过改变场景中不同画面的顺序,你将能够影响或改变你在点击“游戏”后角色开始逃离的方向。这一切都要求我们跳出正常框架进行思考!


Games we can’t wait to play in 2014

By Joe Jasko

We’re really in the homestretch of 2013 now, and it’s been quite a good year for those of us in the gaming world. Don’t believe me? Then you should probably check out our ongoing lists of what we thought were the very best games to come out over the last 12 months. But just because we’re knee-deep in all of this gaming reflection, that doesn’t mean we’re not also looking ahead to see what awesome new games that 2014 is going to bring!

If 2014 winds up being even half as great as 2013 was for gaming, then I think it’s safe to say that we’re going to be in for some truly unforgettable experiences in the very near future: but something tells me that 2014 is going to be even better. After all, when you’ve got new games from both the makers of Super Meat Boy and Bastion coming up on the horizon, how can it not be anything short of glorious? So in that case, here are a few of the biggest games that we absolutely cannot wait to play in 2014.

The Banner Saga – The development cycle of The Banner Saga has almost been a saga in of itself in trying to make its way through the snow to our warm computer screens over the years. Having first learned about the game in early 2012, we can now finally expect to experience the stylish Viking-themed turn-based strategy game in just a few short weeks, on its official release date of January 14, 2014. No gimmicks, nor flashy bells and whistles, The Banner Saga merely promises to be an outstanding strategy RPG with absolutely stunning visuals and illustrations: something the game has already achieved with flying colors. Seriously, this thing looks like it belongs on your TV as a feature-length animated film. Just make sure you get some blankets out and start up a fire before playing: with a story that’s set at some point in history “after the end of everything,” it looks like things are going to get extremely chilling before long!

Mew-Genics – As a colossal fan of anything that has Edmund McMillan’s name attached to it, from the tough-as-nails platformer Super Meat Boy to the addictive roguelike The Binding of Isaac, I couldn’t be any more excited to finally get my hands on Team Meat’s newest creation in 2014. Everything we know about the quirky Mew-Genics so far makes it look no less awesome than McMillan’s previous efforts, and of course, no less completely bizarre. Described as a “cat lady sim” by the developers themselves (which I’m certain has to be a first of its kind), Mew-Genics will let players command their very own home that’s positively crawling with all sorts of cats. From there, you’ll be able to do everything from breeding your cats, to making your cats battle, to entering your cats in beauty pageants of sorts: because being the creepy old cat lady at the end of the street isn’t as weird as being the creepy old cat lady in a video game, right?

Transistor – When a little roguelike game called Bastion came out of nowhere in 2011, it not only left gamers all over the world completely floored, but it also rose to the very top of Gamezebo’s Best PC Games of 2011 list. So needless to say, we’ve been waiting to see how Supergiant Games was planning on following up such a modern masterpiece, and the answer to that burning question is a game called Transistor. Borrowing a few of the same gameplay elements as its predecessor, the upcoming Transistor focuses on a protagonist named Red, who falls into the possession of an all-powerful weapon that many warring factions will stop at nothing to retrieve. But what sets this new game apart from Supergiant’s early efforts is that Transistor is set to feature a gorgeous landscape of 3D visuals and some pretty huge sci-fi cinematics. All we need now is another smooth-as-silk narrator and we’ll be all set!

Rollers of the Realm – It’s not too uncommon these days to find a new video game that tries to mesh together two vastly different genres: such as football and adventure, or even slot machines and role playing. But when you say “pinball meets RPG,” well you don’t need to sell me twice on such an unbelievably amazing idea. And the upcoming Rollers of the Realm from Phantom Compass looks to be exactly that. Taking the traditional core mechanics of a pinball arcade machine like the ball and the flippers, but putting them all against a sprawling fantasy backdrop, players will be met with multiple dungeon areas to explore, countless enemies to battle, and just as many NPCs to befriend. In fact, you might even say that the game is an RPG first, and an innovative pinball game second. But whatever it is that you ultimately want to call it, all we know is that we can’t wait to play it!

Framed – Simply put, the upcoming Framed from Loveshack Entertainment is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before; and so naturally, it’s something we’re positively bursting out of our own frames to play. The name of the game also cleverly holds a double meaning, which might put the actual gameplay into a clearer perspective: not only has your character in the game been framed for a crime that he did not commit, but you’ll also need to help him escape by rearranging the different frames of a noir-style comic book. Each scenario presents the player with a number of illustrated comic book panels, or frames, with which the action will begin to unfold. By changing the order of the different frames in a scene, you can influence or redirect the ultimate actions that occur by the time you hit “Play” for your little noir pal to make his daring escape. Now that’s what I call thinking outside of the box!(source:gamezebo)

