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发布时间:2013-12-09 14:25:03 Tags:,,,

作者:Raymond Jacobs & Tom Novelli











“Javascript 太慢!”







这太蠢了。从语言设计的角度出发,Javascript是相当好的。它是Scheme Lisp语言加上C式句法和Smalltalk风格原型的对象的简化版本。





使用简单的间隔计时顺(或更好的,请求动画帧 API)和Canvas,你就可以用更少的时间绘制东西。















音频救星:Audio Sprites

就像Atlas是针对图像的2D封装方案,为了减少http调用和域名费用的负担,针对音频的1D解决方案——Audio Sprites应运而生。Remy Sharp在这方面做了一些基础工作。他的基本思路是,你把你的声音特效打包进一个声音文件中,每个声音之间留半秒的无声状态,作为计时误差。一个附带的.json文件罗列了所有这些包含在Audio Sprites中的文件,以及它们的起止位置。

借助Audio Sprites,你只需要把一个文件转换为ogg和mp3,且你只需要一个http请求就能加载它了。







顺便一提,希望还是有的。大部分网页浏览器已经支持新的Opus格式和/或新的基于OpenAL的WebAudio API。普及只是一个时间的问题。


作为HTML5运动中的一个主要热词,WebGL承载了太多希望,即3D游戏能够使用本地图像API。然而我们的实验表明,WebGL还没有准备好迎接黄金时代。在相同的机子上,可以运行用C++写的OpenGL程序,但用WebGL写的就运行不了,这个事实意味着仍然存在问题。该死的NVidia/ATI 驱动专利!与Canvas相比,WebGL还很难学习。到年底,WebGL应该非常有希望成为2D和3D图像中间件的可行选择。



因为Canvas和WebGL的渲染是很糟糕的,你可能希望使用HTML作为游戏内的文本(游戏邦注:如提示、角色对话等)。这个技巧是使用“pointer-events: none”(CSS)来避免通过鼠标点击出现文本。

使用CSS的“正解方法”可能是单调且没有意义的。当不确定时,就使用和滥用“position: absolute”!


另外,你可能需要安装一个网页服务器程序,比如Apache。打开你的硬盘中的HTML 文件,你也许能够运行你的游戏,但有一些奇怪的案例限制会让你很为难,特别是当你的游戏是AJAX或WebGL的。



Firefox也不错——在某些方面甚至更好,但要注意避免渗出边界特征如“let [x,y] = point”。IE和Opera需要额外的努力,它们可能不太适合比较大的游戏,因为所有设备都会选择比它们更好的浏览器。但另一方面,对于简单的休闲游戏,支持IE还是比较简单的,且可能是获得商业成功的必须条件。



在其他平台你可以在安装包里解压所有资源,HTML5却不同,你要把子画面和声音特效、小的HTML文件嵌入JSON,嵌入GLSL着色器如果你使用的是WebGL的话,把JSON嵌入JS,然后合并和压缩所有JS文件。我们使用Make、PHP和NodeJS scripts、ImageMagick、LAME和OggEnc自动化这个过程。


AppCache(AKA Offline Mode)是一种相当简单的加速预加载和重新加载的方法(甚至于对在线多人游戏),如果你保持游戏简单的话。记住,这个方法也可能出大错,在你得意忘形以前,先读读《Application Cache is a Douchebag》这篇文章吧。




Is HTML5 Ready for Prime Time?

by Raymond Jacobs & Tom Novelli

I will make the assumption that you, the reader, have already come to the conclusion that writing a game in a single language and releasing it on multiple platforms without porting or even recompiling is a benefit to your business, through greater visibility and empowering the player.

There has been a lot of misinformation floating around the web concerning HTML5. The most important question is, “Is HTML5 ready for prime time?”

The short answer is yes, you can write polished games in HTML5 and have them run across a myriad of browsers, platforms and devices with consistent results.

The longer answer – the subject of this article – is that HTML5 is still young, and there are real-world pitfalls which should be avoided whenever possible.

Beyond the Buzzword

So when we’re talking about HTML5, what we really mean is Javascript (JS) coupled with graphics and interactive APIs exposed to JS by the browser. Like any mature technology, Javascript comes with its own set of dogma and misinformation.

Here is a short list of common misconceptions:

“Javascript is slow!”

This was true until the browser makers started pouring R&D into JS optimization, circa 2005. Nowadays, according to this list, it’s generally the fastest dynamic language – on par with static languages Java and C#, and only about half the speed of native-compiled C. That’s not bad – it’s awesome.

“Javascript doesn’t have classes!”

We hear this one a lot, and it just isn’t true; the prototypal inhertiance in JS delivers all the basic OO features you’d want in a game: member variables; member functions; sub-classing; static members; polymorphism; reflection; function/constructor overloading; type identification (instanceof).

Check out the object-oriented section of Tom Novelli’s JS reference for more information.

“Javascript isn’t secure because it isn’t compiled!”

The use of minification and obfuscation (if reflection isn’t needed), turning your code into a whitespaceless, commentless heap of nonsense to the human eye is as effective as native code compilation. Remember, anything run on the client, be it Javascript, Java or C++ is not secure, and obscurity is not security.

“Javascript isn’t a real programming language!”

This is just silly; look at From a language design perspective, Javascript is pretty nice. It’s a pared-down version of Scheme Lisp with a C-like syntax and Smalltalk-style prototypal objects.

By the way, the next version of Javascript – ES6 – is going to be sweet.

Now that we’ve addressed some dogma concerning Javascript, let’s talk about HTML5. HTML5 simply adds to the existing HTML specification we all know and love, and as game developers we only really care about a few choice bits. So here are some exciting things you can use today with HTML5, and some pitfalls.


It’s the feature we’ve all heard about concerning games in HTML5. The Canvas creates a 2D drawing space on your web page. You can control the frame buffer size (pixel width and height) and set the screen size of the canvas element; it will automatically stretch or shrink the buffer to the element size. You can even create off-screen canvases and copy one canvas to another, giving the potential for powerful effects and/or performance enhancements.

With a simple setInterval timer (or better yet, the requestAnimationFrame API) and a canvas, you’re ready to start drawing things in less time it would take to install a typical IDE.


Besides blitting bitmap images at lightning speed, canvas includes a robust API (based on PostScript) for geometric lines and fills, and rudimentary text rendering facilities; use these sparingly however, as they tend to sap frame-rate.

Also, canvas likes to draw from a small number of source images and would prefer that you keep your drawImage calls down (this is probably a reality of underlying drivers/API which are 3D in nature). So, atlas those tiny images (you’ll want to anyway to reduce http load calls), and use offscreen canvases to cache unchanging parts of the scene (turn those 6400 drawn tiles into a single drawImage call).


So I’m gonna come right out and say it, audio in HTML5 sucks. There is no reason to dance around the issue. Before I go any further, let me assure you, you can get a decent audio experience in HTML5, but here are some issues you’ll face:

Audio format issues:

Certain browsers can only play certain audio formats, this means you will have to deploy at least two audio formats (currently .mp3 and .ogg). Blame software patents.

Bad Information:

There is an API to ask a browser what kind of audio formats it can play; sadly this API is horrible with such decoder support responses as “maybe”. Across the myriad of browsers, we’ve also found the API to outright lie about what it can and can’t support.

Cruddy Implementations:

Some browsers, even though they swear they can play a format; their decoder/stream implementations are just broken. High start latencies, bad audio quality, incorrect timing. Some browsers (or operating systems) seem to implement the bare minimum just so they can say they support a format.

High start latency:

If you load a sound file via http and hit play, by the time the sound has downloaded the moment has passed. This is okay for background music, but it’s unacceptable for sound effects action games.

This all sounds really hard!

Audio is the #1 problem with HTML5 today; thankfully a lot of smart people have come together, and technology is emerging that makes HTML5 audio at least functional, if not feature-rich.

Audio Sprites to the rescue!

Just as the Atlas is a 2D packing solution for images, to reduce loads of http calls and nominal overhead; the Audio Sprite is a 1D solution for sounds. We took our lead from the ground work done by Remy Sharp. The basic idea is that you pack your sound effects into a single audio file, with a half-second of padding (silence) between each sound to allow for timing irregularities. An accompanying .json file lists all of the files contained in the audio sprite, and their start and end positions.

With audio sprites, you only need to convert one file to ogg and mp3, and you only need one http request to download it.

Latency b-gone!

The main benefit of having one large sound file is that we avoid streaming issues with small audio files. The browser preloads the single audio file, then seeks to the beginning of each sound effect when called for, with minimal latency. Our only issue is that we need to monitor and stop the stream after the sound ends but before the next one begins.
“What about bad format detection?”

This is still somewhat of an issue; we’ve found that you can favor MP3 and get coverage on most browsers; but at the time of writing it would not be a bad idea to include an MP3-or-OGG setting in your options menu. Also, make sure you’re doing it right; a lot of people cut corners in format detection.

“This all sounds like a bit much to handle!”

Yeah it’s a pain; it took us weeks to develop the necessary tools and tricks. If you’ve got a project in the works and need some help, drop us a line at this e-mail.

By the way, there is hope. Most web browsers already support the new Opus format and/or the spiffy new OpenAL-based WebAudio API. It’s probably just a matter of time before they all do.


One of the principle buzzwords in the HTML5 movement, WebGL holds great promise, the ability to use the native graphics API for 3D games. Our experimentation however, has shown webGL is /not/ ready for prime-time today. The fact that I can run an OpenGL example program written in C++, and on the same machine fail to run the same example written in WebGL, means there are still issues. Damn those proprietary NVidia/ATI drivers! WebGL also has a steep learning curve, compared to Canvas. That all being said, if these issues can be overcome, WebGL should be a very viable option for 2D and 3D graphics middleware – hopefully by year’s end.

Annoyance: WWW Baggage

Browsers support a ton of document-formatting features (CSS, HTML, XML, SVG, etc) that aren’t terribly useful for Canvas and WebGL games, and are probably best avoided as much as possible. A simple game requires only a half-page of HTML as a container to load the Javascript. Unfortunately if for some reason you know nothing about web design, you’ll have to learn basic HTML and CSS in order to create JS games. It’s necessary for landing pages and UI dialogs anyway.

Because text rendering is awkward in Canvas and WebGL, you’ll probably want to use HTML for in-game text (notifications, character dialogues, etc). The trick is to use “pointer-events: none” (CSS) to prevent the text from blocking mouse clicks.

Using CSS “the right way” can be tedious and pointless. When in doubt, use and abuse “position: absolute” with reckless abandon!

XML being a close cousin of HTML, one would think browsers would have excellent XML facilities. To the contrary, we have found them to be awkward and sometimes buggy, so we converted our old XML assets to JSON.

Also, you’ll probably need to install a web server program such as Apache. You may be able to run your game by opening the HTML file on your hard drive (as a “file://” URL), but there are some arcane security restrictions that’ll stump you, especially if you get into AJAX or WebGL.

Pitfall: Web Browsers are not 100% Compatible

There’s always a catch; “cross-platform” is never seamless. Our advice is to support the top 3 or 4 browsers, and test your game on all of them regularly. Chrome and Safari are generally the best for games, and they both use the WebKit engine so they’re nearly 100% compatible. Firefox is also good – better in certain respects – but be careful to avoid bleeding-edge features like “let [x,y] = point”. IE and Opera require extra effort which may not be worthwhile for /serious/ games because better browsers are available for all devices. For simple casual games, on the other hand, supporting IE is easier and probably essential for commercial success.

If you’re making phone/tablet games, beware: mobile browsers are different beasts.

Resource Packing and Loading

Unlike other platforms where you can zip everything up in an installer package, HTML5 requires a bit more effort. Atlas your sprites and sound effects, embed small HTML files in JSON, embed GLSL shaders if you’re using WebGL, embed JSON files in JS, then combine and minify all your JS files. We automate the process using Make, PHP and NodeJS scripts, ImageMagick, LAME, and OggEnc.

Then, when your game starts up, pre-load all your resources (except perhaps music). We use async.js to ajax-fetch everything in parallel, then start the game loop.

AppCache (AKA Offline Mode) is a fairly easy way speed up pre- and re-loading (even for an online multiplayer game) if you keep it simple. Beware, it can go horribly wrong; read the highly entertaining Application Cache is a Douchebag article before you get too excited.

In the beginning, when you’re running your game from your own machine, none of this matters. Do whatever works. Just be forewarned, if you finish an HTML5 game, resource loading issues could delay your release by a few days or weeks.


The potential of making games in a single language that can seamlessly blend with existing web services, have all the trappings and simplicity of web development in free and open platform makes HTML5 very attractive from both development and availability angles.(source:gamedesignaspect part 1 part 2 part 3)

