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发布时间:2013-10-11 10:51:02 Tags:,,








3)据gamezebo报道,Square Enix制作人Takashi Tokita日前透露,《最终幻想6》将于今年冬季登陆iOS和Android平台。

Final Fantasy VII(from gamezebo)

Final Fantasy VII(from gamezebo)


4)据彭博社报道,尽管黑莓已经接受Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited公司的收购交易,但仍然担忧后者究竟能否筹齐47亿美元资金(游戏邦注:Fairfax在9月份表示将以每股9美元的价格向黑莓支付收购款项,收购黑莓所有的股份)。

blackberry(from myandroidchief)

blackberry(from myandroidchief)


1)45 per cent of smartphone users sleep with their devices

by Zen Terrelonge

But they don’t use protection.

Symantec’s 2013 report has found that British consumers are still throwing caution to the wind when it comes to securing their mobiles, despite the fact they’re almost always in use.

The study shows that 45 per cent of smartphone and tablet users sleep with their devices, but 54 per cent of people aren’t even aware mobile security software exists. 48 per cent don’t even use basic protection, such as passwords.

Despite this, the cost of cybercrime in the UK has dropped from £1.8 billion in 2012 to £826 million this year, with cost per victim falling from £144 to £101, but people are still playing with fire.

48 per cent of social networkers don’t log out after their sessions and 32 per cent share passwords with others, while 31 per cent said the ease of constant connectivity outweighs the danger of hacks and fraud.

Marian Merritt, internet safety advocate, Symantec, said: “If this was a test, mobile consumers would be failing. While consumers are protecting their computers, there is a general lack of awareness to safeguard their smartphones and tablets. It’s as if they have alarm systems for their homes, but they’re leaving their cars unlocked with the windows wide open.”(source:mobile-ent

2)A third of UK families communicate via tech when at home together

by Zen Terrelonge

Who says mobiles are making people unsociable?

Microsoft Advertising has found the average UK family home contains ten devices, with 57 per cent of them connected to the web.

The home is now a very different place as a result of that, however, with the hallway screams of “dinner time!” and requests of “can I borrow a fiver?” now replaced with swipes and taps.

Indeed, 30 per cent of families now use smartphones and tablets to let each other know when grub has been served up or to ask for help with homework, while 31 per cent and 16 per cent use social media and video calls respectively.

Meanwhile, 73 per cent of respondents use a smartphone, tablet or laptop while watching TV, demonstrating the rapid rise of the second-screen trend.

Shazam, of course, is grabbing this bull by the horns by encouraging TV viewers to interact with ads on the box by tagging them with their phones. This was recently demonstrated with a Jimmy Kimmel partnership.

Tim Lumb, research manager at Microsoft Advertising, said: “The ‘Families’ research gives brands and advertisers plenty to think about by revealing a whole new method of communication between family members in the home.

“Parents we spoke to are embracing new technologies as a way of bringing added convenience to day-to-day tasks. On more than one occasion we heard that parents are making video calls to let the kids know that dinner is ready – this is often a lot easier than trying to get their attention without burning the food!

“We also found that the use of multiple devices are bringing families together, with the living room once again acting as a central hub. Static games consoles and desktop computers used to mean leaving the room to surf the internet or play a game, but mobile devices allow family members to sit together and enjoy each other’s company while continuing with other personal connections or activities such as online shopping and chatting with friends.”(source:mobile-ent

3)Final Fantasy VI coming to iOS and Android this winter

By Joe Jasko

Nothing like a fine piece of classic RPG-related news to start off your Thursday morning, right? Well hold on to your chairs and your HP meters for this one: Final Fantasy VI will be heading to iOS and Android smartphone devices at some point this winter!

Square Enix director and producer Takashi Tokita revealed the exciting news to Kotaku this morning, along with an assurance that the game will also receive a few enhancements along the way to your mobile device, similar to the approach that was taken with the well-received Final Fantasy V. More than just a mere port with touchscreen controls, the upcoming Final Fantasy VI on mobile is expected to come with sharper visuals, and a slight tweaking to the overall battle system in an effort to eliminate some of the past required grinding.

And as if already reading everyone’s minds who would be reading this news, Tokita was also forthcoming to share his thoughts about the potential mobile release of the colossal fan-favorite Final Fantasy VII: “If this Legacy project works out well, we would like to one day be able to work with VII.” Let me hear a resounding, yes please!(source:gamezebo

4)BlackBerry may wind up selling off limbs before going private

Meghan Kelly

Like all of your favorite boy-bands from the ’90s, BlackBerry might be breaking up instead of taking some time off.

The suffering smartphone maker recently accepted an offer to be taken private after a year of failed restructuring efforts. But now that the deal due diligence is underway, BlackBerry is reportedly afraid purchasing-company Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited won’t be able to raise the offered $4.7 billion, according to Bloomberg.

In September, Fairfax offered to scoop up flailing BlackBerry for the multibillion dollar purchase price. As part of the deal, Fairfax would pay BlackBerry $9 per share and gobble up all of the existing shares it doesn’t already own. Currently, the financial firm owns 10 percent of BlackBerry.

But BlackBerry seems to be spooked, according to Bloomberg, and is courting the idea of breaking up the company instead of taking it private. That is, it would sell off its patents, proprietary technology, and other parts to rivals and interested parties.

BlackBerry has reportedly even talked to Samsung, Cisco, and SAP about what elements of the company they might be interested in, according to Bloomberg. This could be a good strategy for BlackBerry as it might be able to negotiate prices on the individual technology and wind up getting a lot more for the sum of its parts than it would for the entire business.

The company recently announced almost $1 billion in losses and said it would let go of 4,500 employees. Its stock sits below the purchase price offering at $7.97 a share at the time of writing this post.

No matter what it does, it’s apparent that BlackBerry needs to do something — and quickly.(source:venturebeat

