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人物专访:Press OK公司CEO称看好Windows Phone 7

发布时间:2010-10-08 17:45:25 Tags:,,,,

Windows Mobile迟迟不肯退位,可能已对其接班者Windows Phone 7的登台造成了不小损失,但也有些人认为,一美遮百丑,微软Xbox所取得的辉煌成就完全可以掩盖这些小小的瑕疵。

微软作出Xbox Live、Xbox 360与WP7绑定的决策并非偶然,许多应用开发商认为,这一举动正是微软这个巨人对WP7平台的信心所在。既然微软游戏机的销售可以超越索尼PlayStation,那么人们也有理由相信,WP7从iPhone和Android口中夺食的日子也不会太遥远了。

近日,Pocketgamer记者采访了手机游戏公司Press OK的CEO瑞安·莫瑞尔(Ryan Morel),讨论了他为何认为WP7是该公司《指尖物理》(Finger Physics)这款游戏的最佳投放平台等话题,下文为访谈内容:

Finger Physics

Finger Physics





我们特别期待用户对WP7平台Xbox Live功能的反应,因为这一功能是WP7最显著的卖点,可以为手机用户提供微软游戏机上的产品。




没错,微软在游戏领域的竞争上确实是先行一步。微软的游戏开发智慧和Xbox Live功能的双剑合壁,将使WP7更易成为一个手机游戏磁场,抢夺iOS、Android平台的市场份额。


有,《指尖物理》将绑定Xbox Live的玩家战绩排行榜和成就管理功能。如果Xbox Live今后推出适合我们游戏的新功能,我们也将推出相应的游戏更新版本。






PressOK CEO Ryan Morel on proving Windows Phone 7′s got game

The slow demise of Windows Mobile may have done a certain level of damage to its successor pre-launch, but some believe such blemishes are in the process of being erased by Microsoft’s Xbox exploits.

The giant’s decision to link Windows Phone 7 to Xbox Live and Xbox 360 is no coincidence, already being cited by many developers as a sign of the level of confidence the firm has in its new platform.

If Microsoft can surpass the sales of PlayStation, for instance, what’s to stop it believing it can take serious market share from iPhone and Android?

We caught up with Press OK CEO Ryan Morel to see why he thinks Windows Phone 7 is the perfect home for launch title Finger Physics.

Pocket Gamer: How did you get involved with developing for Windows Phone 7?

Ryan Morel: When we discovered there was an opportunity to be one of the early developers for Windows Phone 7, we couldn’t pass it up. It was a great opportunity to introduce the Finger Physics franchise to a new audience on a new platform.

What is the platform like to work with?

This is our first title on Microsoft’s platform so of course there was a learning curve, but overall it was a fairly easy process.

We’re looking forward to seeing how consumers react to the Xbox Live features on Windows Phone 7 – it’s a unique selling point for the platform and offers gamers connectivity that has yet to be seen on mobile.

What opportunities does Windows Phone 7 have to offer?

Microsoft has long standing expertise in gaming that the other smartphone players can’t touch. If Microsoft is able to transition their console gaming base to mobile, that’s a phenomenal opportunity for game developers like us.

Do you think the emphasis Microsoft has put on games with Windows Phone 7 will give it an advantage over other smartphones?

Yes, Microsoft has a leg up on the competition in respect to gaming.

Microsoft’s gaming intelligence and Xbox live features give them a very good chance to take some market share from iOS and Android and become a magnet platform for mobile gaming.

What specific aspects of Windows Phone 7′s set-up are you looking to take advantage of?

The Xbox Live leaderboards and achievements will be integrated in Finger Physics. As new features roll out, we will also roll out updates to include those if it makes sense within the game.

How would you say it compares to the likes of iPhone and Android?

The hardware and software are great, just like iPhone and Android.

Where we think Microsoft has a real chance to differentiate itself in the minds of developers is how they merchandise content – if they can provide a way for consumers to get great content without developers getting lost in the shuffle, Windows Phone 7 could become a destination platform for developers.

Do you think the smartphone market is becoming overcrowded?

Yes, but I think it’s a good thing. We’re finally seeing big companies come up with creative approaches to the market place that were really missing before the iPhone came along.

Now, we have Apple, RIM, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, and Nokia, all investing heavily in their platforms and creating real value for customers and developers.

Like in everything, they’ll be winners and losers, but the competition will push the market much faster than if there were only one or two dominant platforms.

Any more plans for Windows Phone 7?

Yes, we’ve already started development of Flipstones 2 for Windows Phone 7 – it will be released in the early part of 2011.(source:pocketgamer)

