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新闻集团收购社交游戏开发公司Irata Labs

发布时间:2010-04-23 06:19:50 Tags:,,,

来自游戏行业网站Gamasutra的报道,新闻集团(News Corp)收购了社交游戏开发公司Irata Labs。目前为止,交易双方并未透露交易的相关细节。



irata labs

irata labs

Irata Labs是位于美国旧金山以开发Facebook、iphone和twitter游戏应用为主的专业公司。公司创建于2005年,只有三名职员,克里斯-阿博(Chris Abad)是公司的负责人。

Irata Labs开发出的最受欢迎的游戏应用是王牌间谍(Spymaster,了解),该款游戏最先是为twitter设计的,后来也应用到facebook上。

Major media conglomerate and MySpace owner News. Corp has acquired Irata Labs, a small San Francisco-based developer that’s released social games on Facebook, iPhone, and Twitter. Neither companies revealed the terms of the deal, which closed late last week.

Founded in 2005, Irata Labs has three employees and is headed by CEO Chris Abad. The studio is best known for Spymaster, an espionage game originally built for Twitter and eventually extended to Facebook. In Spymaster, players take on missions and order assassinations, earning currency to buy better equipment and growing their spy ring (Twitter followers/Facebook friends).

The developer also produced iList Micro, an application that uses hashtags to turn Twitter into a classified advertising service, allowing users to post and search items for sale.

As for its future releases, Irata Labs is working on Flyvy, a platform designed to “enable the rapid development of location-based social games”, promising mechanics like resource collection, scavenger hunts, and more.

News Corp. doesn’t plan to incorporate Irata into its major online assets, MySpace, or consumer site IGN, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times. It is believed that the developers will work with those divisions, though, when it makes sense with different projects.

“The fact they built a social classified offering, iList, then they built a Twitter game — these guys have shown they can be mold-breakers with great product. And that’s what we care about,” a person close to the acquisition told the L.A. Times.

了解更多来自Gamasutra的报道,更多关于新闻集团收购irata labs的新闻,或者访问洛杉矶时报 ,或者techcrunch

