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BBC:美国公司收购Realtime Worlds旗下社交游戏MyWorld

发布时间:2010-09-07 15:40:55 Tags:,,

据英国广播公司消息,陷入破产危机的Realtime Worlds已将旗下的两款游戏(《宠物B计划》和《我的世界》)项目出售给了一家美国公司。

根据相关的收购协议,这家未公开名称的美国公司“获得了Realtime Worlds旗下至少两款游戏项目的所有权”。同时有未经证实的消息称,这两款游戏项目的原负责员工将继续在新东家手下负责这两个项目。

realtime worlds

realtime worlds

此前曾有消息称,Realtime Worlds公司的员工将会被全部遣散,只会重新返聘部分人员负责《我的世界》项目。不过一个“严肃的买家”出现并愿意保留原班人马,据传新办公室的地点同样位于英国苏格兰东部的邓迪市。

根据Realtime Worlds官方的描述,《我的世界》将以妙趣横生的全3D社区游戏体验来描绘玩家生活的这个现实世界。玩家们可以在其中享受3D游戏与社区传媒相结合带来的全新虚拟娱乐方式。

报告还称,仍有部分潜在买家对Realtime Worlds旗下的其他资产抱有兴趣。

Part of collapsed computer games company Realtime Worlds has been bought by an anonymous American company, administrators have confirmed.

MyWorld, a social gaming project being developed by the Dundee-based company, was bought for an undisclosed sum, a spokesman for Begbies Traynor said.

Bafta-winning Realtime Worlds was founded by the creator of Lemmings and Grand Theft Auto.

It was seen as one of the UK’s biggest gaming firms until its collapse.

The firm employed about 250 people, mainly in Dundee, but also at its parent company head office and online operations base in Colorado.

Realtime was put into the hands of administrators in August.

The company re-employed 23 staff, who had been laid off, to work on MyWorld in an attempt to attract potential buyers.

A Begbies Traynor spokesman said: “One hundred per cent confidentiality has been imposed by the company.

“MyWorld has been sold and unfortunately we cannot disclose any further details of the sale.”

Dundee MP Jim McGovern welcomed the development but added: “I urge the company and any potential buyers of the other sections of Realtime Worlds to maintain a presence in the city.

“I fear that the coalition’s decision to scrap the computer games industry tax break has made the case for Dundee much more difficult than it need be.

“I am yet to receive a satisfactory response on this issue from the UK government and I will continue pressing them now that parliament has returned.”

In an address to delegates at the Digital Spark Intellectual Property conference at Abertay University last month, Scottish culture minister Fiona Hyslop hit out at the UK government’s decision to abandon plans for tax breaks for games companies.

The relief was cancelled as part of a raft of cost-saving measures in the budget in June.(source:BBC/sina)


