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发布时间:2011-10-19 11:27:45 Tags:,,

作者:Brice Morrison







想象下,如果你打开《超级马里奥兄弟》后,开始看到的并不是“World 1-1”页面,而是以下画面:

World1 2 from

World1 2 from

这两种情形之间有和差别呢?不同之处在于,首个画面设定了游戏的关卡和行进的架构。展示“World 1-1”页面暗示着后面将会有World 1-2、1-3和2-1。也就是说,游戏接下来会有更多的关卡。不仅如此,游戏通过这些黑色背景的介绍页面让你了解自己到达了哪个关卡。

这种设计的作用就在于为玩家营造出长期激励。或许甚至连他们自己都没有意识到,他们已经树立了目标:“完成World 1-1,进入下个游戏世界。”因而,当玩家跳过水管、发射火球和粉碎砖块时,他们知道自己正朝某个目标前进。

World 1 1 from

World 1 1 from

想象下另一个情形。如果从未玩过《超级马里奥兄弟》的玩家在打开游戏是看到的不是“World 1-1”页面,那么他们可能不会感受到激励。他们会控制角色跑段时间,然后被敌人杀死。如果发生这种情况,他们再次尝试和继续玩游戏的可能性就会很小。为什么他们应当继续玩游戏呢?对于他们前方的路途、游戏的架构方式以及如何实现目标,他们一无所知。他们会认为这样的情形会无穷无尽地持续下去。如果对目标毫无所知的话,那么为何要花精力去不停地向右侧跑呢?

长期激励可以让玩家坚持不懈。让他们有再次尝试的理由而且不断玩游戏,因为他们会对这种完成某些事情的行动感到很兴奋。看到“World 1-2”的目标让付出的一切努力都变得有价值。








成就这种方法确实很棒,因为它可以将更多的游戏可玩性融入几乎任何情形中,或者使之成为整个游戏的基础。在几乎所有的Xbox 360和PS3游戏中,都融入了成就系统,玩家可以完成成就来获得点数。





Don’t Let Your Players Be Wanderers

Brice Morrison

When players are enjoying your game, what is their goal, their Long Term Incentive? What is the thing that is making them continue to play in order to achieve? Is it to complete the level? Get all the pieces of their armor? Find the last red coin?

Or do they not have a goal? Do they just kind of…wander around and get bored?

There are a million answers to the question of defining a player goal. Humans are programmed to strive for completion. When something is incomplete and you have the tools to complete it, you are compelled to move forward. And when it is finally marked as “complete”, then the player is satisfied, content, and proud of their accomplishment.

Wandering in this sense doesn’t necessarily mean literally wandering around within a game. There are plenty of titles (Zelda, Shadow of the Colossus) that do that. Wandering is when a player has no goal. Even if the goal is “I want to find something interesting in this field,” then it is good enough. But no goal at all? That gives players a chance to get bored and quit.

But giving them a goal, even a subtle one, will propel them forward. This is the essence of a good Long Term Incentive. Create an incomplete situation that the player cares about, and then hand them the tools they need to complete it.

It all starts with Level 1

Imagine if you picked up Super Mario Bros. and it didn’t start with the World 1-1 screen, but instead started off right away with this screen:

What is the difference between these two scenarios? The difference is that the first one sets the stage and the structure of the game going forward. By saying “World 1-1”, that implies that there is a World 1-2, a 1-3, and a 2-1. That there are more levels coming up, and not only that, the game will let you know when you get there by showing you another one of these nice black intro screens.

What this does is create the Long Term Incentive for the player. While they may not even realize it, they are primed with the goal: “Complete World 1-1 in order to get to the next World.” And so while the player is jumping over pipes, shooting fireballs, and bashing blocks, they know that they are working towards something.

Imagine the opposite scenario. If a player picked up the game, had never played Super Mario before, and didn’t see “World 1-1”, then they would not be as motivated. They may run for a little while, and then run into an enemy. At this point, they would be less likely to try again and continue. Why should they? They don’t know how far they need to go, how this game is structured, or how it works. For all they know it could go on forever. What’s the point of continuing to run to the right if you don’t know why?

A Long Term Incentive gives players perseverance. It gives them a reason to try again and keep going, because they are excited about accomplishing something. Getting to see “World 1-2” makes it all worthwhile.

Self-Selected Wishes

The Sims 3 is widely considered a sandbox game, a title where players can make their own rules, decide what they want to do, and forge their own path for the life of their Sim. However, Sims 3 is a game that is well decorated with goals, giving the player Long Term Incentives to work towards over a period of time.

For example, Sims have their own wishes and dreams that they want to accomplish. These pop up at random for the player to choose from, driven by the preferences and lifestyle of the Sim that they’ve created. Do they want to try and become friends with their neighbor? How about kiss that cute boy that they met at the park? Or maybe apply for a new job? Or perhaps eat an entire tub of ice cream?

Once the player selects the wish, then it is up to them to complete it. It sits their in the player’s HUD, on the screen, reminding them that once they fulfill the wish, they’ll receive extra points for their Sim.

This is an example of a self selected Long Term Incentive. By making the player “promise” to fulfill their Sim’s wish, the player is invested in the experience and enjoys going through with the challenge.

Look at My Trophy Collection!

Achievements are another example of Long Term Incentive, and possibly the most popular because they fit so well into almost every game. You perform a specifically outlined task and receive points as a reward.

Achievements are nice because they can infuse a little more gameplay into almost any situation, or be the foundation of an entire game. In Megaman 9 and 10, players can start picking away at achievements alongside the normal game. On almost every Xbox 360 and PS3 game, achievements are woven into the titles that give players points.

Achievements are a great example of the power of Long Term Incentives, because oftentimes they offer no reward other than displaying the text of “I have completed this” on the screen. And yet, they often require enormous effort, such as Megaman 9’s “Finish the game without getting damaged” achievement. While they aren’t for everyone, achievements give players something to strive for, something that they will be proud to say they’ve finished at the end.

Why are your players playing?

The joy of Long Term Incentives comes out of the innate human joy of accomplishment. Everyone enjoys setting a goal for themselves and then seeing it accomplished.

When players have purpose, then they are more likely to continue playing. Even if they don’t know if consciously, inside they have a reason for what they’re doing and enjoying themselves along the way. Giving players a strong Long Term Incentive can keep them playing for extraordinary amounts of time, and having fun while doing it. (Source: The Game Prodigy)

