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发布时间:2011-07-12 11:24:49 Tags:,,

作者:Pauline Malcolm-John

社交游戏用户已占全美人口的20%(游戏邦注:此项数据来源于NPD Group在2010年的调查结果),因而营销人员需要适当考虑社交游戏战略。不幸的是,多数营销人员不懂得如何将品牌信息整合到这个动态个人领域中。尽管存在通过社交游戏吸引用户并将其转化成品牌支持者的可能性,但这需要遵从某些规则。












比如,有机品牌Cascadian Farm与Zynga合作推出《FarmVille》首个品牌作物,他们为玩家提供一系列的额外奖励。除了能够快速提升农场外,玩家还获得了优惠券以及有机农场和绿色生活小贴士。在为期1周的活动中,无论对新手还是老玩家而言,授权的Cascadian Farm有机蓝莓作物都是游戏中回报最高的《FarmVille》作物。






社交游戏并没有起点和终点,它们是不断变化发展的,话题和行为不断循环。要使推广真正有效,广告商应当在此流程中变得活跃。比如,Skintimate首先发布新香水,然后改变《WeeMee》主页的背景,这项用户就会一直注意到这项推广。再则,Truth发起的运动通过两部分的探索和用户的《Shards of Glass》工厂来延长话题的持续时间。




比如,Drug Free America近期与《WeeWorld》合作开展的运动采用青少年JT现身说法的形式。为披露青少年毒瘾,JT利用问答、咨询和视频等形式述说自己的故事,而不是说教受众。每周还会出现一次测试,让青少年们在毒品或酒中做出选择。用户发邮件给他,述说他们对此项运动的感想。PDFA在三个月的时间内使品牌关注度提高了两倍,更为有趣的是,JT收到了大量的用户回应,他们感谢前者的提醒对他们的帮助。





5 rules for integrating ads into social games

Pauline Malcolm-John

With 56.8 million consumers, or 20 percent of the U.S. population, playing social games (NPD Group), marketers need to have a social game strategy. Unfortunately, most marketers don’t know how to successfully integrate their brand message into this incredibly dynamic and personal space. While engaging consumers through social games and turning them into passionate brand advocates is possible, there are certain rules to live by.

In this article, we’ll take a look at those rules: Adhering to them will allow marketers to leapfrog the norms of standard media and deliver far more effective, and measureable, social campaigns.

Rule #1: Make it relevant

Connect your ad to the audience in meaningful ways by offering content delivered within the context of the social game. Relevant integration within social gaming drives more traffic to the marketer’s website and builds more loyalty than standard banner campaigns.

For example, when Bing advertised in FarmVille, it made the call-to-action relevant to the game’s players in two ways: First, it placed sponsored ads in the game directing users to become fans of Bing’s Facebook page, mentioning that, “Whether you want to buy a horse or a tree, Bing can help you decide!”; secondly, Bing awarded FarmVille virtual currency to players who became fans of Bing on Facebook. The result? Microsoft gained 400,000 Facebook fans in one day.

Bing was then able to use its Facebook status updates to drive search on Bing. “Any FarmVille fans out there? Try using Bing to get the most out of your crops and animals.” By linking that post to Bing search results for “farmville animals,” players were encouraged to use Bing instead of Google. And because most Bing Facebook fans that day came in through FarmVille, the update was heavily commented and “liked,” increasing viral reach.

Rule #2: Add value

Provide social, competitive and/or game currency benefits. Adding value within social gaming provides far more brand exposure — as well as deeper and more meaningful loyalty — than trying to force traditional means into a social environment.

Social games require players to work to achieve benefits. Players “win” by outfitting their avatar or space with items that express their personalities. Before players can acquire their desired virtual goods or achievements, they either have to play the game at length to earn currency, or use real cash to purchase items.

In this context, advertisers get to be the hero, offering virtual goods for free or providing a competitive edge within the social game. The brand or property that provides items that are creative, popular, or attractive enough to spur user interest also “wins” by engaging consumers to opt-in as brand ambassadors.

For example, when organic brand Cascadian Farm teamed up with Zynga to become the first-ever branded crop on FarmVille, they provided a range of bonus benefits to players. In addition to providing the opportunity to quickly enhance their farms, players received coupon offers, as well as organic farming and green living tips. During the week-long partnership, branded Cascadian Farm organic blueberry crops was the most profitable FarmVille crop offered in the game, to beginner and expert FarmVille players.

Rule #3: Give choices, but never interrupt

The user did not show up to see your ad. Make ads a part of the experiences that they have already chosen to participate in, and let them choose to engage. By providing compelling choices, marketers can achieve rates of engagement that are never possible with standard media.

For instance, a recent anti-smoking campaign by Truth (American Legacy Foundation) let WeeWorld users choose to engage by completing a quest or taking a quiz. By doing so, the users earned goods, currency and trophies (the elements they most desire within social game.). In addition, these activities provided entertainment without getting in the way of what users had logged into the site to do in the first place — express themselves and chat with friends. By following the rules, Truth generated 236 million viral impressions in two months, engaged users to complete 26,000 quests and download 607,000 virtual goods.

Rule #4: Create a dialog

Layer new elements into the experience over time to generate continued campaign momentum and build the conversation with consumers. Engaging in a two- to three-month experience that creates a deep conversation is far more effective than a single event that ends the conversation before it really starts.

Social games don’t have a defined start and end — they are ongoing, looping conversations and activities. To be effective, advertisers need an active presence in that flow. For instance, Skintimate first launched with five auras representing Skintimate scents, then added background changes on the WeeMee home page so users noticed the campaign all over again. By the time the custom virtual film studio with avatar bots delivering automatic messages like “I’m strawberry tangerine!” launched in phase three, the users knew what it meant and new conversations could start. In addition, the Truth campaign prolonged their dialog through a two-part quest and a custom Shards of Glass factory in World — an effective dialog-starter about the dangers of smoking.

Rule #5: Perpetuate goodwill

Give. Then give some more. Then enjoy the thanks.

There is a lot of giving in social games. Instead of advertising being foisted on consumers, they experience “ads” as welcome gifts and experiences. As the brand gives, they are thanked again and again not only with increased engagement, but also through actual thanks.

For example, Partnership for a Drug Free America grounded its recent campaign on WeeWorld in the form of a real teen spokesperson, JT. As a recovering teen drug addict, JT used Q&A, commentary, quests and video to deliver his story without preaching to the audience. He also posed a scenario each week where a teen would have to make a choice about drugs or alcohol. Users e-mailed him their responses. PDFA tripled brand awareness in just three months, but even more interesting is the fact that JT received loads of direct input from users and got impassioned thank you notes for helping them.

WeeWorld receives personal thank you notes from users for many of the brands that we bring them. These are not consumers being bombarded with ads, these are thankful and engaged members of a community looking for new surprises and opportunities each week.

Follow the rules, reap the rewards

Knowing the rules and putting them into action are two different things. It is much easier to slap a traditional banner ad on a social gaming site and cross your fingers that it drives interest. However, if you take the time to work with a knowledgeable partner and implement a multi-phase, relevant campaign integrated into the true experience and personality of the game itself, you can not only engage consumers but also create powerful and passionate brand ambassadors. How you play the social game is up to you. (Source: iMedia Connection)

