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Chris Pruett传授适用多个Android平台的游戏开发经验

发布时间:2011-03-01 18:40:53 Tags:,,,

据pocketgamer报道,Android平台游戏开发布道者Chris Pruett在日前的GDC大会上以自己在业余时间开发的《小绿人历险记》(Replica Island)为例,道出了开发商在创建Android游戏时需要注意的一些事项。




虽然《小绿人历险记》这款免费游戏下载量已经超过160万次了,但作为一个2D侧边滚动游戏,它更像是一个DIY的复古项目,而非《Infinity Blade》Android版本诞生的前奏。游戏邦获悉,Pruett还在Replicaisland.net网站上免费公布了游戏开发的源代码。






前者的说法是正确的,而后者仍属于低端设备的技术。虽然在高端设备中,你可以更快速地把像素直接传输到CPU中,但是由于《小绿人历险记》仅支持OpenGL ES 1.0版本,并不需要大量的运行性能,因此无需调整。


GDC 2011: How Google’s Chris Pruett released a game which works on every Android device

Talking about his personal project Replica Island – made in his spare time – Google’s developer advocate Chris Pruett pointed out some of things studios need to think about when making Android games.

The caveat to his talk at the GDC Smartphone Summit – entitled Building a Successful Android Game – Pruett said when the game was developed, the only Android device available was the original G1.

Also, as a 2D side scrolling game Replica Island was more of a DIY retro project rather than providing a blueprint to make Android’s Infinity Blade, although the free game has been downloaded over 1.6 million times.

And, the source code is now freely available from for developers who want to check it out.

Think early

Key decisions Pruett made concerned dealing with different screen resolutions and control methods, the two things he says are key for developers to consider.

“I assumed there would be no standard for screen size resolution, so the art just scales according to the height of the screen, and that worked with my game design,” he explained.

“This has enabled Replica Island to run on pretty much every Android device,” Pruett said.

A less successful assumption was that all devices would – like the G1 – have a trackpad, which proved completely wrong.

“I’ve had to update the game to add support and the ability to customise controls and now it supports trackball, tilt, virtual pad and keyboard,” he said.

“I think you can play the game on every Android device ever. It should even work on the Xperia Play.”

On the up

His two other assumptions were that the G1 would be the lowest powered Android device, and that OpenGL would be the fastest way to draw 2D graphics.

The former is true and latter also on low end devices, although on high end devices, you can now send the pixels direct to the CPU faster. But with Replica Island only supporting OpenGL ES 1.0, and not requiring massive performance, there was no reason to change this.

As an aside, Pruett also pointed out that each mobile GPU company has proprietary texture compression technology, none of which are compatible, which can create problems, if your game involves a lot heavy art content.(

