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社交游戏开发商Real Life Plus将时尚融入于战火硝烟之中

发布时间:2010-12-28 15:12:23 Tags:,,,

最近,新兴游戏工作室Real Life Plus接连发布了两款Facebook应用Style Studio及其姊妹作Fashion FaceOff。

Fashion Face Off

Fashion Face Off

如上图所见,Fashion Faceoff游戏中涵盖了热辣美女和枪械两大元素,类似于《使命召唤》和《天桥骄子》的合体。这恰恰体现Real Life Plus工作室的开发理念——兼顾男女玩家喜好。

据游戏邦了解,玩家可以在Style Studio中自由发挥设计,之后将自己的设计成果展示在另一款游戏Fashion Faceoff中。同时玩家还可以与其他设计师同堂竞赛,落败的玩家将受到重型武器的可怕惩罚。

而在Fashion Faceoff中,玩家将扮演裁判对不同设计师的作品进行品评。玩家还可以在游戏中购买各种武器装备如火焰喷射器等将没有价值的设计一轰而“烬”。如果Fashion FaceOff听起来有点疯狂,Style Studio则相对比较保守。玩家可以通过游戏中的简单工具开发各种3D服装,完成之后,将之快照保存到自己的档案之中。之后玩家可以进入自己的Fashion Faceoof设计。如果对某一作品不满,玩家可以将至付之一炬,当某件设计被烧毁达50次就会得到一款石棉内衣的会长奖励。

Real Life Plus工作室位于美国加州爱莫利维尔,Terry Redfield是该工作室的创办者兼首席执行官,她与St.John Colón合作创办了这家游戏开发公司。Terry Redfield希望自己开发的游戏既能便于中老年人操作,又能吸引年轻人的兴趣。现在,玩家可以在Real Life Plus工作室网站下载Style Studio和Fashion FaceOff,目前该两款游戏已正式登陆Facebook,MySpace和iPad等平台。

Terry Redfield

Terry Redfield

据游戏邦了解,Redfield的开发团队成员此前累积了丰富的游戏和社交媒介开发经验,曾参与过《模拟人生》、《生化危机》、《玩具总动员》、《古墓丽影》、《疯狂世界》、《海绵宝宝》和《Madden NFL Football》等知名游戏的开发。其中Redfield本人自15岁开始接触网络领域,曾经任职于游戏公司3DO和Double Fine Productions。而该公司的合作创办者Colón也有过相当丰富的游戏开发公司。此外,该公司的主要成员还包括总裁兼运营总监Roselyn Romberg,技术总监Dennis Harper,动画设计Tara Packard。在开发团队成员的通力合作下,Real Life Plus善于运用Unity技术开发高品质的3D游戏动画。

成立于2009年的Real Life Plus游戏工作室现有10名员工,其主要竞争公司是同样开发时尚题材游戏和虚拟世界的Gaia Online和Second Life。目前该公司获得天使投资12万美元。另外该公司的顾问包括微软Game Studio前任负责人Ed Fries和Playdom营销总监Robin Harper。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Sometimes crazy ideas for video games turn out to be hits. That must be the logic behind Real Life Plus, a startup game studio that’s making two interesting new Facebook apps, Style Studio and its companion game Fashion FaceOff.

As you can tell from the image above, this one involves hot girls and guns, sort of like Call of Duty meets Project Runway. Or, if you’re into games for women and girls, Stardoll meets Sorority Life. The company is coming out of stealth today and is one of those rare ventures that aims to create a game that both sexes will like.

You create your designs in Style Studio, an app that will be available on the web or on social networks such as Facebook.

Then you show your fashion designs off in the Facebook game, Fashion FaceOff, where you compete against other designers in a kind of gladiator’s arena. If you lose, you’re eliminated with deadly weapons, such as the rocket launcher shown above.

In Fashion FaceOff, users are the judge, jury and executioner for would-be fashion designers. If you’re talented, you can rise through the ranks and buy toys such as flamethrowers to destroy unworthy designs.

It may sound like a dude’s fantasy. But the founder and chief creative officer of the Emeryville, Calif.based company is a woman, Terry Redfield (pictured right), who has a mix of male and female video game veterans on her management team.

If Fashion FaceOff sounds a little crazy, Style Studio is more conventional. You can employ easy-to-use tools to create 3D fabrics, clothing and outfits. You can take Polaroid-like snapshots and put them in your portfolio. Then you can enter your designs in the Fashion FaceOff. If you hate a design, you can literally flame it with a flamethrower. If one of your own outfit designs gets flamed 50 times, you get an achievement badge of Asbestos Underwear.

“I wanted to create something easy enough for my mom to play, yet cool enough for my 15-year-old nephew to try,” says Redfield, who started the company with co-founder St.John Colón. “My goal is to make applications and virtual spaces that all tie together into one exciting experience.”

You can download the apps now on the company’s web site. But they will also be available on Facebook, MySpace and the iPad.

Redfield’s team has a lot of experience making games and social media. They’ve worked on games such as The Sims 2, Resident Evil, Toy Story, Tomb Raider, Psychonauts, SpongeBob Squarepants and Madden NFL Football. Redfield started working in online communities at age 15 and worked at game companies such as 3DO and Double Fine Productions. Throughout her career, she has straddled the traditional game and casual game businesses. Colón has worked on games that have sold more than 17.7 million units at companies such as Square, Warner Bros., Nickelodeon and Disney/Pixar.

Other key folks are Roselyn Romberg, president and chief operating officer; Dennis Harper, technical director; and animator Tara Packard. The company can create high-quality 3D animations because it uses the Unity Engine from Unity Technologies, which can create 3D graphics running inside a web browser.

The company was founded in 2009 and has 10 employees. Rivals include fashion-oriented games and virtual worlds such as Gaia Online and Second Life. Advisors include game veterans Ed Fries, former head of Microsoft Game Studios, and Robin Harper, head of marketing at Playdom and former executive at Linden Lab.

The company has raised $120,000 in angel funding and is raising a round of venture money. Here’s a concept video for the game below. (Source:VentureBeat)

