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发布时间:2010-12-22 15:56:50 Tags:,,

日前Digital Surgeons公布了一组调查图表显示,虽然Facebook的用户人数是Twitter的五倍,但这两者的一些用户参数却出现了意想不到的对比结果。


Facebook VS Twitter

Facebook VS Twitter





Facebook Users Update One Fifth As Often As Twitterers

If you watch updates on Twitter and Facebook with any regularity, the two exhibit different posting patterns. These differences aren’t simply a matter of the latter having five times as many users as the former, as a set of infographics by Digital Surgeons show.

Most notably, just over half of all Tweeple update their statuses daily while a little more than one out of every ten Facebookers do so every day.

According to the infographic first posted on Digital Trends, just over one in four Facebookers are college students, compared to a little more than half of all Tweeps. That may seem ironic given Facebook’s origins, but it also shows that the site has matured.

Marketing possibilities differ significantly on the two social platforms: 40 percent of Facebook users follow a brand, while only 25 percent of people on Twitter do.

However, among the 25 percent of Twitterers who follow brands, 67 percent would purchase the brand. And 51 percent put of the 40 percent following brands on Facebook would make a purchase.

Interestingly, Facebook appears to have a greater proportion of non-U.S. users than Twitter: 70 percent compared to 60 percent for the microblogging site.

And the proportion of people logging on via their mobile devices doesn’t vary as much between the two social media as one might expect: 30 percent on Facebook versus 37 percent on Twitter.

Other demographics data points are fairly similar between the two sites. There are slightly more women than men, use them a little bit more than men, although the skew’s a couple of pecentage points greater on Facebook.(source:allfacebook)

