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pocketgamer:员工圣诞休假,苹果App Store将暂停服务

发布时间:2010-11-23 09:49:00 Tags:,,,

日前,苹果在致iOS开发商的一封邮件中表示,iTunes Connect将在12月23至28日期间关闭服务,以便苹果员工可以在这一时期安心休假。

据苹果邮件所称,“iTunes Connect将于12月29日开始恢复服务,如果你在圣诞期间上传了应用产品,就等到iTunes Connect恢复服务,该产品才会在App Store中显示。请您安排好产品发布时间。”

iTunes Connect will go offline

iTunes Connect will go offline

值得注意的是,这一时期恰好是每年的应用下载高峰期,因为iOS产品,尤其是iPoud touches在此时的激活率非常高。

预计App Store的应用和游戏排名也将在该时期停止更新,排行榜将呈现停滞状态。


App Store goes offline for developers between Dec 23-28

iOS developers have received notification from Apple that the company plans to take iTunes Connect offline over the Christmas, or holiday, period.

As stated in an email, iTunes Connect will be unavailable from December 23 through to December 28, with Apple taking the set up offline as Jobs and company swan off to enjoy the holidays.

Christmas closedown

“iTunes Connect access will be back online for use on December 29,” Apple says in the email.

“If you choose to set an available date for your app to go live during the scheduled holiday shutdown, your app will not go live on the App Store until iTunes Connect resumes for business on December 29. Please plan your releases accordingly.”

Significantly, this period is one of the busiest of the year, with million of people unwrapping new iOS devices, especially iPod touches.

It’s expected that the chart position of apps and games on the App Store will also be frozen during this period.

The shutdown follows a precedent set by Apple over Christmas last year, although no reference has yet been made to a hiatus over Thanksgiving that had been expected by some commentators.(source:pocketgamer)

