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发布时间:2010-11-23 09:07:23 Tags:,,,,

尽管Android在美国的每月销售额已经超过苹果,Android Market的应用增长率也已经逼近App Store,但据美国移动广告服务公司Mobclix最近公布的信息图表显示,iPhone用户在手机应用的消费支出上仍然占优势,是Android用户的7倍。可见Android每向iPhone追赶一步,都会发现仍有新的差距需要突破,才能真正与iPhone一决高下。

Mobclix index

Mobclix index



iPhone owners spend 7 times more on in-app purchases than Android

Every hurdle Android appears to have cleared in its race with iPhone seems to be followed up by another, more challenging barricade.

That’s a thesis supported by the release of Mobclix’s latest Android Marketplace infographic.

The firm’s numbers suggest that, even though Android’s monthly US sales have surpassed that of Apple, and app submissions to Android Market are now roughly level with the App Store, consumers are still spending far more money on iPhone.

App analytics

Firstly, Mobclix claims they download a larger number of apps. The firm’s numbers suggest an iPhone user has 28 apps on their phone, with Android users coming in below on 17 apps per handset.

Added to that is also the suggestion that iPhone users spend far more money on in-app purchases in games than those on Android – seven times more in total, according to Mobclix data.

However, Android is by no means at the bottom of the tree. Twice as many Android owners make a purchase or payment on their handset than general smartphone users, suggesting the platform is performing strongly, but isn’t yet in the same league as the App Store.(source:pocketgamer)

