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mobile-ent:售价3欧元 《愤怒鸟》推诺基亚Symbian版本

发布时间:2010-10-25 09:14:31 Tags:,,,

据mobile-ent报道,《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds)这款游戏登陆Android平台一周内已创造300万下载量,而且还在向其他智能手机扩张,目前《愤怒鸟》Symbian版本已可在诺基亚Ovi Store付费下载。




《愤怒鸟》在Ovi Store标价3欧元,比起iPhone版本的99美分,这个价格多少有点让用户沮丧,更不要说iPhone版本的游戏还有195个等级,而Ovi版本才105个等级。

诺基亚已表示,《愤怒鸟》Symbian版本将成为首款采用Ovi Store应用内置付费功能的游戏;另外,Rovio方面也已经做好准备,只待Ovi Store这一新付费系统建立,就可以将Mighty Eagle付费功能植入该游戏版本中。


Angry Birds takes flight on Nokia’s Ovi Store

Rovio Mobile might be seizing headlines for the three million downloads of its Angry Birds game on Android this week, but the company is targeting other smartphones too.

The full Symbian version of Angry Birds has gone live on Nokia’s Ovi Store, and is available to buy now.

Yes, that’s ‘buy’. At the present time, it’s only the Android version of the game that is free and ad-supported, thanks to Rovio’s deal with Google.

The Ovi Store version of the game costs £3, which may disappoint users, considering that the iPhone version costs 99p – despite having 195 levels to the Ovi version’s 105.

Nokia has already confirmed that the Symbian version will be one of the first games to make use of Ovi Store’s soon-to-launch in-app payments capability.

Rovio will be making its Mighty Eagle power-up available to buy within the game, once Nokia’s new payments system goes live.

Angry Birds has been available for Nokia handsets before, though. The game was originally released as a Maemo title for Nokia’s N900 handset early this year.(source:mobile-ent)

