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盘点25款最难视频游戏 Capcom公司似乎深谙此道

发布时间:2011-03-22 11:16:16 Tags:


25. 雪人兄弟(任天堂)


24. 红侠乔伊(Capcom)


23. 孤胆枪手2(Interplay)

无论玩家选择控制Kurt Hectic、Max或Fluke Hawkins,都需要在玩《孤胆枪手2》时发挥自己掌握的所有技术。这款续作由BioWare中的精明团队负责编程,游戏中的关卡更大且敌人更富挑战性。尤其是玩家需要完美控制Max和使用火箭包的时机,角色能得以存活便是一桩幸事。

22. 塞尔达2:林克的冒险(任天堂)



21. 合金弹头系列(SNK)


20. 俄罗斯方块(各大公司)

自1985年起,Alexei Pajitnov制作的这款解谜游戏风靡全球。无论玩家选择哪个版本的游戏,后面的关卡几乎不可能完成。方块下落速度过快,根本没有足够的时间为其找到合适的位置或将方块连成一线,游戏的难度就在于此。

19. Gauntlet(Atari)


18. 传送门(Valve)

这款游戏隶属Valve出品的半条命橙盒版,该第一人称解谜游戏及Xbox Live上的《Still Alive》扩展包深深吸引玩家。之前的关卡还比较简单,但最终玩家便会尝到某些令人焦头烂额的关卡。GLaDOS不会提供多大帮助,而且还会在通关见到她之前不断打搅你。而游戏邦认为,最糟糕的部分在于承诺的奖励不过是个谎言。

17. 生化尖兵系列(Capcom)

对如何制作富有挑战性的游戏,Capcom深谙此道,而《生化尖兵》无外乎又属此类。该游戏最初在NES上出现的版本令诸多玩家灰心丧志,只有少数精英得以在独裁者的猛攻中存活下来。自此之后,该系列游戏便保持其对难度的关注,包括发布于Game Boy Color平台及去年发布的可下载游戏《希魔复活复刻版》。游戏邦觉得,玩家可以期待这种趋势在今年5月发布的《生化尖兵》系列游戏中得以重现。


16. 吉他英雄系列,专家级难度(动视)

玩家可能会觉得《吉他英雄》并不难,或许对该游戏的初级和中级难度可以如此评价。即便是在高级难度,某些玩家还是可以从容应对。但是,如果真正想成为吉他高手,玩家应该挑战专家级难度。这个难度才能测出玩家的能力,尤其是《Bark At the Moon》和《Through the Fire and Flames》等歌曲,这些几乎可以让玩家的手在弹奏后失去知觉。

15. 忍(Sega)

诸如原版电子游戏和创世纪历险记等《忍》系列游戏还算简单,但Joe Musashi在PlayStation 2平台上的探索变得尤为艰巨。在这个版本中,他需要同大量神一般的敌人战斗。更糟糕的是,某些关卡需要玩家有矫健的身手方能通过。

14. F-Zero GX(任天堂)


13. 虫姬(Cave)


12. 毁灭战士,噩梦难度(ID software)



11. 使命召唤4:现代战争(动视)


10. 魂斗罗系列(KONAMI)

魂斗罗系列作品总会让玩家压力重重。除非玩家使用多条性命的秘籍,否则单是NES上的两款作品便充满难度。随后出品的SNES游戏《魂斗罗3:异性战争》和PS2游戏《Contra: Shattered Soldier》,其难度更会令玩家垂头丧气。

9. Defender(Williams)


8. 鬼泣3(Capcom)

在《鬼泣3》中,日版中的“困难”模式在美版中改成“一般”模式,随后Capcom增添了称为“Dante Must Die”的新难度。游戏邦觉得,玩过这个模式的玩家会迫切希望Capcom出个较为简单的特别版来使自己冷静下来。

7. 战神系列(SCEA)



6. R-Type(Irem)

《R-Type》堪称高难度射击游戏之首,这款游戏最早于80年代后期出现在街机上,使玩家有机会驾驶小型宇宙飞船在Bydo帝国中作战。除非玩家选择较为简单的模式,否则游戏依然会勾起其痛苦的回忆,尤其是最新作Xbox Live Arcade游戏《R-Type Dimensions》。

5. 斑鸠(Treasure)


4. 洛克人9(Capcom)

大部分《洛克人》系列游戏都不至于让玩家过于沮丧,如最为著名的NES游戏《洛克人3》和PlayStation游戏《洛克人10》。尽管如此,《洛克人9》并非与这些作品如出一辙。这款可在Xbox Live、Wii Shop Channel和PlayStation Network上下载的游戏几近让玩家抓狂,除了吐火的花朵和布满尖刺的地板之外,还有疯狂的BOSS战。游戏中还设置部分挑战模式,某些关卡的难度足以令人精神失常。其中某个居然要求玩家在BOSS的攻击下生存10分钟,真是令人难以想象。

3. 忍者蛙(Tradewest)


2. 大魔界村(Capcom)



1. 忍者龙剑传系列(Tecmo)

这款游戏的难度足以让玩家崩溃,渴求神的怜悯。《忍者龙剑传》在NES上的首作中便有着难度极高的敌人和BOSS,而随着时间流逝,该系列游戏的难度有愈演愈烈之势。《忍者龙剑传:黑之章》中布满挑战性的任务和狡诈的敌人,而Xbox 360上的《忍者龙剑传2》进一步加重玩家心理所承受的压力,其难度足以让任何人暴走。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Top 25 Hardest Games of All Time

Most of today’s video games are pushovers lasting a few mere hours. The following top 25, however, are the most difficult games you’ll run into and not easily beaten. We dare you to play any of the following without cursing, throwing controllers or kicking chairs.

25. Ice Climber (Nintendo)

Ice Climber looks deceivingly simple, with its cute Eskimo characters and equally adorable enemies. However, the later stages toss in conveyor belts, dropping icicles and baddies that constantly reappear — you’ll be hard-pressed to finish the game.

24. Viewtiful Joe (Capcom)

Like most games on this list, Viewtiful Joe starts out simple but turns mind-numbingly tough. Later stages throw puzzles and endless enemies at you that’ll have you screaming for mercy, especially on a cranked-up difficulty. C’mon, don’t play it on Children’s setting. Be a man.

23. MDK 2 (Interplay)

Whether you’re playing through the game with Kurt Hectic, Max or Dr. Fluke Hawkins, you’ll need to bring every skill you have into MDK 2. Programmed by the savvy team at BioWare, the sequel to the hit Shiny Interactive game pulls out all the stops with even more challenging enemies and bigger stages. One in particular requires perfect timing with Max and his rocket pack. Good luck surviving that.

22. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Nintendo)

The Adventures of Link has plenty of hack n’ slash action. Link is well armed with his sword and shield, but that doesn’t stop the game from throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him. Find all the hearts you can in this one. You’ll need them.

21. Metal Slug series (SNK)

For the last 13 years, SNK’s Metal Slug series has delivered nothing short of balls-to-the-wall shoot-em-up action. Just when you think you’ve got one boss licked, along comes another with even more firepower. Fortunately, you have a gun-toting monkey and a camel with a turret for help. A petting zoo, this ain’t.

20. Tetris (various)

Alexei Pajitnov’s puzzle creation continues to consume countless hours since 1985. No matter what version of the game you play, the later stages are almost impossible. Puzzle pieces drop so fast that you barely have time to create solid lines – or find open spaces to put the pieces, for that matter.

19. Gauntlet (Atari)

Gauntlet is a pain if you go it alone. In fact, it’s still a pain even if you have three other friends tagging along. This dungeon crawler pits you against hundreds of enemies at once, coming at you with axe attacks and fireballs until you meet your demise. You’ll need to confront them as you search for keys, magic spells and most importantly, food. Health doesn’t regenerate on its own.

18. Portal (Valve)

Valve’s wildly brilliant first-person puzzle game still holds our interests as part of the Orange Box or through the Xbox Live Still Alive expansion. The early levels are a breeze, but you’ll eventually play levels that’ll fry your brain. GLaDOS isn’t much help, badgering you with insults until you eventually face her at the game’s conclusion. The worst part is the promised cake is a lie.

17. Bionic Commando series (Capcom)

Capcom knows how to make a challenging game, and Bionic Commando is no exception. Its NES debut frustrated many, although an elite few managed to survive a dictator’s onslaught to see the conclusion. Since then, the series has maintained its hard streak, with a Game Boy Color release and last year’s downloadable Bionic Commando Rearmed. Look for this trend to continue with the current-gen Bionic Commando game this May.

16. Guitar Hero series, expert difficulty (Activision)

“Sure,” you say. “Guitar Hero isn’t that hard.” Well, on easy and medium difficulty, perhaps. Even on hard, there’s a few gamers who can take what it dishes out. However, if you want to be a true guitar master, you’ll shred on expert difficulty. Here, you’ll be put to the test, especially with such songs as “Bark At the Moon” and “Through the Fire and Flames.” You’ll barely be able to feel your hands afterwards.

15. Shinobi (Sega)

The previous Shinobi games, such as the original arcade game and the Genesis adventures, were fairly easy to beat. On the PlayStation 2, however, Joe Musashi’s quest turns monstrous. He battles a number of god-like foes in this revamp. Worse yet, some stages require pure athleticism just to get by. We’re talking no floors. None whatsoever.

14. F-Zero GX (Nintendo)

The most recent addition to the F-Zero series is the best one to date, but it’s also the hardest. If you manage to make it to the later cup circuits, the odds are firmly stacked against you. We’re talking opponents that check you at every turn, gravity-defying jumps that force you out of the race and hairpin turns so nasty, you’ll lose a chunk of your energy just trying to come off the barrier. That is, when there’s a barrier to catch you.

13. Mushihimesama Futari (Cave)

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to bullet hell. Cave’s Japan-only shooter is one you’ve probably never seen, and one you will probably never beat. That’s because every enemy shoots something at you, limiting your chances at survival. In fact, it’ll take you five minutes just to figure out the final boss’s shooting patterns, and another five to ten (and several dollars in quarters) to destroy it. Check around YouTube if you don’t believe us.

12. Doom, Nightmare difficulty (id Software)

One of the pioneers of the first-person shooting genre, id’s Doom is also one of the hardest. The easier difficulty levels are pushovers, but crank it up to Nightmare and send back a postcard from hell. Demons come at you from all sides, spewing fireballs and chipping away at your energy. Even if you have heavy armor and a slew of weapons, your chances of surviving this mode are slim. There’s a reason why they call it Nightmare.

11. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Activision)

If you crave realistic war action, look no further than Activision’s epic Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It’s already a handful on lighter difficulty settings, but real pros will want to step up to the veteran level. Here, your enemies don’t hold back, shooting from all sides while you try to take them down with a steady trigger finger and a handful of grenades. We’ll see you on the battlefield, soldier.

10. Contra series (Konami)

Contra is one of those holy grail franchises that poses a challenge for all who approach it. The two NES games were hard to beat, unless you were one of those people that used a code for multiple lives. Then came the sequels Contra III: The Alien Wars on SNES and Contra: Shattered Soldier, a game that’s so frustrating we still haven’t beaten it.

9. Defender (Williams)

As the last line of defense for Earth, you’ve got an awful lot to tackle in Williams’ arcade classic. Mutants have overtaken the planet, and they’re sucking up innocent people. Not only must you blast these creatures into oblivion, but you also have to rescue falling civilians. Later stages are incredibly demanding, especially with the introduction of the smaller swarm ships.

8. Devil May Cry 3 (Capcom)

In Devil May Cry 3, the “hard” difficulty setting from the Japanese version became “normal” in the States, and Capcom then introduced a new difficulty mode called “Dante Must Die.” It was so overwhelming that Capcom had to introduce an easier Special Edition to calm down the gaming community.

7. God of War series (SCEA)

To breeze through God of War games, choose the lightest difficulty and enjoy the cakewalk. For the rest of us, there’s God mode, which punishes players with enemies that don’t hold anything back; just wait until you face the serpents. Oh, and don’t expect God of War III to be any easier.

6. R-Type (Irem)

R-Type leads the pack of nearly impossible shooters. When this game first hit arcades in the late ’80s, people kept slamming quarters down for a chance to take on the Bydo Empire with a small spacecraft. It’s still a pain in the butt, especially the recently released Xbox Live Arcade game R-Type Dimensions. (Unless you’re a wuss and take the easier route.)

5. Ikaruga (Treasure)

Speaking of unbelievably hard shooters, we can’t have this list without this Treasure classic. Ikaruga has a twist to its shooting techniques, as you’ll switch between two colors and absorb enemy bullets to fire charged shots. You’ll need to acquire power-ups, as enemies unleash beautiful, firework-style destruction. Good luck getting past level five – or even level three.

4. Mega Man 9 (Capcom)

Most Mega Man games have their fair share of frustrations, most notably Mega Man 3 on the NES and the Mega Man X games on the PlayStation. Nothing, though, comes close to what you’ll face in Mega Man 9. This downloadable game for Xbox Live, Wii Shop Channel and PlayStation Network hurls everything it’s got at you, from fire-throwing flowers to tricky spiked floors to crazy boss battles. There’s also a list of Challenges to complete, some of which are borderline insane. One even requires you to survive a boss battle for 10 minutes.

3. Battletoads (Tradewest)

The designers at Rare were either mad scientists bent on breaking our spirits or freakin’ geniuses testing our physical limits when they produced Battletoads on the NES. Maybe it’s both. Either way, this wild platforming game has several tasks for you and a friend to complete, including speeder bike chases, beating up baddies and surfing. Few have seen the game’s conclusion.

2. Ghouls n’ Ghosts series (Capcom)

Ghosts n’ Goblins is without question one of the most difficult video game series of all time. Its lead character, Arthur, valiantly attempts to save his love, only to die repeatedly at the hands of numerous monsters. Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts for the SNES is a real test, requiring you to go through the game twice before it ends. Many a controller died beating that one.

1. Ninja Gaiden series (Tecmo)

Finally, we come to the series that will bring you to your knees and make you cry for mercy. Since its debut on the NES, Ninja Gaiden introduced tough enemies and even tougher bosses. Over the years, it’s only gotten harder. Ninja Gaiden Black is ridiculous with its enormous list of challenges to complete and tricky bad guys. Ninja Gaiden II on the Xbox 360 only increased our stress levels, with monsters so vicious we punched holes through walls. (Source: Game Daily)

