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发布时间:2010-11-26 09:47:35 Tags:,,




目前,FarmVille官方网站已经公布关于本次慈善活动的具体信息。其中,玩家提出种植糖果棒的申请目前暂时定价为240 Farm Cash,相当于40美元。申请成功后,玩家就可以购买单价10 Coin的糖果棒种子进行种植,2天成熟收获后出售的价格为125 Coin。收获后糖果棒庄稼不会枯萎可以继续产出,此外玩家还可以获得3个XP。

虽然现在可能已经有不少玩家迫不及待了,但目前这款活动还处于开发阶段,细节部分随时都可能有所变化。那么,既然我们已经对本次活动有所了解,最后的惊喜就是期待完成任务后会得到什么奖品了。记得在上一次的FarmVille海地“School of Choice”慈善活动中,玩家最后是获得了一款免费的”L’ Ecole de Choix”热气球。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Zynga’s getting ready to rake in the dough this holiday season, but it’s all for a good cause. Last week, we learned that FarmVille’s new Candy Cane crop is actually part of a larger social media fund-raising effort to help pay for the construction of the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, to which Zynga has pledged 100% of its donations.
FarmVille UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
Details of this new donation campaign can be seen (in the above image and) as a leaked Flash file on the FarmVille website here. Permits to grow the Candy Canes are tentatively priced at a whopping 240 Farm Cash, which is about $40 USD. After which, they’ll cost 10 Coins each, sell for 125 Coins, harvest in 2 days, will never wither, and yield 3 XP.

Before anyone freaks out, remember that this is all just a work-in-progress, so the details can change at any time. Now that we have an idea what to expect, the final surprise is what the collectible gift will be. The last major FarmVille charity event — the “School of Choice” in Haiti — earned everyone a free “L’ Ecole de Choix” Hot Air Balloon for their farms. (

