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发布时间:2015-06-17 14:27:37 Tags:,,,,

作者:Cliff Harris

本文的内容可能不是那么流行。如果你是《我的世界》/《星际公民》/《Flappy Bird》/《江南Style》的粉丝,你便可以把目光移开了。





gangnam(from gamasutra)

gangnam(from gamasutra)



iTunes排行榜便是应用的目标。只要出现在排行榜最上方,你便会感到满足。但问题在于,因为现在的排行榜/新闻源/全球媒体都缺少多样性,所以人们对于优秀内容的看法将趋于一致。那些致力于编写流行歌曲的人将会开始写出像《江南Style》这样的歌曲。手机游戏会越来越像《Flappy Bird》,而桌面游戏也会越来越像《我的世界》。



我的意思是其实《江南Style》,《我的世界》,《Flappy Bird》和《星际公民》并没有实际上那么厉害。我并不是说它们并不优秀,并不惊人,而是它们的受欢迎程度在某种程度上与其质量是不相干的。人们之所会购买某些东西是因为大家都在购买这些东西。某些东西之所以变得更受欢迎是因为它已经很受欢迎了,那么这时候情况就糟糕了,因为当你在创造某些内容时,它的成功将更多地取决于运气。所以这是非常糟糕的。



所以为什么苹果不采取与Steam一样的做法并纠正这样的问题?因为他们并不需要在意这样的问题。作为一名开发者,看到自己所创造的游戏注定会遭遇失败,但也有可能变成像《我的世界》或《Flappy Bird》那样的游戏是件很奔溃的事。这是一个风险非常高的产业。但对于那些拥有网上商店的来说,他们根本不会在意。因为他们不关心排行第1的游戏是真正出色的还是可笑的。他们只会想着不断赚取更多利益。所以运转一间应用商店是一种有效的避险策略。我也希望自己能够拥有这么一间商店:D。


Implications of a global market on random success

by Cliff Harris

I might be unpopular in this post. If you are a huge minecraft / star citizen / flappy bird and gangnam style fan, look away now.

I think there is a phenomena that is becoming stronger and stronger and I think its bad news for all content creators. Well, for 99.99% of us. That phenomena is the globalization of media, and the concentration of it in a few hands.

Zap back a few hundred years, and you could be the #1 best Lute player in the village. Nobody else could touch you for lute playing. You rocked. 30 miles away there was a better lute player, but nobody ever left their village anyway, so who cared. You could play the lute, and people would pay you to hear it. Happy times.

Zap forward a bit and we have TV and radio. And thats different, because now you can hear that Lute / guitar player from the next village on the radio. And that means everyone in the country can hear him. So that guy gets to be a big national star, and the lesser local people don’t do so well. And thats tough for them, but probably not a total disaster. After all, competing with every guitar player in the UK is tough, but you aren’t competing globally. BBC radio doesn’t play in Islamabad, and (and this is crucial) even if it did, nobody would like your weird English music over there anyway, due to cultural differences.

The latest transformers movie had a scene set in China, and dialog where people say to trust the government to save them. Both put in to keep Chinese audiences / government officials happy. This is what happens now. Nobody makes a movie based on selling it to people in their country. The stuff is global. It has been, obviously for decades, but its becoming more and more so every year. Now entertainment is predominantly digital, there are literally no borders now. Staggered release dates wont last much longer. Cultural differences are eroding.

So now for the first time we seeing the emergence not just of monopolies on a national level, but an international level. Not just in terms of software and services, but in terms of culture. I never thought I’d see a Korean rap star become a global phenomena. I witnessed middle aged men dressed up as the ugly sisters from Cinderella doing a gangnam style dance one Christmas in Longleat house, England. This is new.

When culture is global, and popularity is global, there is only one chart. THE chart. Everyone knows what everyone likes, and what already has coverage gets more coverage. Saturation coverage.

The itunes charts are pretty much *the place* for apps. Get to the top there, and you are laughing. The problem is, because there is less variety in charts / news outlets / media globally now, you are getting more of a centralized consensus on what is good. People who are only going to write about one pop song (the very mainstream non specialist media) would write about gangnam style. One mobile game? well flappy bird obviously (or angry birds…), one desktop game? well obviously minecraft.

And this leads to the crazy irony of the most successful, popular content getting more and more publicity. Thats always been true but its getting much, much worse because now that is global. Why do I care? why is this bad?

I think its bad because it leads to random perturbations becoming exaggerated. A slight boost in popularity of something bumps it from #100 in a chart to #9. it gets more attention so it goes to #1, and then so much attention it stays there, and then the mere fact that it stayed there becomes newsworthy making it even more popular, and the cycle continues, all potentially from a tiny, tiny bump, maybe a single media personality took a liking to it. A minor disruption in a flat surface is exaggerated to a mountain.

What I’m saying is that gangnam style, minecraft, flappy bird and star citizen are not *THAT* good. I’m not saying they aren’t good, or great even, or amazing even, but the level of popularity is totally disconnected from the quality at some point above the ‘ten million copies sold’ level. Stuff is getting bought *because it is getting bought*. And stuff is becoming popular *because it is already popular* and that sucks, because when you produce content, the success of it is too much attributed to luck. And thats bad, bad bad.

One of the bright points in all this is actually steam. Steams front page re-coding is awesome, and exactly what was needed. Beforehand, if a game got a front page feature, it became popular, and sold a lot, and the word of mouth generated a lot of sales which led to a front page feature and…. etc. Now, there is no such thing. If you love complex PC strategy games and politics, you might be staggered at the promotion my game ‘Democracy 3′ gets on steam. But thats just for you. Steam now has hundreds of micro-niches, and lots of developers have the chance to be popular in that niche.

We need the same for all media. Why do ‘pop charts’ even exist? or movie charts? Why on earth does the fact that ‘fast and furious’ made X dollars have any newsworthy value outside of the industry? Should I go and see it because its popular with everybody else? Fuck no. Charts suck. Charts encourage a homogenization of culture and promote the bland and inoffensive.

So why don’t apple do what steam do and fix this problem? Because *they do not need to care*. As a developer, its terrifying to know a game I make will almost certainly fail, but *might* become minecraft or flappy bird. Thats a very very risky industry. But for people with an online store, they (except steam) don’t care. Why should they? They don’t care if the #1 game is awesome or a fart joke. They collect their slice of *all* the money anyway. Running in app store is the ultimate hedging strategy in games. I wish I owned one :D ._(source:gamasutra)


