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每日观察:关注Monument Valley去年的数据表现1.19

发布时间:2015-01-19 14:00:57 Tags:,

1,据gamesindustry的消息称Monument Valley开发商Ustwo发布了2014年的相关数据。

Monument Valley(from

Monument Valley(from

Monument Valley在2014年营收586万美元,其中App Store贡献了81.7%。

Monument Valley是Paid游戏的典型代表,但这种营收规模与Clash of Clans这种月营收动辄上亿美元的效应相比还是逊色不少。

2,据venturebeat的消息称Kalypso Media Group在德国汉堡设立了专注手机游戏市场的机构Kalypso Media Mobile,并由前Bigpoint 高管Marcus Behrens执掌。



3,据venturebeat的消息称前Glu Mobile旧金山工作室的负责人Matt Ricchetti加盟PerBlue出任首席产品官。(本文由游戏邦编译,转载请注明来源,或咨询微信zhengjintiao)



1,Mobile developer Ustwo today revealed a new infographic (see below) that outlines the financial picture around hit title Monument Valley. In short: it’s a very healthy one. With 2.44 million official sales, the studio generated revenues of $5.86 million while the game itself only cost around $1.4 million to build (the original took 55 weeks and $852,000 while Forgotten Shores added on another 29 weeks and $549,000).

The game has been installed on 10 million devices, with iOS platforms clearly driving the most installs. Nearly 82 percent of revenues from Monument Valley were generated via iOS. And 38 percent of sales came from the US.

While Monument Valley has also endured a massive piracy problem, producer Dan Gray commented recently that it’s not as bad for the studio as some might think.

“The majority of those users probably wouldn’t have bought the game anyway,” Gray said of the pirates. “So it’s not like we’re losing revenue. And, of course, I’m sure some of those users have recommended the game to friends who maybe aren’t as tech-savvy as they are. It’s essentially free marketing.”(source:gamesindustry

2,The newest arm of the group behind the Tropico city-building simulation series is dedicated to mobile entertainment.

Kalypso Media Mobile opens in Hamburg, Germany, giving global independent developer Kalypso Media Group an avenue into the $25 billion dollar mobile games market. Marcus Behrens, formerly of a senior manager at German developer Bigpoint Games, will head up this new division as its publishing director.

The last expansion for the group added a digital-first division named Kobalt Games back in 2013.

This new business will focus solely on bringing Kalypso’s own brands and IPs to smartphones and tablets on both the iOS and Android platforms.

No new titles have been announced as of yet, but it’s probably safe to bet on at least one city sim.(source:venturebeat

3,Matt Ricchetti, the former president of studios for San Francisco’s Glu Mobile, recently headed to the Midwest as chief product officer of PerBlue, a mobile game company in Madison, Wis. He’ll lead that studio’s efforts to come up with the next big mobile game. And why not? The mobile gaming industry has spread around the globe like wildfire, putting places like Helsinki on the map thanks to games like Clash of Clans and Angry Birds — and creating a $25 billion industry.

It makes perfect sense for mobile gaming to spread out in the U.S. as well, beyond the gaming hubs of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York. After all, you can gather a mobile gaming team anywhere and keep it together for a lower cost, particularly if you’re outside of those hubs.(source: venturebeat

