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每日观察:关注微软收购Mojang AB的相关传闻9.10

发布时间:2014-09-10 13:10:09 Tags:,

1,据Gamesopt引述华尔街日报的消息称微软正在考虑收购超级经典游戏Minecraft的开发商Mojang AB。按照华尔街日报的描述,该并购涉及的金额可能超过20亿美元。





在这部分的用户中Casual类型占比56%,Light core占比24%而Heavy core占比30%。

us pc gamer (from

us pc gamer (from

3,据Eurogamer的消息称PopCap联合创始人John Vechey在接替Dave Roberts出任Popcap CEO不久之后也宣布离职,至此Popcap团队四位核心管理层包括Brian Fiete、Jason Kapalka和Dave Roberts都悉数离开了EA。

这个和和Playfish相当,在加入EA后其四大核心人物Shukri Shammas、Sebastien de Halleux、Sami Lababidi和Kristian Segerstale也相继离职。



4,据pocketgamer引述VentureBeat的消息称Big Fish Games日前任命了Robert Chamberlain为公司新的CFO,Robert Chamberlain之前任职于EA旗下的Popcap。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Robert Chamberlain(from

Robert Chamberlain(from

1,Minecraft has been an indisputable gaming phenomenon since it’s release in 2011, but as the company has expanded beyond PC and onto consoles, the developer, Mojang, has maintained its independence. But that may be about to change very soon; the Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft is in “serious discussions to buy Mojang AB.”

According to “a person with knowledge of the matter,” the WSJ writes that, “The deal would be valued at more than $2 billion and could be signed as early as this week.”

The move would be particularly surprising following comments from Mojang’s co-founder, Carl Manneh, last year. “We are living the dream, really,” Manneh said. “An exit would be huge, but do we really need that money? In our case, we have the cash flow. We have more money than we need.”

Minecraft is already available on PC, mobile, Xbox 360, and PS3, and it released just last week on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game continues to make it onto both digital and retail top 10 sales charts month after month. However, we do not have any indication on whether either Microsoft would continue multi- platform development if they did buy Mojang (or if Sony would allow a Microsoft game on their system).

When reached for comment, a Microsoft spokesperson said, “We don’t comment on rumors or speculation.”(source:gamespot

2,Gaming is becoming an increasingly common hobby for people in the United States, the ESA has shown us (PDF). Now, a new report from the NPD Group reveals that 37 percent of the US population age 9 and up plays PC games–and they do so for an average of more than six hours every week.

The report, Understanding PC Gaming: 2014, distinguishes those people who play games into three groups: casual (those who only play non-core games), light core (those who play games in genres like MMO, RPG, or shooter for less than five hours per week), and heavy core (those who play core games for more than five hours per week). Among PC game players, 56 percent fall into the casual category, while light core accounts for 24 percent, and heavy core 20 percent.
Despite heavy core being only one in five players, they’ve spent “roughly” twice as much on games in the last three months as casual players as of June. On average, players play for 6.4 hours per week.

“As with gaming consumers across all platforms, the PC Gamer is not a ubiquitous group, making it critical for anyone in the PC game space to understand the consumer segments and their respective behaviors,” said NPD analyst Liam Callahan.(source:gamespot

3,PopCap co-founder John Vechey has decided to leave the company, EA has announced.

The US developer was founded in 2000 by Vechey, Brian Fiete and Jason Kapalka, all of whom are now no longer at the studio.

PopCap rose to prominence off the back of gem-swapping game Bejeweled. It’s also behind the Plants vs. Zombies and Peggle games. In 2011 EA bought the company for $650m.

In a memo to staff published on, Vechey said he was proud of the company he helped build.

“When I founded PopCap my biggest goals were to have a good time and to make great games,” he said. “PopCap’s vision has always been to make people happy through games, and I believe we are achieving that every day. Today, I am proud of this company we have built together. Proud of the games we make and proud to have worked with all of you. I will miss you greatly.”

Vechey said he will now spend time working with environmental news non-profit, and will explore peace and social justice issues.

“And after that? Who knows what the future will hold. Maybe I’ll stick with non-profit work, maybe start a new company, or maybe join a bigger one. For now, I’m going to focus on getting some space, so I can appreciate the last 15 years.”

Wishing Vechey well, EA Mobile boss Frank Gibeau confirmed an “all-new” Peggle game was in developments.(source:eurogamer

4,Big Fish Games has appointed Robert Chamberlain as its new CFO, with the casual game developer bringing in its new man from EA’s PopCap Games, creators of the Plants vs. Zombies franchise.

Chamberlain will replace David Stephenson, who joined Big Fish in 2011 after spending 11 years with Amazon.

After Stephenson left to rejoin Amazon, which recently made headlines with its acquisition of Twitch, Big Fish’s chief executive, Paul Thelen, made filling the position a top priority.

Nothing to see here

“There is no immediate interpretation.We’re doing very well. We announced our results last year, and we continue to be profitable and grow,” explained Thelen, speaking to GamesBeat.

“We were aware of Bob when he was at PopCap. We interviewed people for six months. We reached out to him, and he was a really good fit.

“We were looking for a cultural fit for the company. It wasn’t like we were desperate for financial leadership. As we get to the maturity and scale where we are, you need the right processes in place.”

Chamberlain revealed that it was the ‘great culture’ surrounding Big Fish that convinced him to leave PopCap and explore pastures new.

“When I was approached about this opportunity, I was very excited. As I got to know the people here, it’s a great culture,” said Chamberlain.

“Big Fish is growing, and it is profitable. As long as we grow revenue and profit, we control our destiny and have a lot of options.

“It’s the law of big numbers. The bigger you get, the harder it is to grow at the same rate. There are great things in the pipeline. It’s a very exciting future.”(source:pocketgamer

