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发布时间:2014-05-03 08:36:51 Tags:,,,




Tadhg Kelly(Ouya开发者关系)

我想,可能和大家一样,我正在玩《Monument Valley》。我个人还喜欢玩《Fire TV》以及各种游戏,例如Split Milk的《Hard Lines》,《行尸走肉》以及《Sev Zero》,以及好玩的iIS游戏《Smash Hit》。

Teut Weidemann(育碧在线专家)

我玩的是《Fable Age》(《Puzzle Dragons》克隆版本,修改了一些西方人所无无接受的日本元素),我还玩《坦克世界》因为它很棒。我迷上了来自Crytek的《The Collectables》,它很容易控制,并且含有枪支。

我还玩《Boombeach》但在第10关之后就失去兴趣了。我想知道这款游戏是否能够拥有《Clash of Clans》这样的生命周期。除此之外,我还喜欢《Robots Love Ice Cream》,因为它结合了射击元素和亚策略。

Andrew Smith(Split Milk Studios总监)

我最近在玩《The Jonas Brothers DS》因为我觉得自己有义力玩任何买来当礼物的游戏——就当是个玩笑吧。

我最近完成了3DS杰作《塞尔达传说:众神的三角力量》(这是另一个圣诞礼物,我花了这么久的时候才玩完),我还玩PC游戏《Nuclear Throne》。

我这周还喜欢借妻子的PS3来玩,因为上面有《最后的幸存者》。我喜欢优秀的故事,而Naughty Dog成员的确很擅长制作出色的游戏。

Simon Oliver(HandCircus设计师)

同意Tadhg的说法,我也刚在《Monument Valley》通关——它的游戏体验真美妙。我不记得自己之前玩过哪种如此具有粘性的游戏了。

我还玩了PC游戏《WildStar》beta版本。《Trials Frontier》以及《Boom Beach》(iOS)和PS3游戏《古墓丽影》。

Anthony Pecorella(Kongregate虚拟游戏制作总监)


Oscar Clark(Applifier倡导者)


也完成了《Monument Valley》……虽然我不太想将它视为一款游戏——这并不是一个有价值的判断。它虽然很棒极了,但对我来说游戏应该让玩家有所选择。它给我的感觉和《The Room》一样……真的为其开发者的威力,以及它的设计和出众的成就所折服,但我就是感觉自己只是被指引着向前,而不是推动游戏进程的发展。

我最近还常常玩《Royal Revolt 2》以及《Boom Beach》……试图确定自己更喜欢哪一个以及可以从中学到什么经验。我在它们上面花了点时间,但并不算多。

我还玩了《Device 6》,它给我的感觉 和《Monument Valley》相似,但其中的谜题对玩家注意力的要求更高,不幸的是我无法真正投入其中完成游戏。

monument valley(from pastemagazine)

monument valley(from pastemagazine)

我也玩过《Candy Crush》和《Farm Heroes》,但得承认自己现在对它们没兴趣了。我还是投向了跑酷类游戏的怀抱,尤其是《Skyline Skaters》。

《Warhammer》也同样占有一席之地……我又重新开始玩起了《Warhammer Quest》以及《Space Hulk》和《Storm of Vengeance》。

我仍然会在PS4上玩《Don’t Starve》来放松,也会在PS3上玩《刺客信条4》。

Mark Sorrell(游戏设计顾问)


在一电脑上,我玩《Boom Beach》,我在手机上玩《Monument Valley》,它虽然不错,但我大部分还是无《Threes!》,因为根本就停不了手。


Charles Chapman(First Touch Games Ltd主管)

和其他人一样,我也在玩《Monument Valley》(它很棒,就是不理解为何有些人对它有成凶),《Boom Beach》,还玩了一点《WordForward》,虽然它也不错,但对我来说它的难度增加得太快了些。


在主机设备方面,不幸的是我的PS4自圣诞节以来就没有打开过,我认为自从那时候开始我唯一玩过的其他主机游戏就是同我5岁的孩子一起玩的PS3游戏《Lego Batman》。

Bernard Chen(Kixeye产品管理总监)

我玩了《Titanfall》、《坦克世界》、《Bardbarian》、《Boom Beach》、《Honorbound》以及《Pocket Mine》。

我还下载了《Ghost Recon Phantoms》因为它终于在Steam平台现身了,而我在它身上投入了3年时间。

Andy Payne(Appynation首席执行官)

最吸引我的还是《Monument Valley》。我的PS4已经蒙灰了,但我上周还是在PS3上玩了《最后的幸存者》。太多游戏可玩了,但可消遣的时间太少了。对了我每周至少要玩一次《FIFA》。

Jas Purewal(Osborne Clarke律师)

我在iPad上玩《Faster Than Light》。我等待它的iOS版本有些时候了,它很棒。我不记得有哪款其他手机游戏可以让我一次性投入1个小时以上。

另外一款游戏当属ustwo的《Monument Valley》,他们之前推出的一款游戏是《Whale Trail》仍然是我最爱的手机游戏之一,我很期待他们下一款游戏。





Darren Jobling(Eutechnyx首席执行官)

我最近在Mediocre Games游戏《Smash Hit》上花了许多时间。


Melisa Clark-Reynolds(MiniMonos创始人)

《Monument Valley》。


Nicholas Lovell(Gamesbrief总监)

《Kingdom Rush》:这是一款拥有高留存率的付费游戏。它使用成就,“解琐”系统,以及一个“用三种略有不同的方法三次玩同个地图”的活动出色地重用了资产。它值得研究,真的很有趣。

《Boom Beach》:我一开始玩,大脑就快速闪过我未来4个月将要做的一切事情的镜头片段,直到我10秒后生倦为止。之后我就真的腻了。我玩过多次《Farmville》和《Cityvill》之后,对《Frontierville》也产生了同样的感觉。我认为Supercell应该打破这种题材的常规(资源管理)否则就可能砸了自己的品牌。



Stuart Dredge(《卫报》记者)


我也经常出现这种感觉,我认为这是免费游戏的一大挑战,即遵循之前游戏让许多人都玩到透的模版。我已经有些朋友表示,“我再也不玩Saga游戏了,《Candy Crush》虽然很好,但我真的出现审美疲劳了。”

我试图从Vita设备上的《Football Manager Handheld 12》中解脱出来去玩全新的游戏,但发现欲罢不能。我还沉迷于《Hearthstone》,也准备试试FTL。

Tadhg Kelly



Martin Darby(Remode首席文化官)

我还在玩《侠盗猎车手5》(GTA5),刚开始玩3DS上的《塞尔达传说:众神的三角力量》。也在考虑要不要玩PC上的《Don’t Starve》。

don-t-starve-(from bdstudiogames)

don-t-starve-(from bdstudiogames)




Harry Holmwood(Marvelous AQL Europe首席执行官)

看来这又是一篇给《Monument Valley》背书的博文了。我认为它打败了《The Room》以及《Device 6》,成为我目前最喜欢的iPad游戏。我还玩《断剑5》,它像以往一样出色,只是没有自动保存功能,而这在移动设备上通常就是游戏的原罪。

除此之外,我还为我们的测试发布玩了多次的《Touch Racing 2》。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

[Gamesbriefers] What are you playing?


A simple question this week: what are you all playing at the moment? Tell me what’s captured your interest and why.


Tadhg Kelly Developer relations at Ouya

Well, like everyone I imagine, I’ve been checking out Monument Valley. More individually I’ve been playing with a Fire TV and the various games on there, such as Spilt Milk’s Hard Lines, the conversion of The Walking Dead and Sev Zero. And then just for fun the iOS endless game called Smash Hit.

Teut Weidemann Online Specialist at Ubisoft

I play Fable Age – which is a Puzzle Dragons clone which seems to fix some problems the “West” has with the original. I still play World of Tanks because its awesome. I fell in love with The Collectables from Crytek simply because its easy to control and its mercs with guns

I still play Boombeach but somehow it loses my interest after level 10. I wonder if that game has the lifetime of CoC. On a sidenote I enjoyed Robots Love Ice Cream because it manages to combine a shooter with a metagame.

Andrew Smith Director of Spilt Milk Studios

I’ve been playing The Jonas Brothers DS because I feel morally obliged to play any game I’m bought as a present – joke or not.

I recently finished the utterly brilliant Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS (another christmas gift – it’s taken me this long to finish it), and on PC I’ve been dabbling in a bit of Nuclear Throne. It’s purely research for Tango Fiesta really.

I’m excited about borrowing my mate’s PS3 this week, because I’ll finally be able to play The Last of Us. I love a good story, and the Naughty Dog folks really do know how to make a damn good game.

Simon Oliver Designer at HandCircus

Same as Tadhg, I played through (and loved) Monument Valley – such a beautiful experience. I can’t remember the last time I played something so elegant and cohesive.

I’ve also been playing the WildStar beta (PC), Trials Frontier and Boom Beach (iOS) and Tomb Raider on PS3 (thanks PlayStation Plus!).

Anthony Pecorella Director of production for virtual goods games at Kongregate

The obsession at the Kongregate office has continued to be Towerfall (I just played a game before this email).  It really nails 4 player same-screen multiplayer, and the improvements made since the Ouya version, including advanced moves like dodge canceling, have enabled higher level play as well.

Oscar Clark Evangelist at Applifier

Well lots of different games really…

Completed Monument Valley too… Although I’m struggling to think of it as a game – that’s not intended as a value judgement. It’s absolutely marvellous but for me a game (as opposed to a puzzle) has some choice on the part of the player. It left me feeling the same way as The Room… Amazed by the prowess of the developer, the design and the extraordinary achievement; but not feeling I’d contributed much to the process other than following what I was supposed to do.

I’m also regularly dipping into Royal Revolt 2 and Boom Beach… Trying to decide which I prefer and what I can learn from either. Spent a little on each but not a lot.

Also tried to get my head round Device 6. Which left me feeling in a similar way to Monument Valley but this time with puzzles that required too much attention on my part and sadly I couldn’t really concentrate enough to finish it.

Candy Crush and Farm Heroes both occupied my need for matching stuff… But I must admit they are now losing my interest. I’ve instead moved back to endless runners especially Skyline Skaters.

Warhammer also occupied a space… Back to the start replaying Warhammer Quest as well as the Space Hulk game and Storm of Vengeance.

Then somehow I still find myself relaxing with Don’t Starve on my PS4 although I may well pull up Assassins Creed 4 on PS3 tonight… My wife and daughter have a sleep over and I’ve not had a chance to unwrap it since I bought it before Xmas.

Mark Sorrell Game design consultant

I’m mostly subjecting myself to Dark Souls II, which is marvellous, and I did a bit of Luftrausers, but while it’s fun, the scoring system is rubbish, which is a shame. Went mad on the PS3 sale and won’t play any of it.

On tablet, some Boom Beach and a resurgence of Clash of Clans and on my phone, I went through Monument Valley, which was ok, but mostly I just play Threes! because I literally cannot stop.

Basically, I just play Threes. Badly.

Charles Chapman Director and Owner at First Touch Games Ltd.

in line with others I’ve been playing Monument Valley (excellent – don’t understand some of the negativity around it), Boom Beach (couldn’t get into CoC due to the fantasy theme, but BB is good, if a bit uneventful so far). Also played a bit of WordForward, which was good, but for me got really hard really quickly.
I’ve also just started FTL on iPad, but haven’t really got into it yet.

My Vita gets the odd play, OlliOlli being the current go-to game there.

Console wise, sadly my PS4 hasn’t been turned on since before Christmas, and I think the only other console game I’ve played since then is co-op Lego Batman PS3 with my 5 yr old.

Bernard Chen Director of Product Management at KIXEYE

Titanfall, World of Tanks (I seem to gorge on this two or three times a year), Bardbarian, Boom Beach, Honorbound, Pocket Mine.

I’m also downloading Ghost Recon Phantoms because it’s finally on Steam and I spent 3 years working on it.
andy payneAndy Payne CEO of Appynation

Well for me it is all about Monument Valley which has fascinated me. I am also playing to death a game that is not yet released, but it is ace (not a game I am involved in, yet, sadly). My PS4 has gained some dust, but I completed The Last of Us at last on my PS3 last week. So many games, so little time. Oh yes and FIFA of course. At least once a week….

Jas Purewal Lawyer at Osborne Clarke

Faster Than Light on iPad. I’ve been waiting for some time for the iOS version and it’s brilliant (and at a piffling price point of £6.99). I can’t remember the last time a mobile game occupied me for an hour or more at a time, regularly.

Next up will certainly be ustwo’s Monument Valley; their previous game Whale Trail remains one of my favourite mobile games of all time and I’m looking forward to seeing what they have been able to do next.

Also, Hearthstone. I was never a fan of card games historically (and Magic fans tend dismissively to call it ‘Fisher Price for card games’) but I love Blizzard’s polished, simplified take on this genre. It’s out worldwide on iOS soon.

Interesting: both FTL and Hearthstone are examples of me engaging with and spending money on a PC-first game, then moving immediately and long-term to a subsequent mobile version of the same game.

Darren Jobling CEO of Eutechnyx

Currently spending a lot of time with Smash Hit from Mediocre Games. I’ve also monetised….

Met the two guys who did it at GDC.

Really nice application of physics from the guy that wrote PhysX from AGEIA.

Oscar – many thanks for playing Storm of Vengeance.

Melissa Clark-Reynolds Founder of MiniMonos

Monument Valley

I am also obsessed with 2048 on my phone while commuting, having clocked the similar Threes games.

Nicholas Lovell Director at Gamesbrief

I don’t normally answer but this seems fair enough for me to wade in on.

Kingdom Rush: a paid game with a marvellous retention game. Superb reuse of assets using achievements, a bonus “Unlock” system and a “play the same maps three times in slightly different ways” campaign. Worth studying, and lots of fun.
Boom Beach: Really struggling to get into this. I started playing, my brain ran through a montage of everything I would do over the next 4 months until I got bored in about 10 seconds. Then I got bored. Same thing happened to me with Frontierville after playing a lot of Farmville and Cityville. I am concerned that Supercell needs to break out of this genre (resource management, whether with fighting or without) or risk the $3 billion looking like a bit of a stretch.

2048: Because it is more fun and less annoyingly polished than Threes!

And FTL. Lots of FTL (270 hours so far). Partially because my 5 year old is a big fan. But only partially.

Stuart Dredge Journalist at The Guardian

“My brain ran through a montage of everything I would do over the next 4 months until I got bored in about 10 seconds. Then I got bored”

I regularly get this now, I think it’s one of the big challenges for free-to-play games that follow a template of a previous game(s) that a lot of people will have played to death. I already have a few friends saying “I’m not playing another Saga game again, Candy Crush was good but I’m tired of it now…”

I’m trying to migrate from Football Manager Handheld 12 (PSP version) on my Vita to the brand new one, but it’s proving a bit of a struggle. Also dipping in to Hearthstone, and about to try FTL.

Tadhg Kelly Developer relations at Ouya

Yep, The attraction of ludemes (a portmanteau of ludic and meme coined by David Parlett meaning mechanics that travel from game to game, such as levels and experience points) for developers and players is their certainty. Since you already know how they work, you don’t have to learn them. A good example is the first person shooter genre, where there are a pile of conventions derived from ludemes.

But the flip side is that familiarity breeds contempt. The prospect of grinding yet again through and all-too-familiar game can be a big disincentive. For me a personal example is Hearthstone, which I’ve heard about for a while but only played for the first time yesterday. It seems too close to Magic for me, too much like any one of a number of collectible card games I played back in the day. Too derivative.

Martin Darby CCO of Remode

Still playing GTA5. Started Link Between Worlds on the 3DS. Thinking about getting Don’t Starve on the PC.

Havn’t got much gaming in this year, hoping to correct this soon.

The thing I like about GTA5, apart from the technical witchcraft obviously used to make it, is level of polish. I havn’t got on with GTA in the past but I feel like this one has really nailed it. The OTT satire of Los Angeles works well in a playful medium like games and the level of polish allows better suspension of disbelief than previously.

The thing I like about Zelda & most core Nintendo franchises is the fact they are just ultra-refined simplicity, and a lot of customers just want simplicity. They understand that when all is said and done allowing a player to do a few things really well trumps everything, including cliche. If that ‘thing’ is then *easily* communicated via marketing then jackpot. I always get the impression that an institutionalised acceptance of this (what games do & don’t do well) internally must allow the designers to just stop kicking and come up with the results consistently. I think this runs at odds with a lot of the rest of the industry.

Harry Holmwood CEO of Marvelous AQL Europe

Yet another gushing post in favour of Monument Valley here. I think it’s overtaken The Room games and Device 6 as my favourite iPad game so far. Also (belatedly) playing Broken Sword 5, which is as great as ever, but infuriatingly doesn’t autosave often enough which is a cardinal sin on a mobile device.

Other than that, playing a vast amount of Touch Racing 2 in preparation for our test launch submission, which finally happened this week. It’s ace.(source:gamesbrief

