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传闻称Intel对手机游戏感兴趣可能投资Open Feint

发布时间:2010-10-19 10:48:57 Tags:,,

据Business Insider网站的报道,日前英特尔秘密投资了一家手机社交游戏公司,该网站猜测这个手机游戏平台就是Open Feint。



Open Feint是Aurora Feint旗下相当知名面向iphone和android的手机游戏平台。该平台允许开发者免费在网站上发布他们的游戏作品。

据猜测,Intel可能有意进入游戏特别是手机游戏市场,进一步推动他们的处理器以及其他的产品。但是和收购McAfee一样同样让人感到意外,Business Insider称事实上Open Feint20%的股份已经被日本社交游戏巨头DeNA收购。

Open Feint之前总共获得了来自YouWeb和中国在线游戏公司九城500万美元的投资。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

According to speculation by Business Insider, Intel’s mysterious investment in mobile gaming announced today will be in Aurora Feint’s Open Feint platform. Home to popular mobile games like Pocket God and Mega Jump, the platform allows for social media integration for free in games on mobile devices that otherwise wouldn’t have access.

It’s unsure as to why Intel, one of the world’s largest computer processor manufacturers, would even bother investing in a gaming company, but they have been making strange acquisitions recently like McAfee Internet Security. Our best guess is that Intel wants to create games specifically tuned to the devices which the company plans will hold their processors and other products, but maybe that’s wishful thinking. Business Insider claims that if the buy does go down, it won’t be too mind-blowing considering 20 percent of the company is owned by Japanese social game guru DeNa. We just pray that this isn’t an effort to create brand loyalty through mobile social gaming, because honestly, how many CPUs does the average person buy annually? (It’s been four years over here.)(source:games)

