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mobile-ent:iPhone游戏《天使选择》助App Store应用搜索

发布时间:2010-10-19 11:32:46 Tags:,,,

日前,韩国开发商YD Online推出了一款名为《天使选择》(Angel’s Choice)的新型iPhone游戏,将苹果App Store中的产品搜索过程转变成一个投资小游戏。

Angel's Choice-logo

Angel's Choice-logo

游戏提供了一些的虚拟货币,玩家可预测App Store中哪些应用会走红,然后将这些“资金”押到该产品上面,就好像现实生活中买股票一样。



iPhone's screenshot

iPhone's screenshot

YD Online公司表示,他们计划与应用和游戏开发商合作,帮助他们的产品通过“天使选择”快速“抛头露面”。



尽管如此,相信不少开发商仍然会很欢迎这个新点子,毕竟苹果App Store目前的产品已超25万款,该游戏可能有助于应用从激烈竞争中脱颖而出。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Angel’s Choice for iPhone turns app discovery into a game

Korean developer YD Online has launched a new iPhone game called Angel’s Choice, which turns app discovery into an investment game.

The game gives players a stash of virtual cash, which they can then invest in real apps from the App Store.

The idea is to predict which apps will be popular, while getting in early enough for your stake to be a meaningful one.

Apps gain in value according to how heavily players invest in them, as well as by whether high-ranking players pump their ‘Angel Dollars’ in.

Missions to invest in specific genres or stages of apps earn players experience points, and there are Facebook and Twitter promotion features built in too.

YD Online says it plans to work with app and game developers to help get their titles discovered through Angel’s Choice.

The app was launched today at the DiscoveryBeat 2010 conference in the US.

ME has been playing with it, and it’s certainly an interesting idea – albeit a little on the buggy side, crashing several times, and occasionally getting its apps and categories mixed up.

Even so, with well over 250,000 apps on Apple’s App Store, developers will welcome any innovative new idea that may help the best ones rise to prominence.(source:mobile entertainment)

