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发布时间:2012-09-27 14:28:42 Tags:,,,

作者:Nathan Fouts


仔细思考Jason Rohrer在《Diamond Trust of London》所提出的问题“我越来越有兴趣知道《Diamond Trust》真正出色的玩家应该是什么样子”,并看过一名《Super Hexagon》世界级玩家所写的游戏攻略之后,我开始想知道我自己游戏的最佳玩家应该是什么表现。

我们正致力于完成自己的首款XBLA游戏《Serious Sam Double D XXL》,它现在还没有面世,所以我还不知道世界上最棒的玩家会如何攀向积分排行榜的高峰。但我有一个很好的玩家替身,也就是我自己。如果你也和我一样正制作一款即将发布的游戏,那么你的团队就是这款游戏的最棒玩家。

SSDDXXL_bee_shotgun_armor(from gamasutra)

SSDDXXL_bee_shotgun_armor(from gamasutra)











例如,在《Serious Sam Double D XXL》中有一些战役关卡(含有故事)和挑战关卡。战役关卡设有最快完成关卡的排行榜。根据我的玩法可知,这意味着玩家需升级Air Buffer枪支,这样他们才能长时间地射击和周旋。我还知道这可以让玩家跳过大量的敌人设置。但这种设置对吗?它还会有趣吗?

SSDDXXL_air_buffer(from gamasutra)

SSDDXXL_air_buffer(from gamasutra)








玩家刚进入《Serious Sam Double D XXL》时,就会看到有30多项升级要求,其中多数与武器有关,并有一些特别陌生的内容。这里有许多新玩法需要介绍,我该如确保玩家了解这些情况?这真是一个棘手的问题,因为作为开者,你对所有枪支(或玩法)的情况了如指掌,因此无从知晓如何入手。

虽然这是再明白不过的事情了,但你可以从枪支描述(或者任何先进玩法)作为起点。如果游戏中有一些你经常运用的高级技巧,并且希望玩家知道这一点,那就要进行解释。例如,这款游戏有一个“Cybernetic Bee”升级功能,它可以让散弹枪射出蜜蜂并叮咬敌人。这听起来很酷!但它也可以用来对付身着盔甲敌人。虽然普通的子弹奈何不了敌人的盔甲,但这些蜜蜂却可以飞到盔甲底下攻击他们。使用文本内容可以解释这一玩法。我现在就采用这种做法,但原先的Cybernetic Bees描述内容只提到它们的概念,并未提及它们可以对付身着盔甲的敌人。

SSDDXXL_bee_shotgun(from gamasutra)

SSDDXXL_bee_shotgun(from gamasutra)



我现在仍在查看《Serious Sam Double D XXL》这款游戏中的问题,在游戏开发过程中,我通过想象高手玩家可能采用的技巧,从而发现哪些设计可能被利用,需要加强防范,或者进行合理解释,希望你的游戏设计也能从这种方法中受益。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

World’s Best Players

by Nathan Fouts

How do the best players in the world, play your game? Or how *will* they play your game (if it’s still in development)? I think coming at your design from the ‘best players in the world’ angle can shed light on some possible gaps.

After mulling over an inspired question by Jason Rohrer of his own Diamond Trust of London, “I’m interested to see over time what a really good player of Diamond Trust is”, and reading a Super Hexagon tip list by a world-class player, I wondered how the best players of my own games would play them.

We’re working to finish our first XBLA game, Serious Sam Double D XXL. It’s not out yet, so I don’t know yet how the world’s best players will climb its leaderboards. But I have a good substitute–myself. If you’re a indie dev like me and you’re working on a game still to be released, chances are your team includes your game’s best players.

You play the game day-in and day-out working on and testing it. You may be using techniques and abilities that are perfectly in-line with your designs, or you may be side-stepping intended gameplay without knowing it. Will your players do this as well?

Here are some questions I’ve been using and you put to your game:

•What would you tell others to allow them play as well as you do?

•Practice writing a small walkthrough for your game before it’s finished. What are you telling players to help them through?

•Should you have to tell them these things? What are you explaining that should be better explained within the game itself (hopefully through design, rather than explicit text).

•Are you subverting the game design in the way you’re playing? Is this intended?

•Can you uncover exploits to hopefully redirect players into the intended portion of the game?

•Best players know the levels and mechanics well. How? Is there a proper introduction of each mechanic?

•How do you think the best players will discover the deepest tricks of your game? Are they fair and discoverable? Is it fun to suss them out, or will they find them only by accident?

Best Tricks

For instance, In Serious Sam Double D XXL there are campaign levels (with a story) and challenge levels. The campaign levels have leaderboards for quickest level completion time. Based on how I play, I know this means they need to get the Air Buffer gun upgrade, which lets them hover some as long as they shoot. I also know its possible for players to skip a lot of enemy setups. Is this okay? Is this still fun?

Air Buffer in action, encouraged through Speed Run attempts

For me knowing how players (and myself) try to skip enemy setups, can help foster new ideas. This led to creating a shotgun upgrade with pellets that slow down time momentarily for any enemies hit.

This combined with the hover ability can get you through fast.

Thinking about this from the original PC release of the game, I realized some setups players were skipping too quickly in any case. Even though the game now registers speed runs, I wanted some spots to give them something more substantial to fight sometimes which led to the introduction of armored enemies.


Another aspect of the campaign is collecting currency to spend on new gun upgrades. Similar to getting infinite 1UPs in a Mario game, I know there are a few spots in the game where a player can grind to gain currency. If you have exploits like this, make sure you know about all of them, to properly manage them.

Collecting currency actually helps the simpler setups now as well. In the earlier, easier levels, players will still engage the smaller enemies because they drop currency on death. The original designs of the game had no such system, and no incentive to engage the smallest enemies once players became accustomed to the level setups.


Imagine that best player wrote a walkthrough about your game. What are they telling others in order  to perform well that’s missing from within the game itself?

New to SSDD XXL, There are over 30 upgrades which let you heavily modify your weapons, some of which are pretty strange. That’s a lot of new gameplay to introduce; how do I know players are getting it? This is especially tricky to consider because as the creator you inherently know all the abilities of your guns (or various gameplay).

Bee shotgun in combination with the turret gun It may sound obvious, but a good place to start explaining things is a description of your guns (or whatever advanced gameplay you have). If there’s some advanced technique you regularly employ and expect the player to know, explain it somewhere. For instance, XXL has a ‘Cybernetic Bee’ upgrade for the shotgun which shoots bees which can lift enemies into the air, stinging them. Cool! But it can also be used against armored enemies. While normal bullets bounce off the armor, the bees can go under their armor. One way to explain this is with text. I do this now, but originally the Cybernetic Bees description only mentioned what they were, not their ability against armored enemies.

A better way is organically letting the player discover abilities. For instance, in the game, the Gunstacker system lets player stack up their guns, allowing players to have multiple guns firing at once. Here players don’t have to exclusively try out the bee gun to see it working–it will likely be in a stack anyway, and the results against armored enemies speak for themselves.

Bee shotgun against the new armored soldiers

While I assumed players would be able to figure out that the bee gun can be used on armored enemies, since this is a quasi-required mechanic (not just a secret), it’s best to go ahead and explain it wherever possible.

I’m still learning about gaps and looking for issues in Serious Sam Double D XXL, but it’s getting much better.  With my game still in development, imagining what tricks the world’s best player would employ, I can see what areas of the design are being exploited, require shoring up, or better explanations, and hopefully you can do the same for your designs.(source:gamasutra

