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总结Unite 2012大会对游戏行业的5个启示

发布时间:2012-08-28 15:02:30 Tags:,,,

作者: Keith Andrew





然而,Peter Molyneux却欣然承认,他一无所知。事实上,我们确实太盲目了。



找到智能手机行业的边界、支撑该行业的消费力量及其他复杂之处,是Molyneux的22 Cans工作室所关注的。

unite 1(from pocketgamer)

unite 1(from pocketgamer)





在Unity首席执行官David Helgason在演讲时拿着一根小鸡形状的笔,真是滑稽。但令人印象深刻的是,Unity决心携手尽可能多的开发者。


不要误解我——作为一家公司,Unity显然以相当稳固的资本为傲。Unite 2012的每一个元素——从我们这些媒体人的膳宿到场地本身,都很上档次。





如果存在与公平竞争有一点儿脱节的说法,那就是inXile的Brian Fargo的两场主题演讲。

演讲本身并没有什么错——的确,Brian的视频详细地解释了为什么他必须借助Kickstarter筹资开发《Wasteland 2》,博得了全场的笑声。


unite 2(from pocketgamer)

unite 2(from pocketgamer)





4、开发商看好Windows Phone 8


当公布Unity支持即将发行的Windows Phone 8时,全场爆发了最响亮的“哇”声。

Windows Phone 7可能没有积累到堪比Android或iOS的用户基础,但这个微软平台收到的热情反响暗示着开发商已经接纳了它的继承者——Windows Phone 8。


Peter Molyneux 坦言,在Unite上发表专题演讲的前一天晚上,他一夜未眠,并非大家在现场上看到的那么精神。






Five things we learned from Unite 2012

by Keith Andrew

What’s in a location? Having based itself in North America during the last few years, Unity’s annual conference – better known as Unite – ventured across the Atlantic to European shores last week, setting up shop for three days in Amsterdam.

It’s hard to imagine a better venue, in truth. The Dutch capital is undoubtedly one of the friendliest cities on the planet – a suitable host for an event that prides itself on being all about community.

It’s hard to argue with that angle, too.

For all its bright lights and slick presentation, Unite 2012 had the feeling of a school summer camp throughout: ‘pupils’ voluntarily giving up time to come together and share all they’ve learned over the past 12 months. was more than happy to soak up a bit of said knowledge itself. Here are the five things that, days on, remain top of mind.

1. We know nothing about mobile

So often developers look to existing successes in the mobile market to serve up all the answers as to what works and what doesn’t.

Peter Molyneux, however, is willing to admit that he knows nothing. In fact, we’re all essentially firing blind.

So new is the smartphone market and the digital marketplaces that supports it in comparison with all that came before that it’s a a fallacy to think we have the ins and outs of it defined.

Indeed, such thinking is dangerous, risking developers merely imitating what’s come before rather than innovating, falling back on what’s believed are tried and tested models rather than taking advantage of these fresh platforms and pushing them for all they’re worth.

Finding out the exact borders of the smartphone industry, the in-app purchases that fuel it, and its other intricacies is what Molyneux’s 22 Cans studio is about.

Molyneux during his keynote

The firm’s experiments – the results of which will be published – could serve as a blueprint for all the games that follow, even if Molyneux’s own titles fail to raise revenue aplenty themselves.

“It would be a sorry state if I glimpsed something, but didn’t act on it and someone else did,” said Molyneux, “but it would also be a sorry state if only I could use it.

“It’s a fantastic feeling to be part of an industry that evolves and changes, whether that in a tiny way inspired by something I’ve done or not.”

2. Unity’s expansion a matter of pride, not profit

Having sat down with Unity CEO David Helgason shortly after his keynote speech – bizarrely by a chicken pen – the overriding impression I got was this is a made determined to get Unity in the hands of as many developers as possible.

However, call me na?ve, but I don’t believe his motivation is money.

Don’t get me wrong – as a company, Unity clearly boasts a rather healthy bank balance. Every element of Unite 2012 – from the accommodation for us press packers to the venue itself – smacked of class.

But talking with Helgason, you can feel the frustration that many developers are currently going their own way to hit highs that they could reach in far less time with Unity behind them.

This is a matter of pride, and as impressive as the engine’s stats may be already – an estimated 53 percent of all mobile devs having plugged into the platform to date – it’s not hard to imagine Helgason and co. pushing for a greater and greater share in the years ahead.

If Unity continues to listen to its community via the likes of Unite, however, then that may be no bad thing.

3. Kickstarter shouldn’t be the be all and end all

If there was one talk that felt slightly out of touch with the fair play that otherwise purveyed throughout, it was day two’s keynote by inXile’s Brian Fargo.

There was nothing wrong with the talk itself – indeed, Brian’s video detailing why he’d had to take to Kickstarter to fund the development of Wasteland 2 drew plenty of laughs.

Nonetheless, the suggestion as to the role he sees such crowd funding platforms playing in the future may not have sat well with many.

Fargo on day two

It was all summed up in one line, where Fargo suggested that unknown indies currently only able to raise a few hundred thousands for their titles now may in the future be able to pull in $2 million for their next game, $4 million the game after that, and $10 million the game after that.

The idea of studios that have amassed such hits taking to platforms such as Kickstarter time after time, however, is not an easy one to digest.

At the moment, Kickstarter and Indiegogo are primarily used for projects that, by and large, publishers aren’t interested in.

To start using them almost my default to generate an extra layer of pre-funding for games that are proven hits, however, seems less palatable, and risks the model as a whole losing consumer credibility.

4. Developers looking to dive in with Windows Phone 8

One thing the entire ensemble of press noticed during Helgason’s keynote speech was the crowd reaction certain new features unveiled during the presentation got from the crowd.

The biggest ‘whoops’ of all came for the unveiling of Unity support for the forthcoming Windows Phone 8.

Windows Phone 7 may not have amassed a userbase capable of taking on either Android or iOS, but the warm reaction afforded Microsoft’s platform suggests developers are already on board with its successor.

5. Fear is an indie dev’s best friend

By his own admission, Peter Molyneux didn’t get any sleep the night before his keynote speech at Unite. Not that you’d have known by his performance.

Such an admission came out during his chat with Indeed, before I’d even sat down, your humble editor had been quizzed as to exact how I thought his talk had gone down with the audience at large.

It’s not hard to understand why Molyneux, even after all his success, is nervous about the reception his first post Microsoft project is being afforded. Having switched from a position of absolutely security back to the often perilous life of an indie, Molyneux has every right to be a little bit nervy.

But such fears are healthy.

Complacency leads to sterile, static design, Molyneux suggested. The knowledge that things could go wrong at any time actually leaves developers more reason to experiment and, in theory, leads to better games in the long run.

“To go out and start all over again, and not to have backing and not to have a team that is fully funded, not to have desks and computers and relationships with Apple is a mad thing to do, but the time in your life when you get the most out of life itself is when you take on something incredibly hard,” said Molyneux.

“That’s when you get that sense of achievement.”(source:pocketgamer)

