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上周Digital Cholocate等全球社交游戏公司新动态盘点

发布时间:2010-09-19 11:05:42 Tags:,

Digital Cholocate发售iPhone版《Millionaire City》——Digital Cholocate于本周初发售其最受欢迎Facebook游戏《Millionaire City》的iPhone版本,基于该公司在长期以来在手机游戏领域的深远影响力,相信该公司以后将会移植更多的Facebook游戏到手机平台。

Bigpoint旧金山分公司预计招聘80人——《旧金山商业时报》最近报导了一条应聘者福音:德国游戏开发公司Bigpoint正计划招聘80名新员工,其中职位包括游戏设计师,3D美工、Flash, C++, C#, Unity和PHP开发人员等。而对于那些希望在海外求职的人来说,该公司还将为其德国和其他工作室招聘200余人。

Zynga宣传出新招——本周,社交游戏公司Zynga进行了新一轮游戏宣传活动,召开了一场“Zynga八款游戏大挑战”,即玩家只需在24小时内任意登录YoVille, Zynga Poker, FarmVille, PetVille, Cafe World, Treasure Isle, Mafia Wars和FrontierVille八款游戏其中一款,便有机会获得1000美元大奖,本次活动一共有24个中奖名额。实际上,Zynga的这一轮宣传活动主要是为了推广其最新游戏zLotto。

奇迹娱乐(Marvel Entertainment)进军社交游戏领域——据VentureBeast报导,新兴游戏公司Smith & Tinker最近与奇迹娱乐达成合作协议。通过该协议,奇迹娱乐这一大品牌将进军社交游戏领域,据其合作的游戏开发公司称,他们将同时为Facebook和iPhone平台开发奇迹娱乐游戏。由于奇迹娱乐属于迪士尼公司名下,因此Playdom也既有可能开发Marvel游戏。


俄罗斯投资公司更改名称——据Cnet.com报导,总部位于俄罗斯的投资公司Digital Sky Technologies本周更名为 Group。该公司曾经投资Zynga和Facebook等多家公司。

社交游戏或成为肥皂剧“杀手”——众所周知,目前社交游戏玩家主要由中年妇女组成。而最近,Business Insider提出了一个有趣的广告,声称不断攀升的社交游戏玩家将扼杀肥皂剧。事实正是如此,Facebook, Zynga和Playfish等游戏公司确实渐渐吸引走了许多电视剧观众。

GamersGate发售Facebook商店——数字发行平台GamersGate宣布将在社交网站Facebook上开放GamersGate Store试用版,游戏玩家可以直接在Facebook商店中购买各种游戏道具。



CrowdStar解决Tap Resort法律纠纷——本周四CrowdStar和Brooklyn Packet就游戏Happy Island和Tap Resort的法律纠纷达成协议。协议中,CrowdStar将负责重新设计Brooklyn Packet的岛屿经营游戏。

Adknowledge发布“三合一”支付平台——Adknowledge旗下的Super Rewards最近公布了其新款“三合一”支付平台。通过该平台,游戏开发者可以提供多种游戏服务。此外,广告商也将可以进入Adknowledge的BidSystem。

MySpace美国偶像试镜会——根据My Fox New York报导,美国偶像第10季将在登录网站MySpace。用户将可以通过社交网络进行试镜,该活动将持续到10月6日。

Digital Chocolate Launches Millionaire City on iPhone — Earlier this week, Digital Chocolate launched its popular Facebook game, Millionaire City, on the iPhone. It likely won’t be the last Facebook title that Digital Chocolate moves over, as the company has years of expertise in mobile gaming to leverage.

Bigpoint to Hire 80 in San Francisco — Good news for job seekers from the San Francisco Business Times: the German game developer Bigpoint is looking to hire 80 additional employees, including game designers, 3D artists, and Flash, C++, C#, Unity, and PHP developers. For those looking overseas, the company is adding over 200 jobs in its German studios and elsewhere.

Zynga ChallengeZynga Finding New Ways to Promote Games — Zynga tried out yet another game promotion this week, hosting a contest called “The Zynga 8-Game Challenge.” For 24 hours, any player that logged into YoVille, Zynga Poker, FarmVille, PetVille, Cafe World, Treasure Isle, Mafia Wars, and FrontierVille would be eligible to win, via a drawing, $1000, with 24 prizes in all. Zynga’s last bit promotional move was zLotto, which is ongoing.

Marvel Coming to Social Games — Game startup Smith & Tinker has made a deal with Marvel Entertainment, says VentureBeat. The deal will bring a very large brand into the social gaming space, as the developer revealed that it would be producing Marvel-based games for both Facebook and the iPhone with one being a “digital collectible game.” Since Marvel is a Disney-owned property, it’s possible that Playdom could also develop Marvel games.

Capcom to Launch Facebook Games — Another major company is coming to social games: Capcom, one of the most international of the Japanese developers. The Japanese game developer stated at the Tokyo Game Show that they would be launching three Facebook connected iPhone titles as early as this fall, according to Businessweek.

DSTRussia-Based Investor Changes Name — Russia-based investor Digital Sky Technologies has changed its name this week to Group, according to The company’s past investments include both Zynga and Facebook itself. [image via Cnet]

Social Games May be Killing Soap Operas — It’s no secret that many social game players are of the middle-aged, female demographic. That in mind, an interesting post from Business Insider suggests that their gaming addictions are leading to the death of daytime soap operas. That’s right, people like Facebook, Zynga, and Playfish could kill all that, ahem, quality drama.

GamersGateGamersGate Launches Facebook Store – Digital distribution platform GamersGate has announced the beta opening of the GamersGate Store on Facebook. From here, players can shop for their games directly through Facebook.

CrowdStar Settles Tap Resort Lawsuit — Thursday, CrowdStar and Brooklyn Packet announced that they had reached a settlement over a legal dispute about Happy Island and the latter company’s Tap Resort for iPhone. The agreement will call for a complete redesign of Brooklyn Packet’s island-oriented title.

Adknowledge Reveals “Three-In-One” Monetization Platform — Adknowledge’s Super Rewards recently unveiled their “three-in-one” monetization platform. Through the new platform, developers will be able to integrate an in-game overlays for offers, offer banners, and an offer wall. Additionally, advertisers will have access to the Adknowledge’s BidSystem.

MySpace American Idol Auditions — According to My Fox New York, American Idol is coming to MySpace for Season 10. Users will now be able to submit their auditions through the social network. The online auditions will continue through October 6th. (Source:Inside Social Games)

