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发布时间:2012-04-09 10:56:24 Tags:,,

作者:Jeremie Dupuis

老实说,当我第一次听说《Triple Town》的游戏理念时,我报以怀疑的态度。的确,乍看之下,这就是“另一种形式的组合消除类游戏(Match-3 game)”,所以不可能具有多大的乐趣。但是不管怎样,除了因为它是Facebook上的游戏并且是免费的,推动我安装这款游戏主要还是因为一封来自游戏设计师阐述关于该游戏测试时间(10月3日)的tweet。并且在尝试后我发现这款游戏并未让我失望!

Triple Town(from

Triple Town(from

“《Triple Town》是另一款《宝石迷阵闪电战》?!”

在《Triple Town》中并未设置计时器,你需要使用剩余的空间去“匹配三个或更多游戏组件:组合三片草地创造一束花,组合后三束花创造一个灌木,组合三个灌木创造一颗树,等等。直到你能够完全将整个board填满房屋,教堂以及城堡为止。”(摘自:

如此看来《Triple Town》与《宝石迷阵闪电战》这种组合消除类游戏有所不同,因为在这款游戏中你不需要与时间做斗争,反倒是需要面对空间不足的情况。而且我也可以向你保证,当你需要花费更长时间去寻找问题的解决方法时,你便会感受到更强大的压迫感(所以你也会因为预感到结局的到来而难过)。




如果使用得当,运气将成为一种非常有帮助的元素;《Tripe Town》便是一个成功的例子




triple town shop(from

triple town shop(from



















与《宝石迷阵闪电战》(只能够持续几分钟)不同,《Triple Town》甚至能够持续一周的时间(如果你是一名资深的游戏玩家的话)。玩家可以一直清除自己的board,并且在一些钻石的帮助下躲避各种不同的情境。玩家的游戏分数甚至可以从几千波动到上百万。

Weekly leaderboard(from

Weekly leaderboard(from


通过巧妙地结合了运气,耐心和经验,你便能够创造出一款长寿的游戏。特别是对于玩家来说,看到一款充满创造性与沉浸式体验的游戏来说更是喜悦不已。《Triple Town》还处于测试阶段,所以我们能够期待更多优秀的游戏元素被添加到这款优秀的游戏中!更让人兴奋的是,这款游戏也即将推出iPad版本!



4 Ingredients from Triple Town to Make your Facebook Game Better

Posted on 10 October 2011 by Jeremie Dupuis

Honestly, when I first heard about the concept of Triple Town,  I was a bit skeptical. Indeed, at first glance another “Match-3 game brought to another level” doesn’t sound very exciting.  But anyway, except that it’s on Facebook and free, the detail that made me install the game was a tweet by @danctheduck announcing the opening of the Beta On Oct 3rd. Following him on Twitter for a while, I knew he was not a random game designer, so obviously it had to be  interesting. And I wasn’t disappointed!

” Triple Town: yet another Bejeweled Blitz?! “

In Triple Town: no clock, you need to use the remaining empty spaces to “match three or more game-pieces: combine three grasses to make a flower, three flowers to make a bush, three bushes to make a tree… until you’ve filled the board with houses, cathedrals and castles.” (Source:

So no, Triple Town is not another Match-3 game like Bejeweled Blitz as the thing you fight against is not time, it is the lack of space. And I can assure you it can be much more oppressing as the sensation of really needing to find a solution to get you out of a bad situation lasts longer (so is the pain when you see the end coming).

Secret ingredients used to make the game better

In this article, I will not do a complete game review, but I will mainly focus on some of the many ingredients that have been used to create a very simple but deep game, that is currently spreading like wildfire on Facebook.

Ingredient #1: Integrate luck into the gameplay

Luck is a powerful ingredient when used wisely and that is the case in Triple Town

a- Next piece coming

Praying for the next piece to be the good one!

Like in Tetris, you need to pray very hard so that the next piece that will come is the right one to complete you combination. This random parameter really creates an incredible variety of scenario and if Homer Simpson was playing the game, you could expect a dozen of “Wooooohhhhooo!” and “D’oh!” per game. One thing is sure: the way it is configured is not due to luck, it has been polished and tested thousands of time to create that variation of emotions.

b- Initial pieces positioning

When you start a game, the board is not empty, meaning you will have to work hard to clean it up and take advantage of the initial positioning. Some of them will be more favorable than another, and you have no control over it.

Ingredient #2: Create Pride through problem solving

Solving problems is the main motivation of players who are fans of Puzzle games.

Matching Big Churches – My Favorite Moment

And as a fan of Puzzle games, I can assure you won’t be disappointed on that side. You take hundreds of decisions per game, each of them having an impact on the following of the game.

When you combine 3 Big Churches and get the treasure, you then remember the hundreds of strategic turns and the dozen of bears you had to RIP  wisely for that, so yes you feel pride (sorry PETA for the bears  ) and you kindely thank the game designer decision to give you points AND coins for that.

Ingredient #3: Put Monetization at the center of your gameplay

The Shop – Your best friend

When you play a game, you start with an initial set of coins that you can use to purchase pieces to put on the board. If you want to beat your highscore, you will NEED to use these coins to purchase THE piece that you don’t want to be waiting for 10 turns (cause you can’t afford to wait that amount of turns sometimes).

During a game, you can only earn coins when combining 3 churchs, which is feasible but pretty long and hard to do when the board is almost full. So at some point, you gonna be in lack of coins, time where you’ll be asked if you want to purchase more.

Integrating the coins and the shop at the center of the gameplay is one of THE most clever game design decision that they took cause it will have a very good impact on monetization.

The only limit in that version is that competition amongst friends might not be enough to push many players to pay for these pieces, especially because you can earn them during the game, but features like Tournaments, Challenges, Missions or Achievements should come soon and increase the need for these pieces.

Ingredient #4: Don’t set limits to your Scoring System

Weekly Leaderboard with various scores

a- A pyramid of points

Combining churches is better than combining houses, that is better than combining trees, that is better than combining bushes… This hierarchy of points has an impact on the hundreds of decisions that you take at each game, making each game different.

b- Unlimited gameplay

Contrary to Bejeweled Blitz that only lasts a few minutes, a game of Triple Town can last a week if you’re a very advanced player. Indeed, you can always clean up your board and with the help of a few diamonds, you can get out of various situations. I let you imagine how the scores can vary from a few thousands points to millions of points.

“Long life to Spryfox!”

This is how you create, through the clever combination of luck, patience and experience, a game with infinite lifetime. This is very refreshing to see games that create innovative and addictive experience. When you think Triple Town is still in beta, you can expect more and more great ingredients to be added in the recipe of this great game! An iPad version should be added soon, just for the pleasure!(source:Facebook Social Apps Blog)

