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Epic games推出3D超炫视觉的iphone游戏Project Sword

发布时间:2010-09-02 16:44:12 Tags:,,

提起iPhone游戏,是不是总让你联想到一些像愤怒鸟(Angry Birds)这类画面土气、内容儿科、风格幼稚,只有窄小的界面,动动手指就能随便拖放的2D手机游戏?但现在不同了,在刚刚结束的苹果新品发布会上,Epic Games公司(Gears of War的游戏开发商)总裁Mike Capps宣布携手苹果掌门人乔布斯,推出专为iPod Touch、iPhone和iPad设计的一款全新手机游戏,并将其命名为“Project Sword”。

3D iphone games

3D iphone games

该游戏将采用与Gears of War(包括目前其他大多数游戏)相同的虚拟现实技术,其定位是动作+角色扮演类游戏,玩家的任务是探索该游戏中的3D世界,找到并打败“传说中的魔王”。在战斗中你可以选择用手指点触屏幕来出招,如果你并不是那么心急的玩家,也可以用拖放方式完成一些特殊动作(比如抬脚踢对方的脸)。更值一提的是,作为一款在iPod、iPhone和iPad上运行的游戏,Project Sword的视觉效果相当惊艳,我还从来没看过哪款手机游戏可以提供如此逼真的画面呢。

与Project Sword同时宣布即将亮相的是苹果GameCenter,这相当于Xbox Live手机游戏平台的苹果版本。GameCenter是一个游戏社交网站,支持玩家与朋友一起体验苹果游戏产品。Capps及其公司创意总监Donald Mustard就曾经通过该平台,迅速进入Project Sword游戏界面并肩作战。

据悉,GameCenter将于下周与苹果iOS手机捆绑上市,Project Sword游戏也计划在今年的假期季度发行。另外,Epic还宣布该公司旗下的Unreal Engine 3目前也已植入苹果iOS手机,相信其他视觉震撼的手机游戏问世也将指日可待。

Update: Incredible-Looking RPG Coming to iPhone (et al) from Epic

If you think of iPhone games, you probably think of silly little minigames like Angry Birds – short, bite-sized, and easy to control with a touch-and-drag interface.

Gears of War developer Epic Games thinks otherwise. Moments ago at a special Apple event, Epic president Mike Capps took the stage from Apple boss Steve Jobs to announce a project codenamed Project Sword for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad.

Powered by the exact same Unreal technology that runs Gears of War (and practically every other game this generation), Project Sword is an action-RPG that allows players to explore a fully 3D world in hopes of taking down the “legendary god-king.” Combat is controlled either by “slashing” your finger across the screen, or dragging-and-dropping special attacks (like a boot to the face) for less-twitchy players.

Also, for an iPod/iPhone/iPad game, it looks seriously fantastic. I certainly never thought I’d see graphics like that on a mobile game. Hopefully screens will be out soon.

Accompanying the announcement of Project Sword was the reveal of Apple’s Game Center, which is essentially the iOS version of Xbox Live. It’s a social network for gaming that should make it easier to play iProduct games with your friends – Capps and Epic creative director Donald Mustard instantly jumped into a head-to-head battle in Project Sword in a matter of seconds.

Game Center will be coming to iOS next week, and Project Sword is scheduled for release this holiday season. In other news, Epic has announced that the Unreal Engine 3 is now available for use on iOS, meaning that other great-looking mobile games won’t be far behind.(source:escapist magazine)

