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Yahoo!和DeNA正式宣布联合推出Yahoo Mobage开发者平台

发布时间:2010-09-01 10:17:59 Tags:,,

据IGN网站的消息,去年4月yahoo日本和社交游戏巨头DeNA计划联合组建在线社交游戏平台Yahoo Mobage。此举意在推动美国顶级游戏开发商更加便捷地进入日本游戏市场。

yahoo mobage

yahoo mobage

Yahoo Mobage可以同时允许同样一款游戏在PC和手机平台上运行,该平台聚合了DeNA和yahoo的海量用户数据,前者有2000万的月活跃用户,后者更是高达5200万月活跃用户。



DeNA首席执行官Tomoko Namba认为日本社交游戏的市场营收是相当可观的,通过Yahoo Mobage平台和其他的转换工具,西方的游戏开发者们可以更加容易实现东进了。

San Mateo, Calif. – Last April, Yahoo  Japan and social gaming giant, DeNA. partnered to form the PC Social Gaming platform, Yahoo Mobage. The platform has since released Sandbox and is heading for a public launch on Oct 1. With top US developers planning to release games, DeNA is inviting American developers of all shapes and sizes to use Yahoo Mobage as a portal to easily bring their games to Japan.

Yahoo Mobage’s structure allows the same game to be played on PC and mobile portals. The platform is currently inviting both PC and mobile developers to create and port games with Yahoo Mobage. The platform brings together two massive bases: DeNA’s 20 million users and Yahoo’s 52 million monthly active users. Together, the companies plan to achieve significant penetration of Japan’s 90 million Internet users.

DeNA`s mobile platform, Mobage, has been open to developers since January, where daily sales increased 10 fold in six months. Japanese developers on Mobage are already making an average of $1 million a month in their top games. Industry researchers, in a recent report, estimated ARPU of Virtual Goods to be $4 in Japan. four times that of the ARPU of the American market.

“The amount of money to be made in Japanese social gaming is astronomical,” says DeNA’s CEO, Tomoko Namba. “By offering this platform and providing tools to help ease the transition, DeNA hopes to be American game developers’ portal to the East.” (source:IGN)

