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作者:Alfred MacDonald







harvest moon from

harvest moon from


















扩展型和维护型游戏的定义(from gamasutra)

扩展型和维护型游戏的定义(from gamasutra)




Brenda Laurel曾于1998年发表TED演讲,其呈现的数据恰好契合我所陈述的差异性。她归类为“女性游戏”的内容不仅属于维护型游戏,还极致呈现我所陈述的女性游戏特性。




Expansion Games and Maintenance Games

by Alfred MacDonald


In my junior year of college I was around more women than I had possibly been at any other point in my life. At least four times weekly I would crash at a suite with four girls, and my classes — psychology, theater, English — were overwhelmingly female. Theater in particular was something like 70-80% female. If you’re quick, you’d notice that this is the male-female ratio of many games reversed.

This in itself is not significant. However, every social environment I participated in since the sixth grade was a sausagefest. I became extremely used to operating within male codes, and to a lesser degree this is still true. When I noticed what seemed like irreconcilable differences between the genders, these differences stuck out to me — severely so.

The Universal and The Local

Women simply cared less about universality than men. Think about why there are so many men on the (public) internet, talking to large forums of people they don’t know: on average, they care about what people everywhere have to say about them. Men value number-based accomplishments like IQ because it compares them to society at large. Women, in general, care far less about this; they care about their accomplishments relative to their social circles.

Think about how many men you know who are likely to fall into the trap of saying “I’m smart, but I get bad grades” or some variant of this. Now, compare that figure to the number of women you know likely to say that. It’s far more likely that for the women you know, those grades matter because they are local. They are within social spheres close to them and as such, they think grades have more intrinsic value. Men are far more likely to rationalize their bad grades with “this isn’t representative of my actual intelligence,” the implication of course being that they’re still better than society at large.

These differences in assigning significance tranferred substantially to games. Bluntly, women played games differently than men. It’s not enough to say they weren’t competitive like men, because while that’s true it doesn’t cut to the essence of the point. Women simply preferred a different gaming style than men. All of the women I knew played games, but they were never the same type of game I played. Here I could see women I knew playing The Sims and Harvest Moon on a regular basis, but WarCraft III was simply beyond the question.

Importance Allocation

Then I noticed: the games overlapped with their style of significance assignment.

Women have had an edge over men in academics lately because in addition to academics being focused on social spheres and not universals, departments have been trending toward many small duties all at once, opposed to three gigantic tests at several points in the semester. It requires the student to keep track and maintain order among their duties.

Now, apply this to games. What games require you to “keep track of your duties and maintain their order”?

- Harvest Moon

- The Sims

- Animal Crossing

- (to a lesser extent) Pokemon

All of these games are popular with women.

Personal Gameplay

Yet this list doesn’t capture the differences in male and female games adequately enough, because there’s one common trait to at least three games here: personalization.

When men play a game, they usually think about beating things. Or being better than things. Women are far more likely to develop and interact with one thing over and over. The idea of venturing out into an unknown territory and beating the crap out of everything in it doesn’t appeal to the average female; it does apply to the average male and very much so, because it’s the premise of most RPGs.

Look at that last one on the list: Pokemon. Chances are, you’ve known a lot of girls and boys alike who play Pokemon. But have you ever taken much time to observe how they play Pokemon?

When a woman plays Pokemon, most of the time it is similar to how a woman plays The Sims. She creates a unit and that unit develops over time. They value the Pokemon as Pokemon, and less often as a means of winning. When a man plays Pokemon, they are more likely to depersonalize their Pokemon if anything. While some men have their favorite Pokemon, they’re more likely to think about what Pokemon help them win.

To illustrate this point, let me ask you: how many women do you see playing Pokemon? Now, how many women do you see looking up ideal team comps on The latter requires a devotion to winning and being better than others that women don’t have because it’s unlikely that a woman’s social sphere is going to care much about Pokemon.

Expansion and Maintenance defined

Expansion games incentivize the player to expand their presence outward. They encourage the player to explore, to (often) conquer or dominate, and to strive toward some sort of superiority over everything around them.

Maintenance games incentivize the player to maintain their existing presence. They encourage the player to keep order within the things they’re already in charge of. There’s an attraction to those things because they’re your own, not because they’re better or worse than anything else.

Pokemon and MMORPGs are the gray areas of their respective categories, in that they can be played in a more male or female way depending on the player. Their mechanics and incentive systems, though, are firmly entrenched in their category.

Brenda Laurel has done a TED Talk in 1998 with data cementing these distinctions I have made here. The game she mentions as an example of a “game for girls” is not only a maintenance game, it’s every female game trait I have talked about here blown up to an extreme.

Significance and conclusion

This has wide-reaching implications for the gaming industry. While we don’t like to admit it, many games are made at least in part with reviewers in mind. Reviewers, accordingly, rate games based on how ‘fun’ they are. This idea of ‘fun’, as you can expect, is heavily determined by standards males have set for fun. This isn’t some conspiratorial thing; rather, if men like different things than women, it follows that an industry of mostly men would evaluate their preferences accordingly.

As such, many men are unknowingly incentivizing their games for other men. This in itself isn’t a problem, but it is a problem if a game designer wants to reach women and wonders why he/she cannot. Women and men, on average, like different gameplay styles. Women prefer a more maintenance-oriented gameplay style, while men prefer a more expansion-oriented gameplay style. By becoming aware of these differences, designers can reach audiences they were previously in the dark about.(Source:gamasutra

