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发布时间:2011-04-26 10:28:00 Tags:,,,


你有可能因为过度沉迷于这款当今最受欢迎的手机游戏,而影响自己的视力以及正常的社交生活,但据Platform Nation网站的一份报告显示,这款游戏还会威胁我们的地球。虽然这个理论听起来多少有点荒唐,但该报告的作者John McMahaon还是煞有介事地通过一些数学计算印证自己的观点。

Angry Birds

Angry Birds

该理论假设的前提是,这款游戏在iPhone 3GS手机的每次下载都会带来3个小时的游戏时间,iPhone充电时需要消耗4瓦特的电能,而且每次充电需要3个小时,也就是3*4=12瓦*小时。如果该游戏的下载量是1亿次,那么其产生的游戏总时长就是3亿小时。因为iPhone需要在电池满格的情况下玩游戏,所以就需要进行1亿次的iPhone充电。



Is Angry Birds Increasing Global Warming?

We are well aware that the Angry Birds causes plenty of damage to complex structures and greedy green pigs, but are they causing damage in real life?

The most successful mobile game ever seen may damage your eyesight after a frantic playing session or even your social life in extreme cases; however reports from Platform Nation suggest Rovio’s masterpiece is harming our mother earth. The theory sounds crazy but bare with us and we will explain how John McMahon has broken down the maths in his interesting article, or YouTube video.

The theory assumes that the game is being played on an iPhone 3GS with a 3 hour play time per download. The iPhone consumes 4 Watts when charging, with a full charge requiring 3 hours, giving 12 Watt*hours. The figure being used is 100 million downloads which yields 300 million play time hours. Since the playtime equals a full charge, 100 million full charges have been used for the sole purpose of playing Angry Birds.

So 100 million full charges * 12 Watt*hours = 1.2 million kilowatt*hours (kWh). Then assuming that 1 kilogram of coal = 2 kWh, 600,000 kg of coal is consumed to power Angry Birds. 1 kWh = 2 lbs CO2 produced, so 2,400,000 pounds of CO2 is generated. They estimate that carbon offset companies would charge $30-$50k to offset this.

I think it is an interesting experiment; however Angry Birds has been singled out and is no worse than any other game that is played when using up electricity. I am confident that there are far worse things out there that contribute far more to carbon dioxide emissions than a game of Angry Birds on a smartphone. I think it is safe to say that Angry Birds users will be able to play a little more before the world comes to an end. Leave us your thoughts in the comments.(source:onlinesocialmedia

