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发布时间:2011-03-27 09:12:43 Tags:,,

游戏邦注:本文原作者为IndustryGamers的一名撰稿人James Brightman,他听闻温斯坦公司成立了TWC Games部门进军游戏领域的消息后,通过此文表达了自己对这一现象的看法。

在作者看来,温斯坦公司成立TWC Games,意在充分发挥其大量好莱坞大片之影响力,成功进军游戏领域。简单来说,他们希望通过推出热门电影的相关游戏,借机再赚一笔。但从理性角度看,这似乎并非成熟的想法。遗憾的是,TWC有可能一开始就走错了这步棋。

Weinstein Company

Weinstein Company


好莱坞大腕对游戏行业重新有了兴趣。游戏邦发现加拿大著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)、美国著名导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)、彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)、吉尔勒·莫德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)及其他著名电影人士都曾参与推出和游戏有关的项目。和步履蹒跚,创意重叠的好莱坞电影不同,游戏是21世纪的新媒介。游戏的发展才刚刚开始,备受众多创意人员的青睐。


TWC Games发布的这一消息着实令人惊讶。温斯坦兄弟有自己的调查研究人员吗?他们有听说过Brash Entertainment公司吗?大家应该还记得2007年成立的Brash Entertainment公司,其联合创始人之一就是传奇电影公司(Legendary Pictures)的托玛斯·塔尔(Thomas Tull)。Brash 2008年就宣布破产了。和TWC一样,Brash主要开发授权游戏(大部分是好莱坞电影的授权游戏,如《艾尔文和花栗鼠》、《电锯惊魂》和《心灵传输者》等)。这是个糟糕的想法,注定会失败。除非温斯坦有什么锦囊妙计,否则他们也难逃相同命运。

托玛斯·塔尔和温斯坦兄弟均制作过脍炙人口的好莱坞大片,但他们为何因此觉得自己可以将这些资源充分利用到游戏行业,这一点颇令人不解。是无知吗?是自大吗?作者认为Brash完全就是如此,这完全就是冲动之举,而TWC Games亦是如此。

而TWC的不同之处在于其拥有很好的外部合作伙伴,这可能会对游戏制作有所帮助。游戏邦获悉其第一个合作伙伴是Beefy Media。Beefy Media曾参与Capcom公司的《Final Fight: Double Impact》、《黑暗虚空》和《生化尖兵》复刻版等热门游戏的制作,三款游戏在业内的口碑都很理想。Beefy Media实力确实相当雄厚。


Hollywood, Please Stay Away From Games

Today it was announced that The Weinstein Company is getting into the games business. TWC Games is looking to leverage Weinstein’s catalog of “strong and recognizable properties.” In short, they’re looking to cash in on popular movie IP, which anyone in their right mind would know is a disastrous idea. Sorry, but TWC is doomed from the start.

The video game industry and Hollywood have had a very strange, almost incestuous, relationship at times. As the much younger sibling in the world of entertainment, game executives and developers have often looked up at Hollywood, aspiring to one day be as big as big brother. Now games have exploded and are on every device in one form or another. Games easily rival Hollywood today, and some of the unique technological advances and in-game camera angles have clearly inspired animators and film directors in today’s grand special effects extravaganzas.

This has led to much renewed interest in games from the big wigs in Hollywood. James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro and others have all at one point gotten involved in a games-related project. Unlike Hollywood, which at times sadly looks very long in the tooth and filled with nothing but derivative ideas, gaming is the fresh medium of the 21st century. Its evolution has only just begun and the creatives can’t help but be drawn to it.

But making movies and making games are two entirely different things. Being good at one doesn’t guarantee you’ll be good at the other – in fact, for some it might even guarantee not being good at the other. With a few exceptions, there have been a very small number of games based on movies that have actually been huge successes (movies based on games have probably done slightly better).

This TWC Games announcement is actually shocking to me. Do the Weinstein brothers have any researchers? Have they never heard of Brash Entertainment? You might recall that Brash was co-founded in 2007 by Thomas Tull of Legendary Pictures. In 2008, the company went out of business. Similar to TWC, Brash’s business was based entirely on licenses (mostly from Hollywood – Alvin and the Chimpmunks, Saw, Jumper, etc.) It was just a bad, bad idea destined to fail, and unless the Weinsteins have some magic trick up their sleeves, they will suffer the same fate.

Look, Thomas Tull and the Weinsteins have both been involved in the production of some incredible Hollywood blockbusters, but why they think that means they can suddenly use those same properties to great effect in the games industry is a mystery to me. Is it ignorance? Arrogance? The Brash name was quite fitting, because that was certainly a brash move and this TWC Games division is too.

Some might say that the difference for TWC will be the external partners who will be aiding in the games production. The first partner mentioned is Beefy Media, which has apparently aided in the creation of absolutely stellar titles like Capcom’s Final Fight: Double Impact, Dark Void, and the Bionic Commando remake. Those games got metascores of 79, 59, and 70, respectively. “Beefy” indeed.

I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong on this. Maybe TWC can utilize its sister distributor Dimension Films and make a kick-ass game out of Halloween. Nothing screams success in the games business like a movie property from 1978. Well it’s worked for Star Wars (1977), but that’s obviously a pretty special case.

Let us know what you think in the comments section below.(Source:IndustryGamers)

