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手机游戏平台OpenFeint推团购促销活动Fire Sale

发布时间:2010-12-17 09:35:24 Tags:,,,,

紧跟团购模式的销售热潮,手机游戏平台OpenFeint也在近日推出了一项名为“Fire Sale”的团购活动,刺激手机游戏下载量。

据游戏邦了解,如果有一定数量的用户通过OpenFeint网站的Game Channel版块,投票要求某款游戏降价,系统就会向这些参与团购的用户发出信息,允许他们以更优惠的价格下载该游戏。这些团购游戏原先的价格一般是1.99至9.99美元,但团购用户有可能以低至0.99美元的价格购得自己想要的游戏。

The first title for promotion

The first title for promotion

另外,Game Channel版块还将推出“Free Game of the Day”活动,即每天供应一款仅限当天促销的免费游戏,帮助拉动该游戏的下载量,推高它在App Store的排名。

该公司首席执行官Jason Citron表示,OpenFeint有许多积极的用户,他们经常来光顾这些优惠活动,Free Game of the Day的活动每天都有人捧场,Fire Sale是一项真正社交化、刺激群体消费的促销活动,这种模式很有助于推动开发商的游戏下载量。

游戏邦发现,OpenFeint已经推出了第一款团购促销游戏,即Bytemark Games公司的《Jaws》,是一款电影题材的游戏,该游戏原先售价是2.99美元,在12月17日正式开放促销活动。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

OpenFeint to launch Groupon-style buying scheme for iOS games promotion

It’s the kind of sales model made popular by Groupon and specialist shopping channels, and OpenFeint believes a group buying model could result in downloads of specific apps going through the roof.

Its new scheme, dubbed Fire Sale, will be delivered through OpenFeint’s new Game Channel, and will push one game per day – usually priced between $1.99 and $9.99 – at its users.

The idea is, when enough members vote to drop the game’s price to a preset level, push notifications will be sent out to all those who took part, allowing them to download the title at a new discounted rate.

Game Channel will also include Free Game of the Day, which makes one game free for a day, boosting downloads and improving App Store rankings.

Playing with fire

“We have a motivated community that has proven time and again that they’ll come back for great deals,” said OpenFeint CEO Jason Citron of the initiative.

“This happens every day with Free Game of the Day.

“Fire Sale is a truly social, community-based promotion, that is a perfect way for game developers to get their games downloaded.”

OpenFeint has already lined up the first title for the new sales platform, with Bytemark Games’ Jaws – the official game based on the movie series – set to be pushed on December 17.

Currently at $2.99, group power could push it down to 99c.(source:pocketgamer)

