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发布时间:2010-12-13 15:09:09 Tags:,,,

日本手机应用开发商Phyzios公司近日在B轮融资中获得560万美元资金,主要支持者包括:Globis Capital Partners、Daiwa Corporate Investment、Mizuho Capital、Nissay Capital和东京大学Edge投资基金会(the University of Tokyo Edge Capital fund)等日本领先的风险投资机构。


Phyzios Studio website

Phyzios Studio website

Phyzios目前为止已推出了9款iPhone/iPad应用程序,其中有8款曾进入苹果App Store的应用前10强榜单。该公司现计划利用自主开发的物理仿真引擎和CGM引擎,扩大Phyzios在娱乐应用及社交游戏领域的势力范围(Phyzios之前已利用这两种引擎,推出了PHYZIOS Studio和PHYZIOS Sculptor这两项社交娱乐服务和应用服务)。

另外,Phyzios还将携手Tomy Company、T-Entamedia、Hudson Soft Company等娱乐传媒公司,向智能手机及平板电脑平台的科教娱乐、玩具市场进军。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Entertaining Physics as Phyzios raise $5.6m Series ‘B’

Phyzios, Inc. is a Japanese mobile app developer with a mission to apply innovative research around particle-based physics simulation technologies, to mobile apps, education and games. The company has just made a successful close of a $5.6m Series B funding from a consortium of leading Japanese venture capital firms, including Globis Capital Partners, Daiwa Corporate Investment, Mizuho Capital, Nissay Capital and the University of Tokyo Edge Capital fund.

Phyzios plans to use the new capital to advance the company’s multi-platform strategy, by enhancing collaboration with business partners and strengthening their team, in order to accelerate product development in the growing smartphone and tablet device markets.

Phyzios has released nine iPhone/iPad applications so far, eight of which ranked top 10 in Top Charts across App Stores. The company now plans to utilize its proprietary physics simulation engine and CGM engine, already proven in its social interactive entertainment services and applications – including PHYZIOS Studio and PHYZIOS Sculptor – to further increase its presence in the entertainment applications and social games markets.

Phyzios will also expand partnerships with entertainment brands and companies such as Tomy Company, T-Entamedia and Hudson Soft Company to target growing markets of edu-tainment and edu-toys on smartphones and tablet devices.(source:wiredvc)

