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发布时间:2010-12-10 15:49:26 Tags:,,,





据游戏邦了解,此前Facebook社交网站的应用可以直接向用户发送各种通告信息。然而,今年2月起,Facebook社交网站开始禁用通告渠道。9月又对Facebook社交网站平台进行了全面整改:将游戏内容Stories从非游戏用户的Feed中删除。此后非游戏玩家在Feed中只能查看关于好友开始体验某款应用的App Discovery Stories。另外,Facebook社交网站还移除了应用和游戏面板中的“应用邀请”和“请求”选项。为此,许多社交游戏开发商纷纷抱怨Facebook平台的这些变化阻碍了游戏发现和应用粘性,纷纷要求Facebook恢复请求界面上的应用邀请和请求选项。





Facebook希望在不烦扰用户体验的情况下协助社交游戏开发公司。譬如部分玩家会被各种游戏通告打断网页浏览体验。对此,Facebook社交网站的首席执行官曾表示“产生负面体验的源头之一就是游戏”,相信广大Facebook用户也对那段被各种游戏垃圾游戏充斥Facebook主页面的历史记忆犹新。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译  转载请注明:游戏邦)

Facebook is conducting a short term test showing application requests in the notifications channel. It will analyze the effects of the change before concluding whether to further roll out application request notifications.

By showing these requests in a persistently visible, frequently checked channel alongside notifications about system actions such as a user being mentioned in a post or tagged in a photo, Facebook may be able to assist developers with app discovery and user retention.

Applications could previously send messages directly to users as notifications, but lost access to the notifications channel in February. Facebook made major changes to the Platform in September, removing stories about in-game content from the feeds of non-gamers, leaving only app discovery stories about friends starting to use an app. Facebook also moved app invites and requests from the Requests panel to the Application and Game Dashboards. Many developers complained that these changes significantly hurt discovery and retention, leading Facebook to bring app invites and requests back to the Requests panel.

Facebook has sought to improve relations with developers of all sizes through improved outreach, documentation, and reliability as part of “Operation Developer Love.” But its access to communication and viral channels which are the biggest concern for most developers. Removing these channels makes it especially difficult for smaller developers to compete with larger ones which can pay for massive advertising campaigns and cross-promote to kickstart new apps.

The introduction of application requests and invites to the notifications channel could be some of the change developers have been waiting for. Facebook improved the visibility of this channel earlier this year by showing alerts of notifications on browser tabs opened to Facebook. The red counters on the notifications icon are difficult to ignore, so these notifications could lead users to more frequently visit the dashboards where they can respond to requests and invites.

Facebook must try to assist developers without detracting from the user experience. Some might be frustrated about notifications which distract them from their browsing but don’t link to more intimate social activity such as a friend Liking their status update or writing on their wall. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said “one of the biggest drivers of negative experiences has been games”, and these notifications could remind users of the days when their home page and news feed were flooded by app spam. However, these notifications can only be generated by explicit actions of a user’s friends, which could set the right balance between annoyance and obscurity for applications. (Source:Inside Facebook)

