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发布时间:2013-11-28 11:38:44 Tags:,,,,

作者:Gustavo Ambrozio










如果你仍在使用Cocos2D 1.0.1,并担心你现在的模版会被换掉,请别担心。因为Cocos2D版本2的模版会与1.0.1版本的模版一起安装。

当你安装了Cocos2D的2.0版本时,启动Xcode并点击“Create a new Xcode project。”在iOS下,选择Cocos2Dv2.x,然后选择“Cocos2D iOS with Box2D”模版,并点击Next。

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)



CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)







打开HelloWorldLayer.h并删除精灵spriteTexture_ instance变量的声明:

//Remove this line
CCTexture2D *spriteTexture_;    // weak ref


1.1.-(void) addNewSpriteAtPosition:(CGPoint)p,

2.-(void) createMenu,

3.-(void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event




// delete these lines!
self.isAccelerometerEnabled = YES;
CGSize s = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;


// Delete ALL the lines listed here!

//Set up sprite

#if 1
// Use batch node. Faster
CCSpriteBatchNode *parent = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:@"blocks.png" capacity:100];
spriteTexture_ = [parent texture];
// doesn’t use batch node. Slower
spriteTexture_ = [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:@”blocks.png”];
CCNode *parent = [CCNode node];
[self addChild:parent z:0 tag:kTagParentNode];

[self addNewSpriteAtPosition:ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2)];

CCLabelTTF *label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"Tap screen" fontName:@"Marker Felt" fontSize:32];
[self addChild:label z:0];
[label setColor:ccc3(0,0,255)];
label.position = ccp( s.width/2, s.height-50);


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

在项目导航器中打开资源群组并删除blocks.png,因为你并不需要它。当被问到如果你想要删除参考或将其丢进回收站,不要害羞。点击“Move to Trash”,你不需要任何不必要的文件。







CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

确保选中“Copy items into destination group’s folder”去复制这些文件到你的项目文件夹中。

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)


CCSprite *croc_;            // weak ref


// Load the sprite sheet into the sprite cache
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:@”CutTheVerlet.plist”];

// Add the background
CCSprite *background = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"bg.png"];
background.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
[self addChild:background z:-1];

// Add the croc
croc_ = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"croc_front_mouthclosed.png"];
croc_.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(1.0, 0.0);
croc_.position = CGPointMake(320.0, 30.0);
[self addChild:croc_ z:1];


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)



return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(interfaceOrientation);


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)






为了获得下垂的效果,我发现了一个名为VRope的类,即Clever Hamster Games的PatrickC在Cocos2D论坛上所编写的,基于YoAmbulante.com中的ActionScript的代码。多亏了这些网站,你将轻松许多。


Verlet整合存在于点和链接中,在这些点之间每个点都记得其最初的位置,并由此去决定下一步,x的新位置等于x + x – previous_x(y亦是如此),然后每个点将两两链接在一起以保持彼此间的同等距离,就像程序开始时那样。


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)



CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)


这里的错误在于VRope.mm的debugDraw方法。这一类的创造目的是为了与Cocos2D的1.0.1版本共同使用,即支持OpenGL ES 1.0。Cocos2D 2.x使用了OpenGL ES2.0,而一些早前的Cocos2D 1.x函数与其并不兼容。因为你并不会使用debugDraw,所以只要删除它表面可以。不要忘记也删除VRope.h中的方法声明。


CCSprite *tmpSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithBatchNode:spriteSheet rect:CGRectMake(0,0,multiplier,[[[spriteSheet textureAtlas] texture] pixelsHigh])];


CCSprite *tmpSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:spriteSheet.texture
[[[spriteSheet textureAtlas] texture] pixelsHigh]/CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR())];






b2Body *bodyA;
b2Body *bodyB;


b2RopeJoint *joint;


-(id)init:(b2Body*)body1 body2:(b2Body*)body2 spriteSheet:(CCSpriteBatchNode*)spriteSheetArg;


-(id)initWithRopeJoint:(b2RopeJoint*)joint spriteSheet:(CCSpriteBatchNode*)spriteSheetArg;



-(void)createRope:(CGPoint)pointA pointB:(CGPoint)pointB;


-(void)createRope:(CGPoint)pointA pointB:(CGPoint)pointB distance:(float)distance;


现在,前往VRope.mm并替换现有的init:body2:spriteSheet: 执行为:

-(id)initWithRopeJoint:(b2RopeJoint*)aJoint spriteSheet:(CCSpriteBatchNode*)spriteSheetArg {
if((self = [super init])) {
joint = aJoint;
CGPoint pointA = ccp(joint->GetAnchorA().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorA().y*PTM_RATIO);
CGPoint pointB = ccp(joint->GetAnchorB().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorB().y*PTM_RATIO);
spriteSheet = spriteSheetArg;
[self createRope:pointA pointB:pointB distance:joint->GetMaxLength()*PTM_RATIO];
return self;



-(void)reset {
CGPoint pointA = ccp(joint->GetAnchorA().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorA().y*PTM_RATIO);
CGPoint pointB = ccp(joint->GetAnchorB().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorB().y*PTM_RATIO);
[self resetWithPoints:pointA pointB:pointB];

-(void)update:(float)dt {
CGPoint pointA = ccp(joint->GetAnchorA().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorA().y*PTM_RATIO);
CGPoint pointB = ccp(joint->GetAnchorB().x*PTM_RATIO,joint->GetAnchorB().y*PTM_RATIO);
[self updateWithPoints:pointA pointB:pointB dt:dt];


-(void)createRope:(CGPoint)pointA pointB:(CGPoint)pointB {


-(void)createRope:(CGPoint)pointA pointB:(CGPoint)pointB distance:(float)distance {


// Remove this line
float distance = ccpDistance(pointA,pointB);


[self createRope:pointA pointB:pointB];


[self createRope:pointA pointB:pointB distance:ccpDistance(pointA, pointB)];



你的游戏将出现一只俄语而不是名为Om Nom的怪物(游戏邦注:即《割绳子》中的角色),但是你仍然需要喂养他!也就是糖果,不过在这里会以菠萝的形式呈现出来。

Pineapple-Croc(from raywenderlich)

Pineapple-Croc(from raywenderlich)


NSMutableArray *ropes;
NSMutableArray *candies;
b2Body* groundBody;    // weak ref
CCSpriteBatchNode *ropeSpriteSheet; // weak ref


现在,打开,并添加如下内容到init中,即在self.isTouchEnabled = YES;之后:

ropes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
candies = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ropeSpriteSheet = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:@"rope_texture.png"];
[self addChild:ropeSpriteSheet];

并添加如下内容到dealloc,即在super dealloc的调用之前:

[ropes release];
[candies release];


b2Body* groundBody = world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);


groundBody = world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);


-(b2Body *) createCandyAt:(CGPoint)pt
// Get the sprite from the sprite sheet
CCSprite *sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"pineapple.png"];
[self addChild:sprite];

// Defines the body of your candy
b2BodyDef bodyDef;
bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bodyDef.position = b2Vec2(pt.x/PTM_RATIO, pt.y/PTM_RATIO);
bodyDef.userData = sprite;
bodyDef.linearDamping = 0.3f;
b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);

// Define the fixture as a polygon
b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
b2PolygonShape spriteShape;

b2Vec2 verts[] = {
b2Vec2(-7.6f / PTM_RATIO, -34.4f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(8.3f / PTM_RATIO, -34.4f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(15.55f / PTM_RATIO, -27.15f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(13.8f / PTM_RATIO, 23.05f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(-3.35f / PTM_RATIO, 35.25f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(-16.25f / PTM_RATIO, 25.55f / PTM_RATIO),
b2Vec2(-15.55f / PTM_RATIO, -23.95f / PTM_RATIO)

spriteShape.Set(verts, 7);
fixtureDef.shape = &spriteShape;
fixtureDef.density = 30.0f;
fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = 0×01;
fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = 0×01;

[candies addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:body]];

return body;





#import “VRope.h”


-(void) createRopeWithBodyA:(b2Body*)bodyA anchorA:(b2Vec2)anchorA
bodyB:(b2Body*)bodyB anchorB:(b2Vec2)anchorB
b2RopeJointDef jd;
jd.bodyA = bodyA;
jd.bodyB = bodyB;
jd.localAnchorA = anchorA;
jd.localAnchorB = anchorB;

// Max length of joint = current distance between bodies * sag
float32 ropeLength = (bodyA->GetWorldPoint(anchorA) – bodyB->GetWorldPoint(anchorB)).Length() * sag;
jd.maxLength = ropeLength;

// Create joint
b2RopeJoint *ropeJoint = (b2RopeJoint *)world->CreateJoint(&jd);

VRope *newRope = [[VRope alloc] initWithRopeJoint:ropeJoint spriteSheet:ropeSpriteSheet];

[ropes addObject:newRope];
[newRope release];






#define cc_to_b2Vec(x,y)   (b2Vec2((x)/PTM_RATIO, (y)/PTM_RATIO))

-(void) initLevel
CGSize s = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];

// Add the candy
b2Body *body1 = [self createCandyAt:CGPointMake(s.width * 0.5, s.height * 0.7)];

// Add a bunch of ropes
[self createRopeWithBodyA:groundBody anchorA:cc_to_b2Vec(s.width * 0.15, s.height * 0.8)
bodyB:body1 anchorB:body1->GetLocalCenter()

[self createRopeWithBodyA:body1 anchorA:body1->GetLocalCenter()
bodyB:groundBody anchorB:cc_to_b2Vec(s.width * 0.85, s.height * 0.8)

[self createRopeWithBodyA:body1 anchorA:body1->GetLocalCenter()
bodyB:groundBody anchorB:cc_to_b2Vec(s.width * 0.83, s.height * 0.6)




[self initLevel];


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)



//Iterate over the bodies in the physics world
for (b2Body* b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext())
CCSprite *myActor = (CCSprite*)b->GetUserData();
if (myActor)
//Synchronize the AtlasSprites position and rotation with the corresponding body
myActor.position = CGPointMake( b->GetPosition().x * PTM_RATIO, b->GetPosition().y * PTM_RATIO);
myActor.rotation = -1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(b->GetAngle());

// Update all the ropes
for (VRope *rope in ropes)
[rope update:dt];
[rope updateSprites];


CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)

CutTheVerlet(from raywenderlich)




// Advance the world by a few seconds to stabilize everything.
int n = 10 * 60;
int32 velocityIterations = 8;
int32 positionIterations = 1;
float32 dt = 1.0 / 60.0;
while (n–)
// Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation.
world->Step(dt, velocityIterations, positionIterations);
for (VRope *rope in ropes)
[rope update:dt];

// This last update takes care of the texture repositioning.
[self update:dt];





How to Make a Game Like Cut the Rope – Part 1

Gustavo Ambrozio

In this tutorial series, you’ll build a cool Cut the Rope-type game from scratch using Cocos2D and Box2D.

You’ll use art created by Ray’s lovely and talented wife Vicki to build a very rudimentary Cut the Rope, mainly to show how to create and destroy ropes using Box2D.

In this 2-part tutorial series, you’ll learn:

How to use rope joints

How to draw ropes using verlets

How to cut the ropes (of course)

And much, much more!

This tutorial series assumes that you’ve already gone through the Intro to Box2D with Cocos2D Tutorial: Bouncing Balls, or have equivalent knowledge. It also uses a bunch of concepts found in another great tutorial series by Ray, How To Create A Breakout Game with Box2D and Cocos2D – Part 1 and Part 2.

Getting Started

In this tutorial, you’ll use the latest version of Xcode (4.3.x at the time of writing) and version 2.0 of Cocos2D. We’re using 2.0 because it contains a new joint in Box2D that we need (the rope joint), which 1.0.1 does not have.

If you’re still using Cocos2D 1.0.1 and are afraid that your current templates will be replaced, don’t worry. The templates for Cocos2D version 2 are installed alongside the templates for version 1.0.1, so there’s no problem installing them alongside each other.

Once you have version 2.0 of Cocos2D installed, fire up Xcode and click “Create a new Xcode project.” Under iOS, choose Cocos2D v2.x, choose the “Cocos2D iOS with Box2D” template and click Next.

On the next screen, give your project the name “CutTheVerlet” and fill out your company identifier. Don’t forget to choose “iPhone” as the device family.

In the next step, select the folder where you want to store your project. You don’t have to create a new folder – Xcode will create one for you. Click “Create” and you’re ready to start coding!

You probably know what this template project is all about, but just for the fun of it, click Run and see what it does:

You can play with a few blocks. This is cool, but not nearly as cool as what you’re about to make!

Follow Along on GitHub
If you want to follow me wherever I may go, check out this project’s GitHub page!

I’ll publish the entire tutorial, with comments and tags for every step on GitHub!

You might find this handy in case you get stuck somewhere or want to look at the code at a particular stage instead of typing it out yourself. Otherwise, keep following along here!

The repository tag for this point in the tutorial is ProjectTemplate. You can download the project zip at this state here.

Cleaning Up

Before you get your hands dirty, time for some cleanup. :]

Open HelloWorldLayer.h and remove the declaration of the spriteTexture_ instance variable:

Open and completely remove the implementations of the following three methods:

1.-(void) addNewSpriteAtPosition:(CGPoint)p;
2.-(void) createMenu;
3.-(void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
The first two methods also have declarations at the top of the file. Make sure you remove those as well.

Now you’ll have a couple of warnings on the init method in this file, because of calls to createMenu and addNewSpriteAtPosition:. Clean up the init method by removing those method calls.

Next, delete the line that enables the accelerometer, as you won’t be using it in this project. Also remove the line that grabs the window size, as you won’t need it, at least not now:

At the end of the init method, remove everything that adds stuff to the scene:

That’s it for!

Open the resources group on the project navigator and delete blocks.png, since you don’t need it. When asked if you want to remove the reference only or move to trash, don’t be shy. Click “Move to Trash” – you don’t want any unnecessary files hanging around.

To make sure everything works, compile and run. You should see an empty scene:

The repository tag for this point in the tutorial is CleanedUpProject.

Adding Some Sprites

Now that you’ve tossed out what you don’t need, you can add some things you do need, starting with the art. I got most of these images from Vicki’s site, and she made a few additional sprites just for this tutorial. Go ahead and download the art files from GitHub.

Extract the ZIP file contents. This will create a new folder called “Art.” Inside this folder are two more folders: Images and Originals. The Originals folder has all the original PNG files, in retina resolution.

You won’t use these original files directly in the project. As you may know, the recommended approach for using sprites in Cocos2D is to work with a sprite sheet created with a program like TexturePacker.

Note: If you want to know more about how to use TexturePacker, there’s an excellent tutorial – guess where? Yep, right here on, in the aptly-named “How to Create and Optimize Sprite Sheets in Cocos2D with Texture Packer and Pixel Formats“.

But in this case, there’s no need to make a sprite sheet – I’ve already made one for you! :] They’re in the ZIP you just downloaded, in the Images subdirectory.

Moving on then. The Images folder inside the Art folder has everything you need to add to the project, so go ahead and drag this folder to the Resources group of your project.

Be sure to check the “Copy items into destination group’s folder” to copy these files to your project folder.

You now have the elements you need to begin building your scene. You’re going to make the initial scene look like this:

To do this, first you need to add a reference to the crocodile sprite you’ll be using in your scene. So add the following line to HelloWorldLayer.h below the existing declaration for m_debugDraw:

Then go to and insert the code below right before the initPhysics call in the init method:

The first line loads all your sprites and holds them in the sprite sheet frame cache. You then add the background and the croc. Build and run to see whether it looks the way you want it to:

Oops, not exactly! The scene is designed for portrait mode, but the code is forcing it to run in landscape.

There’s an easy fix for this. Open, find shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:, and change the implementation to this:

Simple so far, right? Now comes the hard part: the rope.

The repository tag for this point in the tutorial is BasicScene.

What’s This Verlet You Speak Of?
So, how are you going to implement the rope using Cocos2D and Box2D, you ask?

Out of the box, the only useful thing provided by Box2D is a joint called rope joint. A rope joint is a joint that can be thought of as a “maximum distance” joint. You specify two bodies and the maximum distance between them, and Box2D makes sure that these two bodies are never more than this distance apart, much like a real rope with something tied to each end.

This is very nice, but Cocos2D does not (yet) have any way to draw this rope. You could draw a straight line between the two bodies, but this won’t depict a realistic rope in all scenarios. For instance, if the distance between the objects is less than the maximum distance (the rope length in your case), the rope should be sagging. But if you were to draw a straight line between the two points, obviously it would not sag, so it would not look realistic.

To achieve this sagging effect, I found a very nice class called VRope that PatrickC of Clever Hamster Games wrote about in the Cocos2D forums, based on code written in ActionScript at Thanks to both of those great sites for your contributions – you made my life easier. :]

To simulate a rope, the VRope class uses the concept of Verlet integration. As explains:

The Verlet integration consists in dots and links between these dots where each dot has remembered which was its previous position to determine its next step, the new position of x is equal to x + x – previous_x (same for y) and then each of these dots are associated (grouped) by pairs that try to keep same distance between each other as they were when the program started.I’ll explain in more detail how this is implemented in the VRope class, but first add a simple rope to your project to see it in action.

Download the original VRope class code from PatrickC here. Extract and drag the vrope-latest folder to your project tree:

Again, choose to copy the items into the destination folder:

If you compile the code now, you’ll get two errors and one warning. Fix those before you go any farther.

The errors are in‘s debugDraw method. This class was built to be used with version 1.0.1 of Cocos2D, which supports OpenGL ES 1.0. Cocos2D 2.x uses OpenGL ES 2.0, and some of the older Cocos2D 1.x functions are not forward-compatible. Since you won’t use debugDraw, just remove it. Don’t forget to also remove the method declaration in VRope.h.

The warning comes from a deprecated Cocos2D method that’s called from createRope:pointB:. This is the offending line that should be in yellow in Xcode:

Replace it with:

Now the project will compile with no errors or warnings.

You’ll have to modify the VRope class a little to suit your game’s needs. The original class keeps track of two Box2D bodies and simulates the rope based on the movement of these bodies. But it determines the rope length based on the distance between the two objects at the time they were created. This could result in an incorrect rope length in your game, as the rope might not be tight when you create the VRope instance.

You’ll modify the class to use an instance of b2RopeJoint (discussed at the beginning of this section), which already has two bodies attached to it. It also has information about the length of the rope, taking into consideration the anchor points where the b2RopeJoint attaches to the two bodies.

In other words, you say where the rope is attached, and how long it is, and the rope will automatically calculate the appropriate amount of “sagging” necessary to meet those constraints.

So, open VRope.h and replace these lines:

With this:

Also, change the init method declaration from:


This will make it easier to create a visual representation of a rope joint by passing in the b2RopeJoint directly.

Next change the createRope method from:


This allows us to set the length of the rope.

Now, go to and replace the existing implementation for init:body2:spriteSheet: with:

Here we pull out the two bodies from the b2RopeJoint and call the previous initializer.

Also replace the existing reset and update implementations to use the rope joint instead of the bodies, as follows:

Finally, createRope needs to be updated to use the distance you provide instead of the current distance between the two points. So, just change the method declaration from:


And remove this line from the method:

You also need to update an old call to createRope inside initWithPoints:pointB:spriteSheet:. Go to this method and change the line:


This should be enough for now. But before you get to making your rope, you need to add a little more infrastructure to handle the ropes and the candies.

Candy for Crocs
Your game may have a crocodile instead of the Om Nom monster, but you still have to feed him! And that means candy, which in this project comes in the form of pineapple. (What else to crocodiles eat?!)

The arrays will help you keep track of the ropes and candies you’ll create. The groundBody instance variable will hold a reference to the world body, and ropeSpriteSheet will hold the sprite batch node that will be used in the creation of the VRope instances.

Now, open and add these lines to init right after self.isTouchEnabled = YES;:

First, add a few more instance variables to HelloWorldLayer.h:

Just so you don’t forget, add these lines to dealloc before the call to super dealloc:

You need to keep a reference to the world body created in initPhysics. So, go to that method and change:


Now, add this method to the end of the file (but before the final @end):

This method will create a pineapple body and its sprite at a particular position on the screen. It uses a polygon as the fixture for the body. The points for the fixture were taken using VertexHelper. You can see how to use VertexHelper in the How To Use Box2D For Just Collision Detection with Cocos2D iPhone tutorial. It’s pretty basic Cocos2D+Box2D stuff. :]

And Now For Some Ropes!
It’s finally time to add the method to create the rope and attach two bodies to it. No, not that kind of body – this game is rated G! :]

First, add this import at the top of

Now add this method to the end of the file:

Now things are getting a little more interesting!

First, you create a b2RopeJointDef and attach the two bodies passed into the method using the provided local anchor points. For example, to attach the rope to the center of a body you’d pass in coordinates (0,0).

Then, you calculate the current distance between the two bodies at the given local anchors and multiply by a “sag” value. This sag value should be always greater than 1 and will determine how much longer the rope will be. So, for example, if the two bodies are 10 meters apart and sag is 1.1, the rope will have a maximum length of 11 meters.

You then create the b2RopeJoint and send it to the init method of VRope that you created above. The new rope object is kept in an array (so you can update it later) and returned.

That’s all you need to add some ropes! Now add a new method below init that creates all the bodies and ropes (including a delectable pineapple):

This is a pretty simple method, but notice one important thing: the difference in coordinate space. To make life easier, you want to use screen coordinates to place the ropes and pineapples, but your createRope method takes anchor points in local body coordinates, and those have to be specified in Box2D’s world coordinates, not as screen coordinates.

To get around this, you create a macro, cc_to_b2Vec, which translates screen coordinates to world coordinates.

Now you just need to add a call to initLevel in init, right after the call to initPhysics:

Compile and run and let’s see what you get. :] It should be something like:

Not exactly what you expected… The problem is that you forgot to update your sprites based on the Box2D world simulation. You also forgot to call the rope’s update method. (If you remembered these things and already did them, good for you!)

So, go to update: in and add this at the end:

Compile and run again, and this is what you should get:

Great, what a nice looking rope you’ve got!

You might notice, though, that the ropes move a lot when the app starts, and it looks a little weird. This happens because when a VRope object is created, it’s first laid out as a straight line, and then the simulation makes the rope fall, according to the game physics. The wobbling rope is physics working as it should!

To solve this, you can jump forward in time when you first lay out the scene. Add these lines to the end of initLevel:

Build and run again, and you should see no more bouncing rope. Instead you should have a tranquil scene with a hungry crocodile, and ropes so still they’re begging to be cut!

The repository tag for this point in the tutorial is BasicRopes.

Where to Go From Here?
That’s it for today. In the next and last part of the tutorial, you’ll learn how to cut the verlet and feed the croc.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about this part of the tutorial, join in the forum discussion below!(source:raywenderlich

