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每日观察:关注iPhone 5制造成本与实际售价(9.15)

发布时间:2012-09-15 10:44:17 Tags:,,

1)据Techcrunch报道,苹果iPhone 5在线订购产品在美国供货量不到一小时就已售謦,其速度比iPhone 4和iPhone 4S快了20倍左右。而venturebeat报告则指出,这种现象将苹果股票推向新纪录,每股售价达696.98美元。

iphone 5(from pocketgamer)

iphone 5(from pocketgamer)

2)据UBM Tech Insights分析,目前售价最低的iPhone 5(16GB)制造成本仅为167.50美元,但市场售价却高达649美元,两者之间的差价高达481.5美元。如果是运营商补贴成本,那么其售价就是199美元,但消费者需签订两年合约。

iphone5-costs-168(from Tech Insights)

iphone5-costs-168(from Tech Insights)

Tech Insights估算iPhone 5制造成本比iPhone 4S多35美元,其中最昂贵的组件是A6处理器(成本为28美元),其二是Qualcomm 4G LTE调制解调器(成本为25美元)。

3)移动营销公司Velti最近发布8月份报告指出,iPhone 4S发布4个月后在其平台上的移动广告印象迅速增长至10%,预计iPhone 5广告印象增长速度将远甚于iPhone 4S,6个月内在所有iPhone广告印象中占比将超过25%。

iphone 5_growth_predictions(from Velti)

iphone 5_growth_predictions(from Velti)


4)Usurv最近执行的一项调查结果显示,44%的英国iPhone用户有意升级到iPhone 5手机,有此意向的HTC英国智能手机用户占比18%,而诺基亚用户的这一比例也达到20%(游戏邦注:其调查样本仅为1000人,因此其结果未必能反映真实情况)。

user survey(from Usurv)

user survey(from Usurv)

从总体上看,在所有的智能手机用户受访者中,有20%声称他们无需了解过多情况就会购买iPhone 5。

但在所有的非苹果手机中,三星用户忠诚度最高,仅有5%的Galaxy英国智能手机用户表示有意购买iPhone 5。

iPhone 5 features(from Usurv)

iPhone 5 features(from Usurv)

有19%受访者称更大的屏幕是iPhone 5的最大吸引力,17%认为采用LTE网络是iPhone 5的最出众之处,但有39%受访者称iPhone 5的所有新功能都没有什么吸引力,27%认为iPhone 5被过度吹捧,但实际上并无创新之处。

windows phone store(from

windows phone store(from

5)据The AppSide报道,微软日前将旗下应用商店Windows Phone Marketplace正式更名为Windows Phone Store,并对该应用商店进行重新设计,突出了应用检索功能,并提升了搜索效能。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)iPhone 5 pre-order supplies in the US sell out in under an hour

by Anthony Usher

If you’ve visited a tech blog or taken a peek at Twitter since the official unveiling of Apple’s iPhone 5, you’ll probably have seen plenty of highly critical articles about, and comments on, the perceived “disappointing” new smartphone.

Still, in spite of this, it looks like Apple has managed to flog its entire initial stock of Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint iPhone 5s. In less than an hour.

In fact, according to website TechCrunch, pre-order supplies of the iPhone 5 in the US have sold out around 20 times faster than those of the iPhone 4 and 4S.

The iPhone 5′s estimated delivery time is now two weeks rather than one. The rush to pre-order the Cupertino company’s new blower caused error messages and other issues on and some of the US carriers’ websites.

Naturally, we’ll have to wait for official numbers from Apple before we label the iPhone 5 a runaway success story. After all, it’s entirely possible that the new smartphone sold out quicker than its predecessors simply because Apple’s manufacturers have produced less stock.(source:pocketgamer

Apple’s stock shot up to its newest high, $696.98 a share, after the company opened up pre-ordering online for its latest device, the coveted iPhone 5.(source:venturebeat

2)Cheapest iPhone 5 costs an estimated $168 to make but sells for $649

Sean Ludwig

The 16GB iPhone 5, the least expensive of Apple’s new smartphone models, costs $167.50 to manufacture, according to an analysis by UBM Tech Insights.

Tech Insights estimates the iPhone 5 costs about $35 more than the iPhone 4S to make. The most expensive competent is the new A6 processor, which costs $28. The second-most expensive item is the Qualcomm 4G LTE modem, which runs $25.

While it’s a bit more expensive to make than the last model, Apple will still be collecting plenty of cash on the sale of iPhone 5 units. When a wireless carrier isn’t paying for a portion of the device, the 16GB iPhone 5 costs $649. With a wireless carrier subsidizing the cost, it costs $199 but you’re tied to two-year contract.

The cost difference between the $167.50 materials bill and the $649 sales price is $481.50. While some of that money goes into paying for Apple’s operations and marketing, it still makes a hefty profit. Apple collected $8.8 billion in net income last quarter alone.

Apple debuted the hugely anticipated iPhone 5 Wednesday, and preorders for the device started today. Preorders from Apple already have a two-week shipping estimate, and the carriers are about the same with their estimates, indicating huge demand.(source:venturebeat

3)Velti Report: iPhone 5 Will Take A Big Bite Of Mobile Ad Share

Anthony Ha

Mobile marketer Velti just released its August report on the mobile ad market, but instead of focusing on the past month, it’s looking ahead to the growth of the iPhone 5.

The report points out that the iPhone 4S had a rapid rise to the top, becoming the top device in mobile ad impressions within a few months — it was already claiming 10 percent of impressions four months after its release. Velti predicts that the iPhone 5 will be adopted even more quickly than the 4S, driving more than 25 percent of all iPhone ad impressions within six months, and becoming one of the top five devices in Velti’s Mobclix ad exchange.

(Is that just another way of saying that the iPhone 5 will sell really, really well — a prediction that already seems to be coming true? Not quite. Velti is looking at how relevant the device will be to mobile advertisers. Obviously, sales play a role, but so do other factors, such as usage.)

In addition to looking at the iPhone 5, the Velti report has its usual breakdown of market share by platform, saying that Android grew from 42 percent to 43 percent of total impressions. That’s not all that dramatic, but it does mark a reversal from the first six months of the year when iOS was consistently taking market share from Android. The report also looks at eCPMs (the amount paid per 1,000 impressions). Apparently ads in education apps, with an average eCPM of 97 cents, are now the most lucrative, beating out weather apps. Overall, eCPMs rose 6 percent from July.(source:techcrunch

4)Survey Says: 44% Of iPhone Owners In Britain Want iPhone 5, 18% Of British HTC Owners To Follow

Steve O’Hear

With little time for the Reality Distortion Field to wear off, a survey conducted just hours after yesterday’s Apple press event reveals that a whopping 44% of current iPhone owners in Britain want to upgrade. That’s probably good news if you’re Cupertino-inclined. But for some of Apple’s competitors, bad news could be on the horizon.

According to the poll, 18% of current HTC smartphone owners in Britain want the new iPhone, too, while Nokia fared even worse with 20% of owners displaying iPhone 5 lust.

Overall, 20% of all smartphone owners said that they wanted to upgrade to the new iPhone without needing any further information about the product. Clearly, the iPhone magic trick is still resonating with plenty this side of the pond.

Conducted by Usurv, which rather conveniently offers a self-serve online survey platform for exactly this type of quick fire research, the sample size of the poll was limited to 1,000 participants, so the results are pretty heavily extrapolated but quite telling nonetheless.

Amongst Apple’s competitors, there was better news for bitter rival Samsung, for example. Owners of its Galaxy smartphones in Britain appear to be the most loyal of the bunch, with only 5% saying they want to switch to the iPhone 5.

Driving the iPhone 5 lust is, unsurprisingly, its larger screen, highlighted as the most appealing by 19% of respondents. In second place, the higher speed Internet access, making use of the new LTE network which is being introduced to the UK by EE, was highlighted by 17% as most appealing. Interestingly, however, 39% of those surveyed said that none of the new features appeal to them, and 27% thought that the iPhone 5 had been over-hyped without anything exciting or innovative.(source:techcrunch

5)Microsoft revamps app store –Microsoft has renamed the Windows Phone Marketplace, changing the service’s name to the Windows Phone Store. The company has also redesigned the store, emphasizing app discovery and improving its search capabilities, reports The AppSide.(source:insidemobileapps

