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发布时间:2012-07-20 15:40:42 Tags:,

作者:Will So


最近我正在玩《Spec Ops: The line》。这款游戏的剧情和人物都非常有趣,射击机制也相当好。肯定有从事科幻小说的人指点迷津。但是,游戏还是没有处理好掩蔽系统。难道是受了好莱坞动作电影的影响?但不知为什么,所有第三人称射击游戏(TPS)都存在相同的问题:当角色躲到掩蔽物后面时,他就转过身去,面朝与敌人相反的反向;他还把武器指向地面。如下图所示:

spec_ops_the_line(from gamasutra)

spec_ops_the_line(from gamasutra)



A U.S. Army soldier takes cov

士兵的枪所指的方向是敌人所在的地方(from gamasutra)

soliders(from gamasutra)

所有人都面朝危险可能来袭的方向(from gamasutra)

我见过的唯一正确处理掩蔽问题的是游戏《The Last of Us》的预告片。在片中,玩家的角色蜷伏在面向威胁的掩蔽物下面,然后突然跳出来开火。另外,你不可能一边把自己整个儿暴露出来,一边开枪,那样太可笑了。你会慢慢地从掩蔽物后面探出来,以减少暴露面积。我找不到合适的图片或视频来演示正确的姿势,所以我画了幅简笔画表示。

stick figures(from gamasutra)

stick figures(from gamasutra)




Soldier in shooting position(from gamasutra)

Soldier in shooting position(from gamasutra)


Why can’t third-person shooter get cover mechanics right?

by Will So

Why can’t all these AAA shooter get the cover mechanics right? You hire military consultants that gives you the playbook, but yet you can’t get this very simple concept correctly. This post is from my blog at

I am playing Spec Ops: The line.  The game has intriguing story and characters.  It has decent shooting mechanics.  It obviously had someone from the SF community providing input.  But yet, it still gets the cover system wrong.   Maybe it is Hollywood influence from action movies?  But for some strange reason, in all third-person shooters (TPS), when your soldier goes into cover, he turns around and faces the opposite direction from the enemy.  He also will drop his weapon and points it to the ground.  Like this:

don’t worry, the enemy would NEVER try to flank us.

Look at that awesome cover position, gun pointing the wrong way, head looking the wrong way, his body weight is leaned forward against the cover, so he can’t move quickly even if he wants to.  What if someone just walks right around that cover, there would be nothing he can do.  Well, I guess at least he looks good.

Now lets look at how a real soldier stands behind cover:

Look!  I am pointing my gun toward where the enemy might be!

Here is a new concept:  everyone face the direction where the threat to your life may come from!

The only game I have seen gotten this right is the trailer for The Last of Us where the player’s character crouched behind some cover facing the thread, he then popped up and fired his weapon. Also, you don’t just pop up from behind cover to completely out of cover to fire your weapon either, that is just ridiculous.  You edge out slowly than lean out with your weapon to minimize exposure.  I can’t find a good picture or video that demo the correct stance, so I am going to draw some stick figures.

So the yellow line is the edge of the cover, the stick figure is facing us (the enemy).  The red thing is the rifle pointing at us.  In the first image, he lines up at the edge of the cover, points the weapon to the edge of the cover in his normal stance.  In the second image, he sticks his left foot out to counter-balance his body weight for the lean.  In the third image, he turns his right knee inward and bends it so that it lines up under his body to support the weight, then leans his upper body out slow until he gets a clear shot at his target.  So all the enemy see is a small part of his head, and the gun barrel.   Try this at home, IT HURTS.

To clear a corner, you would do that, lean, unlean, edge out a little, than lean again, rinse and repeat until you clear the corner.

Below is a good solid crouch stance behind cover.   Imagine if there is a low wall in front of him approximately his height.  If he wants to minimize his profile, all he has to do is slowly lower himself down to sit on his right foot and straighten out the left leg.   When he needs to pop back up, he can quickly return to this position and fire over the cover.  Doing this also gives him complete control of how much of his profile he wants to expose over the cover while keeping his weapon up and facing the threat  Also, as a general rule of thumb, you should always try to shoot around cover instead of over cover because shooting over cover usually gives off a more contrasted profile.

So yeah, I don’t know why video games hasn’t gotten this control right yet.  It would really add a lot to shooting game’s mechanics if they do this correctly.  I heard RO2 has implemented a good version of this in first person.  I have not tried it yet, but kudos to them if they did it right.(source:gamasutra)

