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Kotaku:Realtime Worlds公司社交游戏项目突现神秘买家

发布时间:2010-09-08 15:10:08 Tags:,,

警察抓强盗游戏APB是英国游戏公司Realtime Worlds开发的一款大型多人在线网络游戏。由于资金短缺等各种问题,该公司今年正式宣布破产,目前进入了类似美国的破产重组阶段。


据BBC报导,Realtime Worlds公司一在宣布破产前总共聘有250名员工,而破产后,该公司仅聘用了23名前员工致力于MyWorld的制作,希望以此来吸引买家。

然而,除了买家是一家美国公司以外,Realtime Worlds没有透露更多信息。该公司的发言人也表示,除了MyTown已经成功出售这一事实以外,该公司无权透露更多的买方信息。

据部分谣言称,APB游戏的多次延期发售是致使Realtime Worlds公司倒闭的主要原因。



Realtime Worlds, the U.K. developer of cops-and-robbers title APB, has entered administration, which is somewhat analogous Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in the U.S.

While the firm’s administrator is looking for a buyer for the studio’s recent massively-multiplayer-online game APB, it has now sold a social gaming project it was working on called MyWorld. The project was first made public this past July.

According to the BBC, Realtime Worlds employed 250 workers until the collapse. It has re-employed 23 of its laid off staff to work on MyWorld in hopes of attracting a buyer.

However, it has not yet been revealed who purchased the social game other than it was an American company. “One hundred per cent confidentiality has been imposed by the company,” said a spokesperson. “MyWorld has been sold and unfortunately we cannot disclose any further details of the sale.”

According to a previous rumor, the studio went under due to APB’s multiple delays.(Source:Kotaku)


