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发布时间:2011-02-25 10:03:12 Tags:,,,,

据comScore最近发布的报告《澳大利亚互联网发展状况》(State of the Internet in Australia)显示,在2010年,澳大利亚网络用户约有1/5的在线时间用于浏览社交网站。






* 在2010年12月,微软网站最受澳大利亚用户青睐,接着分别是谷歌和Facebook网站。如果从用户访问网站停留的时间长度来看,Facebook位居榜首,紧随其后的分别是微软和谷歌网站。

* 2010澳大利亚零售网站的访问率比上一年更高,增长速度超过全球平均水平。亚马逊和苹果是当地访问率最高的零售网站。

* 团购网站在2010年吸引了更多澳洲用户。Cudo(MSN绑定的一个网站)在这一领域处于领先地位,在2010年12月,该网站的独立访问用户达41.8万人。

* 在2010年12月,有3/4的澳大利亚网络用户观看在线视频,而且用户在该月观看视频的平均时间超过了7个小时。

* 在2010年12月,将的1200万的澳大利亚用户使用在线搜索功能,平均每个用户的搜索量达115条,其中谷歌网站占总搜索量的80%。


comScore亚太地区执行副总裁Will Hodgman表示,“2010年是澳大利亚数字媒体行业活跃发展的一年。用户使用互联网的频率越来越高了,目的也很多样化,包括休闲娱乐,商业,新闻和信息以及聊天沟通等,数字媒体已经深深植入澳大利亚人的日常生活中。2011年将是一个持续创新和竞争加剧的一年,因为各种大牌企业更将在快速分散化的的数字环境中争夺用户的眼球。”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Australia spends most Internet time on Social Networking

A recent report released by comScore, Inc. on The State of the Internet in Australia reveals that Social Networking accounts for 1 of every 5 minutes spent online in Australia.

The study, which looks at the latest trends in digital consumer behavior in Australia was presented at a comScore-hosted industry event in Sydney.

Social networking activities account for 22% of the total time spent online had increased by 5.3% from the previous year.

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs

Additional insights from the report include:

In December 2010, Microsoft Sites led as the most-visited Internet property in Australia, followed by Google Sites and When looking at the top sites by total minutes spent, assumed the #1 spot followed by Microsoft Sites and Google Sites.

More Australians visited Retail sites compared to last year, outpacing increases in the global average. Amazon and Apple led as the most-visited retail destinations.

Group-buying sites continued to gain traction over the past year. Cudo, an MSN property, currently leads the space with 418,000 unique visitors in December 2010.

3 out of 4 online users in Australia watched online video in December 2010, with an average viewer watching more than 7 hours of video during the month.

Nearly 12 million Australians conducted an online search query in December, with an average searcher performing 115 queries. Google Sites accounted for 80 percent of searches in December.

Whether its for leisure or business, social media is playing an increasingly prominent role in Australians’ digital lives.

Will Hodgman, comScore executive vice president for the Asia Pacific region said, “2010 was dynamic year for the digital media industry in Australia. Consumers are turning to the Internet with increasing frequency for a vast array of activities including entertainment, commerce, news & information and communication, as digital media becomes embedded in the daily lives of Australians. Look for 2011 to be another year of continued innovation and increased competition as brands vie for consumers’ attention in this rapidly fragmenting digital environment.”(Source:Penn Olson)

