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发布时间:2010-12-03 13:31:54 Tags:,,,


另外Lunaforte还透露,公司在诺基亚Ovi Store的下载量共1000万次,在该平台上的收益十分可观。



Lunaforte通过旗下的Lunagames和AppSnacks两个品牌,推出了《Cube Touch XXL》、《BeZombied》和《Smell Scanner》等多款免费、付费手机游戏及应用,主要服务对象包括Symbain、iOS、黑莓和Android用户。

该公司首席执行官Richard Hazenberg表示,他们致力于推出简单、有趣而易操作的应用产品,大家的努力得到了广大用户的认可。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Lunaforte does more than 30 million downloads in 2010

How those app downloads mount up. Dutch developer Lunaforte has just announced it’s just passed 30 million downloads for the year, of which four million were in November.

This is very solid growth as it did eight million downloads during the whole of 2009, and four million downloads in the first three months of 2010.

Lunaforte also revealed it had done 10 million downloads on Nokia’s Ovi Store, and was operating profitably on the platform.

Come one, come all

The company releases dozens of free and paid games and apps such as Cube Touch XXL, BeZombied and Smell Scanner via its Lunagames and AppSnacks brands across platforms including Symbian, iOS, BlackBerry, and Android.

“Our dedication to Apps that are easy, fun and accessible to all has sparked a wave of consumer interest during 2010. I would like to thanks all users and our partners for making this possible,” commented CEO Richard Hazenberg.(source:pocketgamer)

